[Bonus chapter]Give Me a Brother 

After talking at length with Doctor Rebecca, finally the contraceptive implant that was implanted in Anne's arm was removed. During the process of removing the contraceptive, Jack continued to hold Anne's other hand with sparkling eyes. He really couldn't wait to have another child with Anne.

"Okay, you can sit up, Madam," said Doctor Rebecca gently after successfully removing the contraceptive from Anne's hand.

With Jack's help, Anne slowly got up from the examination bed and sat back down in the chair opposite Rebecca's doctor.

After thanking the doctor who had helped them, Jack and Anne left the place to return home. There were many important things that Anne had to do after the contraceptive implant was removed. That was why Jack immediately took Anne home.

"You remember all Doctor Rebecca orders, don't you?" Jack asked gently to Anne who was already leaning her head on the back of the chair.

Anne nodded her head slowly. "I remember."