Meet the Old Friend

Anne who was carrying a golden retriever dog up to Jack's room was surprised when she heard the name of the dog she was carrying came from a man who was her husband's guest.

"Snowee, come here, boy!" Edgar called out to Snowee, whose rein was held by Anne.

Understanding the master's call, the clever dog immediately ran to his master. Luckily, Anne didn't hold on to Snowee's leash so strong, so when the dog ran, the leash she was holding slipped from her hand, so Snowee was not injured.

Seeing his dog coming, Edgar immediately knelt down and greeted his beloved dog with a big smile. Accompanied for the last three years by Snowee made Edgar loved his beloved dog very much.


"Yes, he's the one who has guided me everywhere I go, Jack." Edgar cut Jack off with a smile, enjoying the lick after lick that Snowee gave him.

Jack smiled as he slowly reached his hand out to Snowee. "Good boy! Thanks for taking care of him, smart boy."