[Bonus chapter]The Anger of a Wife 2 

After Anne came out, Jack immediately sat on his chair. He was seen clenching his hands on the table. Jack still couldn't believe that Giselle actually liked him, while he had thought that Giselle didn't have any feelings for him. Because Giselle had always said that she was currently in a relationship with a man her parents introduced her to, so Jack was still in shock when he heard Giselle's confession a few moments ago. It turned out that what Anne said was true, Giselle really had feelings for him. Jack's thoughts were lost when Erick entered the meeting room.

"Are you all right, sir?"

Jack smiled. "I'm fine, Erick. Just a little surprised. I really didn't expect Giselle to have feelings for me. I thought she was sincerely friends with me, I was so stupid. If I had known Giselle had feelings for me, I probably wouldn't have come to her two years ago and asked her to replace Alice to be my secretary."