The Same Arrogant Man 

< London, England >

Everyone in Linda and Paul's apartment was shocked to see Anne and Linda returned home with Alan. Even Mr. David Clarke blinked his eyes several times when he saw the grandson was sitting in front of him.

"I'm not a ghost, Grandpa, you don't need to look at me like that," said Alan curtly. He felt uncomfortable to be constantly stared at continuously by his grandfather.

"I just still can't believe that you are in London. Don't you have an important meeting today with those vendors who will be involved in the project in Dubai?"

"Yes it is, but it can't be helped. My wife and grandfather have conspired to go on vacation without me, so don't blame me if I follow right away."

"I'm not on vacation, Alan. I just wanted to see Linda, nothing more." Anne finally joined in, interrupting Mr. David Clarke and Alan's conversation.