Smoking Hot Homeroom Teacher

As Kyle entered the classroom he was greeted by one of his classmates.

"Sup Kyle, finally lost your virginity?" A handsome man said with a grin.

Kyle looked at the man with a smile and said "Yes, how'd you know?"

"Bah, you're lying, with your average face who'd want to have sex with you?" The man said not believing Kyle a little bit.

"If I said that I fucked a Goddess would you believe me?" Kyle smirk and asked the man.

"HAHAHAHAHA, WHO WOULD BELIEVE YOUR BULLSHIT!?" The man laughed uproariously like he heard some sick joke.

Kyle shrugged his shoulders ignoring the man as he walked towards his seat located at the back left corner of the seat that had a window beside its left. (A/N: The place where the anime protagonist usually sat if you don't know.)

"Kyle, you made my day, good job!" After saying that, the man started another conversation with the newcomers asking if they'd lost their virginity these last weekends.

Kyle could only smile wryly at the man who's asking some weird questions at the newcomers.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The bell rang indicating that it's already the start of class. Moments later, a smoking hot woman walks to class 3-A's classroom.

'Teacher Amber is truly a smoking hot babe.' Kyle mumbled as his penis slightly hardened. Not just him, every male in the class starts salivating after the teacher entered.

The woman in her late twenties had a curvaceous and voluptuous body, she's a wearing knit tight stockings as it showed her thicc thighs, the button of her uniform might also pop out due to her big bountiful breast, and her milky white skin, blonde hair flowing to her waist and ocean-like blue eyes amplified her charm making her look erotic and sexy at the same time.

"Silence!" The crowd silenced as they heard the woman's commanding tone.

"Let me tell you again, I, Amber Rothschild, will become your homeroom teacher until you graduate, in my class I don't want any troublemakers or lazy student thus I will become strict for me to correct your attitude, understand!?" Amber icily said as she looked at the students grimly.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Kyle and the other students shouted loudly, afraid that their teacher would get angry if only a few of them answered.

After the students calmed down and did a an attendance check, a woman in the front seat raised her hand and asked Amber a question.

"Ma'am, when will we check our homework?"

"This afternoon, but I'm the one who will check it." Amber said as she instructed the students to pass their homework at the front.

Kyle started to sweat because he forgot to make his homework and inwardly cursed the woman in the front seat. 'Hopefully, Teacher Amber won't do a roll call.' he said inside.

Alas, lady luck is not with Kyle right now as Amber commanded the students to stand up.

"Okay class, If you heard your name sit down." Amber said as she swept her eyes look at the students.

"Olivia White, sit down." After hearing that, the woman in the front seat who asked Amber a question sat down.

"Leonard Castell, sit down." The man who asked Kyle if he lost his virginity followed suit.

With that Amber called all of the names of students who submitted their homework. And after finishing it, Amber looked icily at the student who remained standing — it's Kyle.

"Kyle, why didn't submit your homework?" Amber icily said.

"Ma'am, I forgot to do it..." Kyle said as he looked at the floor, unable to meet Amber on her ice-cold eyes.

"Forget it? just what did you do last Saturday and Sunday then?" Amber frostily asked.

'I can't possibly say that I watched porn and fucked a Goddess, can I?" Kyle inwardly thought as he laughed at himself.


Noticing that Kyle did not answer, Amber started barraging Kyle with her words.

"Why didn't do your homework? did you already forget that you are average in this class? and don't think that you're superior to other students in other schools just because you're studying at this school!" Amber sighed and parted her last words. "Meet me to this room after class Kyle, don't think about running."

"Yes, Ma'am" Kyle could only accept her words, and thinking that Amber had a point. After that, the class started.


After class.

Kyle entered the classroom and closed it. Amber was sitting on the desk looking at Kyle with familiarity.

'She's truly a hot woman, alas, she already has a boyfriend.' Kyle thought. And after remembering the man's hypocritic look Kyle felt a bit enrage.

"Welcome Kyle, how's Anna and Alice?" Amber smiled as she looked at Kyle.

"They're all right Big sister Amber." Kyle answered as he looked at Amber. Anna, Alice and Amber were best friends and former classmates so he's quite familiar with Amber.

"I see, send my regards to them, and don't forget to call me Teacher when we're at school." Amber shook her head as she smiled. If other teachers and students saw her smiling they'd be shellshocked knowing the reputation of the famed Ice Queen.

"Yes, Teacher" Kyle answered, not suprised that Amber could smile.

"So why did you forget to do your homework? the Kyle I know would never neglect his studies since elementary you know?"

"I'm a bit busy, cleaning my room so I sorta forgot about it." Of course, Kyle wouldn't say that he's busy watching porn can he? and he's also not lying about cleaning his room so he forgot about his homework.

"Still, you forgot your homework, sigh, I'll make an exception. Do your homework and pass it tomorrow, but I'll be deducting 30% of your score so it would be fair to the other students, got it?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

After that, Amber started checking the submitted homework and asked Kyle a favour.

"Kyle, could your refill this bottle with water at the cafeteria?"

"Sure big sis!" Kyle answered and stormed his way to the cafeteria.

"I told you to call me Teacher at school, cheeky kid." Amber smiled warmly as she looked at the running Kyle.


After refilling the bottle, Kyle hummed as he walked towards the class 3-A's classroom.

[Isn't it about time?] Kyle was surprised at Luxuria's sudden voice and questioned her.

"What time?"

[To use your Aphrodisiac Pill *sigh*]

"But she's my mother and aunt's best friend, and I also respect her." Kyle answered not wanting to use the pill at Amber.

[Then when will you start if you don't start now?]

"But—" Before Kyle could reply, Luxuria stopped him with her words.

[No buts! do you really want to see me? if you want to see me the first step is to amass coins and level up, if you want to level up you will need to have sex.]

Kyle was silent. He started to ponder, remembering Amber's boyfriend eyeing Anna and Alice with lustful eyes he became angry for a bit. And he also had a crush with Amber along with Anna and Alice since he were a kid, he hardened his resolve and thinks no further as he summoned the aphrodisiac pill and put it in the bottle.

After putting the aphrodisiac pill, the water didn't change it's color and remained transparent. Kyle also sniffed the water, if the scent changed, but it didn't.

With that, he opened the door leading to his classroom and looked at Amber silently checking the papers.

"Big Sister, I'm back!" Kyle said as he looked at Amber.

"Un." Amber nodded and smiled back not knowing Kyle would try to use an aphrodisiac pill on her.