[Bonus chapter]Honeymoon Again

Jack stopped his steps when Anne suddenly hugged him from behind.


"Don't go, I'm sorry," said Anne quietly from behind Jack's back.

Immediately, a smile appeared on Jack's face. He quickly turned around to look at Anne who was bowing her head.

"What did you say, Anne? I didn't hear you." 


Anne threw a punch at Jack's chest using her left hand with a bit of force so that Jack gave a small shriek. He immediately used his hand to hold his chest. However, because Jack forgot that the chest that Anne had hit was the right side, he held onto his left chest instead.

"My heart hurts..."

"Stupid, I hit your right chest. Not your left chest!!" said Anne annoyed.

"Oh really?" Jack asked innocently.


Jack's laughter finally broke. He then immediately hugged Anne tightly. Time and time again, Jack landed a kiss on Anne's forehead, like a couple who had just met after being apart for so long.