Sleeping With Anna and Alice

Kyle put his hands in his pocket to find his phone and call Anna and Alice for help. After that, he fell unconscious.

"Nnh." Kyle groaned when he woke up, he then looked at the surroundings. After a few seconds, he thought 'I'm in a hospital I guess.'

Then he noticed Anna was sleeping on the right side of the bed and Alice on the left side, they were using the bed as they places their arms there and used it as their pillow.

"It seems I made them worry, sigh." Kyle sighed as he looked at the tear stains on the twin sister's face.

Suddenly, he heard Luxuria's apologetic voice, [I'm sorry, I didn't foresee that someone would attack you.]

She's saying the truth, if she can really see the future with much accuracy, her father wouldn't have died protecting her and her sisters. Thankfully, her brother survived in 'that' war, albeit, he nearly became a cripple.

"It's okay." Kyle smiled, as long he is alive there's still hope and he could still take his revenge later.

'Kenneth, revenge is a dish best when served cold, I'll screw your dog life for crossing my bottom line!' Kyle made his pledge as he looked at his clenched fist.

"Goddess, what happened before I lost my consciousness?" Kyle once again asked Luxuria as he looked at the ceiling.

[After a few hours before you lost your consciousness, an ambulance immediately arrived at the scene along with your adoptive mother and aunt. Police officers also arrived and started to investigate. After that, the medics carried you to a stretcher and they immediately rushed you to the hospital while your adoptive mother and aunt followed along. Also, when the doctor left the room they immediately rushed a towards you as they cried a lot.] She then explained.

"I see." Kyle sighed, he then stroked the twin sister's hair as he looked and them with warmth and love.



Anna and Alice woked up when Kyle stroked their hair. He was surprised when they groaned and gently said, "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

Instead of answering him Anna and Alice was elated when they saw Kyle is finally awake and pounced at him, "Kyle! we're worried about you! Please don't scare us again!"

"Oof." Kyle oofed when Anna and Alice hugged him tightly. He wryly smiled, "Anna, Alice you're gonna strangle me to death!"

The twin sister noticed that he's having a hard time breathing and immediately released his neck in their tight hug.

"Kyle are you okay?" The twin sister asked him at the same as they caressed his forehead and cheek. Anna on the forehead and Alice on the cheek.

"Of course, but if I didn't have Vitamin Anna and Vitamin Alice with me right in front of me, I'd be probably unconscious until now." Kyle looked at them warmly and said half-serious and half-jokingly.

"Are you really okay?" The twin sister paid no heed at his teases and asked Kyle again if he's really alright.

"I'm really okay." Kyle replied and shook his arms demonstrating that he's alright.

The twin sister sighed in relief when they confirmed he is really alright. Still, their worry did not dissipate at all.

"Kyle, please tell us what happened." Anna stated, her voice grim.

"Un. You should tell us what happened" Alice smilingly followed up, even though her voice is soul-stirring you can feel that her voice contained a seething rage.

Not wanting to lie, Kyle narrated what happened in the party, he also told them that he thinks that Kenneth was the one who sent the assassin because he's the only person with a great background he 'offended'. Of course, he didn't tell them about how he made Rose his woman, but in the future, he would surely tell them about it.

After hearing his words, the twin sister's body trembled in rage.

"That bastard!" The twin sister exclaimed while gritting their teeth. They wished they could teleport to the mayor's villa and tear Kenneth to shreds.

"Anna, Alice calm down, I'm the one supposed to be the most angered here you know?" Kyle soothes the fuming twin sisters. But not only he calmed them down, but he also adds fuel to the fire.

"Hmph, even that bastard is the son of a mayor, he still shouldn't run wild like that. Does he really think that he's oh so almighty!?" Anna stated, still incensed.

"Big sister is right." Alice added in tandem. The twin sister really had great chemistry.

Kyle nodded in approval. Still, he did not stop soothing the twin sisters. When he said that they'd need to calm down, the twin sister rebuked him. It's only an after a few minutes that the twin sister started to calm down.

"Hmph, I and Alice would teach that bastard a lesson tomorrow to let him know that he's not invincible even if he had the backing of a mayor." Anna finally concluded as Alice nodded her head in agreement.

"Anna, Alice, this is my problem so I should be the one fixing it." Kyle replied.


Before they could retort, Kyle immediately said, "Do you want people to call me that I'm hiding behind a woman's back?"

The twin sister went silent.

"And I'm already an adult, so I should be the one cleaning my mess." Kyle added to convince the twin sister.

Anna and Alice finally consented that Kyle should be the one who should clean his mess. He also told them that revenge is a dish best when served cold, so he planned to strengthen himself before acting. He also told them that he doesn't need their help when he's about to start his revenge. At first, the twin sister insisted that they'd want to help him, but after a few reasoning, Kyle convinced them.

"Anna, Alice, I think you should go home, it's already late at night."

"We don't want to!" Anna and Alice shouted simultaneously.

"Huh? then where will you sleep then?" Kyle asked, confused.

"Isn't it obvious? of course, we're gonna sleep here with you!" Anna and Alice answered the dumb question.

Kyle didn't really not know the answer to his question, it's just that, he found their answer unconvincing so he asked then again for confirmation. When the twin sister asserted that they'd sleep with him in the patient's room his face twitched.

"But, we're already at the age where we could accidentally do 'that' if you ever slept with me." Kyle smiled wryly.

"We know that you're not the kind of person that wouldn't do 'that' when a maiden is sleeping so it's fine!" The twin sister said in unison.

As if she remembered 'something' Anna suddenly grinned and teased Kyle, "Or, you're that kind of person hm?"

"Of course not!" Kyle cried out.

"I think it's okay if me, you and big sister to sleep together then." Alice said.

'No, no, it's not okay at all.' Kyle thought helplessly. (A/N: Bro, I think you forgot to add the "but I like it" thingy.)

"Fine." Kyle finally consented, allowing the twin sister to sleep with him. Making the twin sister smile ear to ear victoriously.

After that, Anna snuggled to his right and Alice snuggled to his left as they were preparing to sleep. At first, Kyle was a little bit stiff, but as time passes he relaxed, with that, he finally fell asleep.

The three people slept warmly as they snuggled each other. They looked completely heartwarming. If people saw them right now, they would surely smile in the heartwarming atmosphere.

[I wish I was there with them...] Luxuria mumbled where no one could hear her as she looked at her soon to be husband and soon to be sisters.