Not Giving Up

Accompanied by Luis, who pushed a cart filled with ingredients to make Käsekuchen, Anne walked vigorously around the supermarket. Being in the crowd made the nausea and dizziness that had been bothering her instantly disappear.

"Is there something missing, Madam?" Luis asked slowly to Anne, as they walked in the fruit aisle. 

Anne who was looking at the row of fresh fruits in front of her did not respond to Luis' words. She was too busy thinking about what fruit she wanted. Suddenly, all the expensive and fresh fruits looked unattractive in her eyes.

"These fruits are not fresh anymore, Luis, let's go somewhere else," said Anne slowly as she stepped back into the aisle of other fresh ingredients.

Luis raised an eyebrow. He then looked at the row of fresh fruits that Anne had just seen.

"Not fresh anymore? How come? These fruits have just arrived this morning." Luis spoke to himself as he continued to stare at the fruits in front of him.