A new start

"I guess so what happened is that--" Chara told paps everything about it. "Hmm seems like my help is needed here insted this timeline is interesting" G thought as he looked at frisk. "I need to keep them apart or else it could be all gone, screw not bieng able to reset" Frisk thought, "SO YOUR SAYING THAT THIS HAS ALL HAPPEND BEFROE" "Yes can you be quiter" "sorry human chara but why would frisk do this" "Cuase she can with no conqsues yet i want to know why she blammed me and not erase the genocide memroys.". "kid can you tell me why'd you reset?" "Shit what do i say" thought Frisk "Cuase i died" "and who did it" "I couldnt see there face" Frisk said nerveos. "look kid if you see anything out of the ordanry get me don't try and solve it your self" "I won't sans" repield Frisk. "child" "who said that?" frisk qustend "Why i did" "who are you" frisk said as she turrned to see a man with a craked head "Dr.Gaster and im here to help you" "How?" "By hopefully weaking this inporster so you can get contraol back" "But they alrdey have my soul without that i cant return" "Why chara lached on to a soul without one i suggest laching on to chara's half soul" "But they would hate me i may have not blamed them but i still did the frist few genocides" "im sure they would love your compny" "I'll try" frisk felt amses pain but then nothing. "Frisk?" "but how your overthere."