The end....

"whoa hold up that ain't happening you don't even have proof that you're innocent" Sans grabbed chara's sweater "Oh crap i don't really have physical proof so frisk you got anything?" "Nope" "Wait gaster probably has some!" "Chara gaste-" "HELLO CHARA AND GHOST FRISK I HAVE RETURNED WITH A BOOK THAT SEEMS BROKEN IT SEEMS TO BE MADE BEFORE RESET" "Papyrus! What do yo-Holy shit thats the journal that i wrote in the void! How?" Chara said as she turned to see papyrus holding a glitched out notebook "WELL IT'S HERE BUT IT'S NOT COMPLETELY LEGIBLE MOST OF THE PAGE AR-" "DOESN'T MATTER IF SOME PAGES ARE BROKEN THIS MEANS WE HAVE SOME PROOF!" Chara yelled before snatching the book out of papyrus hands and throwing it at sans "Welp there's your proof!" "Time to go follow me frisk and papyrus!" Chara yelled before grabbing papyrus hand and running away "Uh sorry sans gotta go" Void said before floating closer to the surface "well i got a book to read" Sans said to himself before opening the glitched book. "paps wasn't lying when he said most where broken" Sans told himself while trying to find a not broken page.


Another reset but somethings different when i left to check how far they where they where arldey at undye with LV10 she killed them all the friends she made. Maybe they'll stop before i have to do things myself.


They're at sans they've died 16 times already yet they want to give up. Hmph they should have done that before. I'll be intervening she's not above consequences.

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It's done they sold their soul the worlds back. Yet they did it again and killed him herself.

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Again again again again and again why are they doing this what's the point in it. Is it just to torture them.

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They're offering half of their soul to me i should accept mabye with it i can stop it from happening again this is probably the end of my journal.

"what the fuck did i just read, so who's really at fault frisk started it or chara killed me so they would have to sell their soul or even mine mabye it all occurred from me not liking frisk?" Sans didn't know how to react to what he read. "So are you saying we just need to break the soul, Are you sure ill still be able to come back if you do?" Void questioned chara "Well yes that's all but i don't know about the last part" "OH YOU TWO HAVE A PLAN ALREADY I THOUGHT THAT THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD HAVE TO FIGURE ONE OUT!" Papyrus yelled "Well yha but i mi-Actually yha know what let's still do it even if everything goes wrong for me then we still saved you two!" Void declared "Don't lie to yourself you know what happens if things go wrong for you" Gaster whispered into voids ear, "Welp since we're all in agreement let's get going before anything else happens" Chara said as she started walking to their house "Waiittt didn't i grab papyrus hand while running here oh god i did fuckkk" Chara thought as her face started to heat up which caused her to speed up "I THINK WE SHOULD FOLLOW HER GHOST FRISK?" "Yha lets go" Void replied hovering over to chara just in time to see her face "Well you still have to kiss him" Void taunted "What! I mean it almost happened but san-" "yha called kiddo" "Wha!" "whoa hold up im here to say i believe you" "Wait really then you can teleport us th- Wait then, PAPYRUS YOU COULD HAVE JUST TELEPORTED US THERE WHY DIDN'T YOU!" "YOU NEVER ASKED" Papyrus responded pretty calm well for papyrus "Sorry papyrus but can you get us there?" "Chara said apologetically she didn't want papyrus to feel bad "OF COURSE" Papyrus replied before teleporting them all to the house "Ok whe-What why is it empty?" "OH TORIEL SAID THAT THEY WERE GOI-" Papyrus was interpreted by the front door opening "Oh i thought you where in snowdin sorry for not telling you that we was coming home" Toriel said to papyrus as she and everyone else walked inside but when frisk entered the room chara lept at her "Got yha!" "What the!" "Oh my chara get off frisk!" Toriel yelled "Well we can do this the easy way or the hard way show the soul!" Toriel was about to go grab chara off frisk when she was lifted into the air "SANS WH- WAIT PAPYRUS WHY FRISK IS GOING TO GET HURT SANS STOP HIM!" She was going to yell at sans but when she saw papyrus was levitating her she yelled at him "SORRY MS. TORIEL BUT CHARA'S NOT KILLING FRISK JUST UHH REPLACING HER WITH A BETTER FRISK" " WHAT SANS HELP!" "uh tori i may be strong but paps is stronger and i wouldn't worry they can just load" Sans answered knowing the last part was a lie "MY CHILD!" "Ok i gave you long enough we're doing this the hard way" Chara said before summoning a knife "Whoa hold up how's that supposed to help!?" Void asked as she faded into existence surprising almost every one "Well its called a threat frisk" "Uhh thats dumb they'll die anyw-" "Oh not frisk someone else!" Chara replied as she grabbed sans and aiming the knife at sans "what the hell kid" "Well are you going to or not if he dies you can't reset!" "What do think i am an idot!" Frisk yelled back "Well fuck it then" Chara said dropping sans and summoning a bunch of knives around frisk "What!" Frisk yelled "3...2.....1.....0"Chara said before shooting all the knives which caused frisk to fall down in turn revealing the soul "Welp that was much easier than i thought" Chara said before stabbing the half soul which destroyed it. "MY CHILD! WHY WOULD YOU!" "why the fuck did you try to use me as bait i mean it worked in the end but still" "Well i had hopes that it would be less violent" Void floated into the body and seconds later it healed and she stood up "Well that was a weird experience" Void said but when she did everyone turned to her only sans,papyrus,chara weren't confused by that statement "My child?" "What but a soul can't just come back to life without loading!?" "What was that punk pretending to be dead!" "Shit how do i explain this uhhhh CHARA!" "Wait so your mot frisk then who or what are you?" Alphys questioned "WOWIE THE PLAN WORKED EVEN GHOST FRISK IS NOW HUMAN FRISK!" "Wait what" The non-chara protection squd yelled "Well we have a lot to explain so-" One long explanation later "Oh ok so frisk lied and other frisk came and to fix everything you killed frisk?" "Yha that's the gist of it buuutttt papyrus follow me" "OK" Chara started to walk to her room "Ugh if only i could turn invisible again" Frisk said disappointed she didn't get to see chara confess "UHH CHARA WHY ARE W-" "ILIKEYOUOK" Chara blurted out quickly while blushing the entire time waiting for a response "WAIT WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Papyrus questioned already knowing what she said just wanted to confirm that he heard that chara gulped "I like you papyrus i did since the last reset" Chara said slower than before "OH UHHHHHH LIKE FRIENDS" "No like this this" Chara said before she kissed papyrus "He's not as cold as i expected wait am i doing it to long?" After that thought chara moved away and saw papyrus blushing orange "Oh my god you finally did it" Void squealed "hmm paps seems happy so ill let it pass" Sans said lazily "I ship it" Alphys commented "What! Why are you in my room!" "We wanted to see" "Well you can leave that was i-" Chara was interpreted by papyrus grabbing them and pulling them into a kiss after a few seconds he let go and "I love you to chara"