Meeting again

Anne, who was willing to have lunch with Mr. David Clarke, seemed to add to the warmth of the magnificent house. Usually Mr. David was only accompanied by Luis and Noah at every meal, but this time there were Doctor Caitlyn and Anne who joined the lunch together.

"Please don't hesitate, Doc," said Mr. David quietly to Doctor Caitlyn as he gave a large plate of roast mutton from the best lamb towards her.

"Yes sir, I'll have another serving later. I haven't even finish my plate," replied Doctor Caitlyn slowly, gently refusing Mr. David Clarke's offer. 

"Okay, but do have some more, Doc. It feels so nice to have so many people sitting with me at a meal like this," said Mr. David Clarke with a big smile. 

Anne felt a little uncomfortable, because during her stay in that place, she had always refused the man's invitation to eat together, that was why she felt a little awkward at the moment, especially hearing the words that the good man had just said.