A Woman's Words

< Luxembourg Airport >

A jet plane with the inscription CLARKE landed nicely at Findel Airport, Luxembourg. Jack and Anne got off the plane after five other members of the Warriors got off first. Previously, Anne was running, looking for Jack who was exercising with the members of the Warrior. With tears in her eyes, Anne forced Jack to take her to see Christian. She had a bad feeling about her first son, especially since they had not seen each other for a long time.

Jack, who had previously given orders to Luis to tighten guard on Christian, couldn't refuse Anne's request, her maternal instincts were really strong at this time.

"Jack, I'm not at all calm. What's wrong?" Anne had kept saying the same lines ever since their plane entered Luxembourg airspace.

"It's okay, it's just your feelings. Christian is fine with Luis. Didn't we have a video call with him earlier?"