24 Months 

"After having a cesarean delivery, you should wait at least six months to a year before getting pregnant again. WHO recommends that the ideal distance between pregnancy is 24 months to reduce the risk of endangering the lives of mother and baby. This time interval is actually also recommended for mothers who gave birth vaginally. This 24 month period is considered ideal for post-delivery wound healing. Caesarean section is a major surgery and the recovery time varies from person to person. The longer the interval, the lower the risk of complications in the next birth. Our bodies lose a lot of nutrients during cesarean delivery. That's why it takes time to get them back."

Anne gripped her fingers tightly as she recalled the words of Doctor Rebeca, the obstetrician recommended by Doctor Caitlyn. One thing that Anne was grateful for from her meeting with Doctor Rebeca was that she was not pregnant, even though after her last period, Jack didn't let her go at all.