"Only I am Allowed"

Noah sat in the back garden, watching Anne enjoyed some pancakes and a glass of warm almond milk. He still couldn't believe that his young master's wife was really hungry.

"Slow down, Miss, I won't ask," Noah said in a half-whisper, like Anne's previous request no one should know that she was currently eating.

"I'm so hungry, Noah," said Anne honestly.

"Why didn't you eat yesterday, Miss? Was the food at the party yesterday not to your taste?" Noah asked curiously.

Anne immediately stunned and her hand, which had lifted to put a piece of pancake to her mouth, froze. She slowly put her fork on the plate and looked at Noah with teary eyes. "How can I eat, Noah? Marrying a man who has ruined your future is a nightmare. From the start, I never wanted this marriage, I just wanted to forget it and go back to where I came from to live a normal life. Even though everything is not as normal as before, but at least, I can get rid of that terrible monster."