
After flying for 1 hour 10 minutes, Alan's private jet finally arrived at Findel Airport, Luxembourg. About 20 well-built men wearing all black lined up beside the plane to welcome their master. They immediately lowered their heads when they saw Alan coming down the stairs while hugging Anne tightly.

"We're going back to my villa ..."

"No, to Grandpa's house," said Anne, quickly cutting Alan's words as she was about to get into the car.

Alan looked at Anne gently. "We are married, Anne. How can we live in the same house with Grandpa? We have our own house, Anne."

Anne did not respond to Alan's words. She just gripped her husband's arm tightly. Anne thought back to what Alan had done to her in the villa.

"Hey ... What's wrong with you?" asked Alan in surprise. He felt that something was wrong with Anne.