Let’s Separate! 

Anne sat on the hotel room balcony looking out at the port of Tromso. The hotel where they are staying is very close to the sea. 

"Tonight we can hunt the Aurora and the Milky way." Alan suddenly said from behind her, which startling her.

"The Aurora? The Milky Way?"

"Yes, these two natural phenomena can be seen directly in this city. You will definitely like them," replied Alan confidently. 

"Do people often come to this town because of that?" Anne asked Alan again with great curiosity.

Alan smiled. He then took a sip of the coffee in his hand. "It seems that, apart from hunting for these beautiful natural phenomena, Tromso is also the perfect place for a honeymoon. Just like what we did."

Anne's face immediately felt hot when she heard Alan's words. Even though she didn't like this marriage, but every time he talked about the honeymoon, she was still nervous. There was an uneasy feeling in her heart.