Baiting the Hungry Lion

Anne sat on the sofa while massaging her aching head. She still couldn't believe what she was seeing.

A large digital screen displaying photos of her was currently installed in the house!

It was fixed, Jack was out of his mind.

"Please have some tea, Madam. This tea will help you calm down," said a maid, offering Anne a cup of chamomile tea.

Anne smiled. "Thank you."

Not long after that, the maid left Anne and resumed her work. When passing through the door, the maid ran into Nicholas who had just come down from the second floor.

"If you are tired, you can rest right away, Madam."

Anne turned to Nicholas who was now standing in front of her. "I still can't understand how he could put something like that in the house? Why don't you stop him, Nick? It's too much."

"What's too much?" Jack, who was standing on the steps, suddenly interrupted Anne's conversation.