[Bonus chapter]Don't Leave Me 

Three days had passed, and Anne and Jack were really enjoying their vacation together without any disturbance. For both work and Christian, Jack had asked Erick and Luis to handle everything while they were both in Australia. Luckily, Christian was already attached to Luis, so he no longer cried hysterically looking for his mother. Alice also helped Luis, as she still lived in the mansion. She took care of Christian very well.

Anne looked at her sleep-deprived face in front of the dressing mirror in the room. Since she woke up early in the morning she couldn't sleep anymore. Anne had missed her son too much. She was still upset about last night's incident where no one answered her phone, while she wanted to talk to Christian to unwind. That was why Anne had woken up early in the morning.

"Babe..." Jack groaned hoarsely from the bed, the man was looking for Anne with his eyes still closed.

"I'm here," answered Anne quietly without turning her head.