I Know All Your Suffering 

< Melbourne airport, 20.45 PM >

"Are you kidding me, Jack?!"

Anne shouted loudly for the umpteenth time at Jack when she realized she was in Melbourne, Australia. Anne regretted being sweet to her husband.

Jack, who just got off his jet plane, smiled sweetly as he removed his sunglasses.

"Jack, why are you silent?! Explain to me what this means?" cried Anne again.

"What else should I explain? Didn't I already answer all your questions on the plane?"

"Come on Jack, stop joking. I'm serious, why did you kidnap me so far? There is Christian at home," said Anne in a rising voice. She was annoyed to see Jack's relaxed attitude that seemed innocent.

Jack chuckled. He then stepped down the stairs to approach Anne, who was already on the ground, standing with her hands on her hips.

"If there is Christian at home, why is that?" asked Jack quietly as he stood in front of Anne.