"Why'd i try and rush thing's now be probably has suspicions ughh if only i could reset why the fuck did they have to come back fucking frisk!" Frisk thought "Why'd i fight why'd i even care that mettatons here" Chara thought outloud "Cause you love papyrus" "Frisk! What the fuck why now, why didn't you try and stop me from fighting" Chara said stunned at void being here "Well mabye the fact that they stopped me and even went she didn't would they believe that im me!" Void defended herself "But why'd you tell them about what happened you still had lots to lose you just made the job harder" "Oh really i have lots to lose, BULLSHIT' I fucking lost most of it when everything reset only something's stayed then i had to erase floweys belief in me to recover a broken save not only that but now mettaton is with papyrus so i have a high chance of losing him to what the fuck else is there to lose!?" Chara snapped at void "I-I don't know but we can't give up we can sti-" "Why tho even if it does work they going to think it was you i killed!" "Just give up frisk like-" Chara was interrupted by someone "i did" Both void and chara turned at that voice and saw a short skeleton "SANS! Oh for fucks sake what could be worse than this whats next i have to eat someone's heart" Chara said originally surprised sans being here but quickly changed to sarcasm "hey is that anyway to treat a old pal" sans responded "What do you want now if it involves me answering questions get out" "welp don't really care if you want me gone i want answers and they better be the truth" Chara just audibly groaned "so im assumes i can start who truly is that beside you? then you can ask me one deal" "Deal, That's frisk the real frisk so don't fuck it up ok, My question is why do you believe EVERYTHING that frisk says?" "well they're normal trustworthy soo, What the hell do you mean that's frisk?" "Well aren't you a dense one thats the real frisk!" "You two do know im NOT an object right?" Was all void had to say about these questions "oh for fucks sake just explain it all then" Twenty minutes later "so syou saying th-" "SANS GASTER WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN SNOWDIN WITH HER!" Frisk yelled though the door "welp guess that's my cue to leave see ya" sans said as he teleported away "SANS WHAT YOU DOING THERE!?" "chill out i was just getting something's" "Ugh then just get us back to the surface then" "Well looks like we have a chance at success now frisk you should alert gaster" "Got yha" Void replied before disappearing into the void "Gaster you there we need to talk!" Void announced "Hello child what is it that you need" "Thank god your still here i came to tell you something but i have a few of my own questions for you number 1 what does chara mean by having to erase floweys memories what memories and what broken save file?" Frisk demanded answers to her questions "Well thought i told her not to talk about that guess i didn't well if you must know then floweys memories of him helping chara from this and the reset have been erased and so have yours and everyone else besides chara and the broken save was created when the save point that was made by the machine tried to autosave the file but with three different determined entries caused the save to break in which i used to my advantage by making chara sacrifice ethier papyrus's or flowey's memories of them ever helping them out is that all you wanted" Was gasters reply void was surprised by that she didn't expect this "He tricked her what an ass she could've just left for fucks sake i got to get more answer's" Frisk thought "Why did i 'die' then why are you doing this to us." Void asked "Well observant child but you didn't technically die though you just lost control of you thoughts meaning YOU ARE THERE FAKE and they're real, frisk has gone almost crazy and you are just a replicate not even a proper copy and why im doing this isn't it obvious its fun and entertaining but sadly i no longer control this universe" G said right before void disappeared into the universe "No there's no way that im fake and they're real" Void told themselves knowing what gaster said is true "Frisk what happened you're crying" "I'm not frisk" "What do you mean you're not frisk?!" 'I'm just a fucking replica made because frisk went crazy" "Oh for fucks sake i don't care if you're a replica i ain't letting the 'real frisk' live ethier you take the body or you don't she going to die anyway so pick your choice soon we got a demon to kill"