God's Beautiful Destiny

Aaron, who was in a meeting with his men, was smiling several times while checking his cell phone, so Daniel had to take over the course of the meeting. Seeing his boss like that made the Connery Corporation employees, who were in a meeting, confused, their boss was not usually like that.

"Okay, the meeting ends here. For further details, I will send them to each of your emails," said Daniel slowly, ending the meeting.

One by one, the employees started to leave the meeting room, leaving Daniel and Aaron. Even though the meeting wasn't completely over, but they could only obey when Daniel ended the meeting, because it was useless for the meeting continued when the big boss wasn't focus on the meeting. 


"Actually, what are you doing, Boss? I noticed that lately you've been acting like this," Daniel rebuked loudly. He had run out of patience with Aaron, who had been acting strange for the past few days.