Chapter 8

Athena could almost smell the musk of his skin surrounding her senses since the moment she walked in. Like he lived here. But, she didn't know who that he was. Or that if he even existed.

But, Athena found herself looking for him, but the intensity of his presence was so strong she could not find him.

"Looking for us?" Daniel asked me cockily. Trying to insinuate that Athena was looking for Bugatti and she really wished that she was. For he was solid. He was real.

"Maybe…" Athena trailed off.

Her eyes fell on Arsenio and she momentarily forgot what she was looking for. He looked like pure sex tonight. The shirt he wore looked torn open as it missed quite a few buttons exposing his carved chest and abs. The defined lines drawing Athena's eyes to them against her will, holding her captive. She wanted to stop looking at him. She did not want to react so shamelessly to his body but Athena couldn't help it. She felt her arousal pool between her legs and slip down her thighs. Biting down on her lip Athena forcibly dragged her gaze to his. Seeing his eyes mirror her lust.

"Hello…" Arsenio groaned his Spanish accent becoming thicker with his arousal.

She wondered what he would sound like were she to touch him. Kiss those swollen lips into oblivion. Till he groaned her name and forgot the taste of the woman, he kissed moments before Athena arrived.

Arsenio had closed the distance between them while she was still in a trance. He bent his head so that when he spoke his lips brushed against the shell of her ear.

"¡Dios! ¡Puedo oírte! Si tan solo supieras cómo tus pensamientos me están despertando en este momento ... cómo puedo oler me respondes ... cómo quiero abrir tus piernas aquí y enterrar mi nariz entre tus labios ... si tan solo pudiera decir tú..."

God! I can hear you! If you only knew how your thoughts were arousing me right now… how I can smell you respond to me… how I can't help but wish that I could spread your legs right here and bury my nose between your lips… if only I could tell you all of this…

His voice had dropped a few decibels to sound deeper than it was when he spoke. Athena did not understand what he was trying to tell her, but she scarily believed she would have paid attention to his words anyways. The warmth of his body against her coupled with the deep seductive way he spoke rendered Athena senseless. Her mind had begun to form images of carnal sin. Responding to this beautiful creature in ways she could not comprehend.

He left right after without as much as a goodbye, leaving her body alive with the tingling after effects of his voice. Athena knew now that she would like to fuck him someday as he moaned in Spanish. Telling her how he wanted to fuck her.

Athena felt a surge of red hot heat, different from her arousal. She recognized the wave of anger and jealousy that the energy held. Musk had seen her and he did not like the way Athena had reacted. She almost imagined the tick against his prominent jaw.

Heard the pulsing vein on his neck above the noise of the music.

It scared her. The crystal clear image of the man that formed in front of her eyes. She imagined it to be him, Christian. Her Christian that always left behind the smell of musk.

Daniel picked up a glass from the table close by and handed it to Athena with knowing smile.

"Considering your main source of entertainment tonight left you high and dry… my apologies high and wet… You might need this…"

Laughing Daniel Grey left Athena alone with her thoughts.

Athena downed the glass of Whiskey and whatever else was mixed in it in a gulp and made her way to the dance floor to find Freda. Spotting her in the center talking to a group of girls, Athena stood beside her.

"Yes… he was so good! But, I don't know why he suddenly left. One moment we were kissing and my hands were ripping his shirt apart and he looks up. I don't know what he saw but he suddenly lost interest in our little on the floor make out and just left."

Athena turned to face that girl, innocently pretending to like she did not know that the girl was talking about Arsenio. Pretending like him leaving a girl on a dance floor because of her did not do something to her heart. Athena nonchalantly asked who she was talking about.

"Arsenio… who else could make a girl so weak on her knees by just a kiss?"

"There is Christian." One of the girls announced.

"Probably even Daniel. Though he won't let us women taste him!" another girl chimed.

"And we always have Loren Blake!"

"Who is Christian?" Athena asked.

Realizing the blood rushed to her cheeks again as she said his name. Athena did not understand her reaction to it but because it had no logical explanation aside from the similarity with his name to the man Athena kept dreaming about. So, she simply chose to ignore it.

"Only the most beautiful man to have ever walked on earth!" All the girls chimed in unison.

"Yet, we don't stand a chance with him! Except I guess sometimes when he is in the mood he will… well fuck some pretty girl… but it's never sweet."

"but it's still orgasmic!"

"Oh yes it is!"

"I wonder what it's like to kiss him."

"How is it that some of you have had sex with him but never kissed him?"

"Well he doesn't like to be touched or kissed. No one knows why…"

The girls passed around a round of cups which everyone all downed in a go and decided to join the dance floor.

Athena danced to loud pulsing beat of the music, feeling the music wash over her skin. Feeling the liquor reach her brain, slowly her down. Making Athena less aware of her surroundings. Despite that she felt it. The electricity of the air as her unseen force walked to her. The sparks turning to explosions with every step he got closer until he was behind her.

Athena could feel his breath on her neck. His fingers touch the air that surrounded her. Close but never touching, like he was scared that Athena would disappear if he did. She began to turn around, to immediately feel his hands on hips impeding her movement. His body aligned against hers as he whispered in her ear, "Not yet…please… don't look at me just yet."

Athena closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. Letting the teasing fire of their connection make her dizzy. Blurring her vision further, intoxicating her more than the alcohol did. She do not behave like this but this was different he was different. Athena felt like they were meant to be. That she like Aya was created to fall in love with him, belong to him.


"Because you will go away when you see me. I don't know what it is about that makes me feel helpless. That gives me hope that maybe; just maybe I can be loved. That you could love me. But, that same thing terrifies me, my love. Because I know its madness to hope such thing. I don't know I don't repulse you already. Your body might not recognize me but your soul does. Deep down you would recognize me as the devil. But, somehow you haven't recognized me yet. And I worry that this hope that you have aroused in me will die the moment you look at my hideous face. Be repulsed by the monstrosity that is my face and run. It will break me. And so please allow me this one moment of happiness, which I know I do not deserve and let me dance with you. Without being seen."

"let me turn around. I promise to keep my eyes closed. Let me just rest my head against your chest. Feel that peace in all the chaos. I know it sounds crazy but I have felt you before. I recognize your smell. Its musk. You always smell like musk. I don't know how I know that. Or why every time you are near me I feel safe. I feel like I am home. I know you followed me. Not because I saw you but because I could feel you. I know you watch me in my room sometimes…"

Athena turned around, her eyes still closed and buried her face in his chest, knowing well even now that only was this conversation weird but judging by the fogginess of her mind that she might not remember it tomorrow. That this might not even be a real conversation. But, the thing was her mind was in utter chaos and for this one moment she felt at peace. There complete silence. And something more. Something she could not define in words.