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Even though the sun was already very high, Anne was still very reluctant to open her eyes, although her sleeping position looked very uncomfortable at the moment. The maids, who had been busy, had been asked not to make any noise so as not to wake Anne up. Even the large curtains covering the windows on the first floor had not been opened so that the atmosphere remained comfortable for Anne to sleep in.

Jack, who had arrived two hours ago, even really enjoyed the view this morning. All his tiredness disappeared when he saw Anne still sleeping in bed.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Jack said softly as Anne started to squirm.

It took Anne a few seconds to digest the sentence she had just heard. When she regained her consciousness, Anne immediately opened her eyes and was surprised to see her husband sitting in front of her, smiling warmly and very handsomely. Damn, one week without seeing him, how come Jack's handsomeness had increased tenfold?
