Back in England

"Fuck...married, how can I marry a woman who mentions another man's name while making love to me? There's no way that would happen, I wouldn't be able to marry her. There are still many women out there waiting to be my bedmates," Alan thought full of emotion while riding his motorbike on the highway to his private villa. 

Alan was very upset with his grandfather, who asked him to marry Anne. His desire to force Anne to return to the villa instantly disappeared. 

Meanwhile, Mr. David Clarke still looked sad when he heard the refusal of his grandson. Even though he was very sure that his grandson wanted to marry Anne, seeing from the way he broke through the security defense prepared by Luis. 

"Calm down, sir, don't despair. Give the young master a little time. I'm sure he's just shocked. Later on, after he calms down, he will definitely change his mind," said Luis quietly calming the master.