Precious Moments

When Anne arrived home, she was surprised by the presence of Doctor Caitlyn, who was sitting quietly with Jack and Luis in the living room. Anne spontaneously ran to one of the best doctors in the Clarke family, causing Jack and Luis to get up at the same time.

"You haven't changed, Doc, you're still as beautiful as ever," said Anne softly, praising Doctor Caitlyn's appearance, which was still the same as three years ago.

Doctor Caitlyn touched Anne's face gently. "You really are a great woman, Anne. I'm proud of you."

Anne's face reddened, she knew what the doctor was talking about. "That's also because of your help, Doc."

Doctor Caitlyn shook her head with a smile. "No, didn't I say from the start that it all depends on you. But never mind, let's not talk about it anymore. The most important thing is that your son has grown amazingly now."

"Have you met Christian, Doc?"