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Hearing Alan's words made Anne even more scared. The memories of that terrible night came back to her mind. Back then, Alan had also forced her to take off her clothes. Anne, who had resigned herself to getting abused again from Alan, suddenly fell silent when she didn't feel Alan's presence on the bed. Her clothes were also still intact. Out of curiosity, Anne finally opened her eyes slowly and was surprised to see Alan already kneeling on the floor right in front of the bed with his head down. He had even taken off almost all of his clothes and wearing only his Calvin Klein boxer shorts.

"What are you doing?" asked Anne in a faint voice.

"I'm waiting for your punishment." Alan answered without lifting his face.

Anne's brow furrowed. "Punishment? What punishment?"

Alan slowly lifted his face and looked at Anne who was sitting on the bed. "My punishment for having hurt you so bad back then."