Chapter 6

"That was one perfect lecture. I did not know that blonde was a Dataniel. She is going to inherit the throne."

"I always wondered why we had a two-fold hierarchy in politics the human and vampiral. It's odd because the human comprises people that were elected and stuff but the vampiral still follow the archaic bloodline policy. And why are they more powerful. Also, the whole discussion about their belief that they are immortal humans is so odd. They legit put up the whole supernatural pretense about themselves." Athena said laughing.

Freda merely smiled uncomfortably aware that she could not talk about this topic to Athena, yet.

"So, Athena. The Grey's are throwing a welcome party today at their mansion. I am friend of Daniel's so I got the invite. Would you like to join me?"

"Yes, that sounds like fun."

"So which is your next class?"

"Psychology 101"

"Damn that's a good class. I got fencing"

"I would kill to learn how to fence."

"You don't already know? Besides it's taken by an older student here, Christian Grey. Daniels older brother. He is so hot and yet so broody. And bloody rude if you ask me. But, he is a great guy, so I tolerate him. Besides, he is the only Grey available."

Somehow, when Freda mentioned the name Christian Grey, Athena's heart skipped a beat. It had happened when 'mean girl' had mentioned his name in the class too. Athena did not understand her uncanny reaction to a name that she had never heard before and had certainly never put a face to.

"Daniel has a girlfriend?"

"No. Daniel is not interested in girls. Wait, I think I see him…"

Freda frantically waved at a tall boy. Freda was right it was a shame that Daniel was gay, because he was beautiful. He had curly brown hair that kept falling on his forehead almost covering those ochre brown eyes that melted behind.

But what drew Athena's attention was the boy standing beside him. It was her Bugatti.

With a sly smile plastered on her face Athena waked swaying her hips a little more, drawing his attention. As he helplessly stared at her again. His jet black hair was straight and sticking out in all directions like he had just gotten out of bed and hadn't bothered with his hair since. It looked effortlessly sexy. Which was a strong contrast to his beautiful blue eyes; there was nothing effortless about them. Nay they were the eyes of a man who had seen the world. As if they were as old as the oceans itself. Drowned in sorrow and lust. His back stood up straight and his posture uptight the minute he heard Athena call him out. The easy smile that he sported a few minutes ago turned shy before it was completely lost.


His cheeks turned a light shade of pink with embarrassment as he said, "Yes, mon amour"

Athena leaned in a little closer to Arsenio this time, letting her body brush against his. She heard him suck in breath immediately reacting to the closeness of their bodies.

To torture him further Athena rested her palms over his chest for balance as she pushed herself on her toes so that her lips would brush against his ear.

"It's Athena. But, you can call me Tia"

He groaned in response.

"Well you two look cozy!"

Freda exclaimed.

"Yeah I met Bugatti at Starbucks yesterday."

"My name is Arsenio mon amour"

"So we are having this welcome to Tuscany High party today at the mansion. Will you be joining Freda?"

"I suppose I will."

"Then, I am guessing Arsenio will find himself suddenly interested in the party?"

Arsenio blushed again before just walking away without a word.

Daniel thrust his hand towards Athena and introduced himself.

"I am Daniel. The younger of the Grey bloodline. You must be Aliqua, I mean Athena."

"Yes I am"

Athena did not like the dull hum drum of party's but for some reason tonight she was excited like, her heart was in on a secret that her mind was not told. Athena assumed it could be because of Bugatti. She imagined getting him a little tipsy as his lips stumbled on her. That ought to be fun.

Straightening her red dress and applying the last touch of lip gloss Athena made her way to the party. The Grey Mansion was on Remington Street of Agaracia. This was effectively two streets away from her mansion. So, she walked there. The loud noise of music could be heard from her street which only grew louder as she got closer. Athena was alone as had been expected but it felt like she was being followed. Like she was being watched. And yet it felt safe. Loved even which is a strange association with the situation. She was no expert but it felt like the kind of situation where a normal person's reaction would be to feel scared. To run not want to stay.

As if that wasn't enough Athena stood still for a moment. It felt like someone held his breath when she turned. Like a pair of hungry eyes had begun to have their fill of lust and affection as they watched her. Athena smiled to the invisible force that stood invisible in the shadows and said, "I want you here. I always will."

It was a strange thing to say to the darkness of the night Athena knew that. It was a strange feeling but yet when she said it; it felt right. Then, without turning Athena walked the rest of the way to the party.