Constant annoyance

"Why are both these plans shit don't you have ANY other's" Void yelled out. "Sadly child i do not" "Ughh ok lets try the fixing the machine thingy, bye" Void replied highly annoyed by this "I have a plan!" Void screamed out at everyone present in chara's room, "Holy shit frisk lower your voice or sans might hear you, but you have a plan what is it" chara replied 'calmly' "CHARA WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO A WALL" papyrus said questioning. "I told you twice already be quiet and im not talking to a wall, frisk show yourself" Void appeared out of thin air "Wowie another human!" Papyrus said surprised, "Ughh the two of you are so fucking stupid just spit out your god damn plan!" flowery yelled getting annoyed by the constant noise. "PAPYRUS IS NOT STUPID HE'S CUTE" Chara replied forcefully "Oh chara's got a cr-" SMACK "Ow what was that for?" "I do not and if you don't stop ill hit you again, but azzy was right about the plan what is it?" "Well ok!, The plan's that we have to fix the machine in sans lab." "Thats all the way in snowdin" Chara replied "Its the best plan we got" Void retaliated though knowing it wasn't but she refused to kill anybody again never again, "Well it won't work the things completely broken i spent almost 4 whole resets on trying to fix it!" Flowery countered "Wait that weird grey thing in the back of are house?" Papyrus asked "Yes?" Void replied questionably, "Oh i know how to fix it." "WHAT" Void, Flowey and Chara yelled in surprise. "How do you?!" Void yelled "The great papyrus helped on making it with my lazy brother come to think of it he never said what it was for i mostly helped cause it was one of the few times sans wasn't lazy." Void and Chara where in awe "And you never told me when i asked if you knew how to fix it on my resets!" "You never told me what machine." Papyrus replied in his defense "Well lets get going then!" Void yelled which woke chara from her daydream "huh oh ok" Chara replied dazed Void disappeared as they opened the door but then sans appeared in front of them "where do you think YOU going" ""Anywhere i please." Chara retaliated "I need to be 'less mean' to him if i want to gain his trust." she thought. "yha no you're staying here till i figure out who the fuck that entity is" "PAPYRUS YOUR BROTHER'S BEING A PIECE OF SHIT COME GET HIM!" "Hmph not till i get answer kiddo" sans said as the doors locked "so what the energy beside you" "Uhhh its uh fuck" Chara didn't know what to say "CHARA COME ON WE GOING TO SNOWDON" Papyrus yelled as he teleported into the room "SANS WHY IS YOUR SOCK STILL ON THE FLOOR IT'S BEEN THERE SINCE WE MOVED" "sorry bro" "We're going now" Chara said as she grabbed papyrus hand and rushed out of the room when they got outside she realized what she just did and she started blushing papyrus noticed "Chara why are you cheeks redder than usual?" papyrus questioned "Oh its uhh nothing yha nothing" "Don't seem that way" Void whispered in her ear. Chara just gave a stare "We're here!" Flowery yelled. Everyone walked in side well besides void she floated though the wall "Well how do we fix it?" "Oh you do t h i s" Papyrus voice slowed then just stopped "It's gone." "WHAT A BIG ASS MACHINE DOESN'T JUST DISAPPEAR WHERE THE HELL IS IT" Chara yelled, "Other me could have so could sans" Void suggested "So any other ideas" "None we finding that machine no matter the cost" Void replied hoping that she never has to use her backup, "Ughh why the fuck did i expect anything to work the first time!" Chara said annoyed "I can ask my brother?" "Yes please also im coming with" "Wait why do you wanna go with paps is is du-" " NO it's just that sans won't try anything as long as im with papyrus and mabye something else" Chara replied with the last part being rather quiet "Oh you have a cr-" "i got the stupid machine start fixing it" Flowey interpreted "Wait how" "Don't ask" 2 hours later "Finally done" "Time to turn it on" Void said as she activated i, a loud nosie erupted. Chara fainted. When she awoke she was in the void? "Where am i?" "Wait the void but how" "Hello child you have returned" "What are you talking about" "Oh i see you're not frisk your chara that means the saves corrupt very very interesting didn't expect this outcome" Gaster responded "How do we fix this then" "Load a backup but we need to gain the parts to do it" "What do we neOW what the fuck was that for" Chara screamed out when gaster poked her. "Well determination is the main component necessary we still need a machine to harness the raw determination." "Chara chara where are you" "Frisk is that you wher-" "Don't listen to that its not frisk its the void but we still need one more thing" Gaster interpreted "And what is that just stop delaying it's kinda getting on my nerves first the plans got delayed and then it fucking failed and-" "Frisk saw you blush while holding papyrus hand and called yo-" "You shouldn't even know that and stop interrupting me every five seconds!" "Child i can see almost everything and it's so you don't say things that i already know as that gets annoying very quickly" Gaster retaliated almost immediately "Well what's the last thing." "Oh why a sacrifice" "What?!" "You must give someone who helped you up before loading your choices are papyrus or flowey." "What's going to happen to them!" "They'll stop helping and believing in you so" Gaster stated firmly that this is the only way " "Ok flowey then" Chara responded "I can't lose papyrus not again" She thought "Then the choice is made time to load"