Chester Lloyd's Message

Alice's face was still as red as a tomato when Jack arrived at the office, hearing the good news of Alice's return to Muller Finance International. Jack was on his way to work with Anne. Jack decided not to leave Anne in the next few days. He was still afraid that Chester would see Anne again, even though Anne had said that she would never leave him, but still Jack couldn't keep his calm. Jack knew very well who Chester Lloyd was, who had just been appointed as the new secretary general of the United Nations.

"Are you serious about coming back, Alice? I'm so happy, so I won't be alone now," said Anne happily for the umpteenth time as she tightly gripped Alice's hand.

"That I haven't..."

"Haven't what?" asked Anne quickly.

"Alice is still embarrassed, Madam, you shouldn't tease her like that," Nicholas answered quickly in response to Anne's words.