A Stranger

Jack just finished the meeting when the sun had set. Because of the many things he had to discuss, they only just realized that the meeting had lasted for hours.

"After this, all your assets will be safe, sir," said Luis quietly as he watched the group of Swiss National Bank officials disappear behind the elevator.

Jack smiled. "I hope so, Luis. I have to make sure Christian and his sister get their fair share of rights."

"Don't worry, sir. Even though you and the madam have ten children, all the money belonging to the Clarke family will not be gone even if they all splurge the money, so you don't have to worry," said Luis quickly.

"No, Luis, I don't want to have that many children. I can't bear to see Anne in pain, I will only receive as much as God has given without having to plan that much. But if God really gives us that many offspring, we'll accept that," said Jack smiling as he stepped into his room to meet Anne and Christian.