Chapter 6: Creating Spells

Chapter 6: Creating Spells



- 1 Month After Learning My Elements -

"So Ethan, what happened to Merlin he's been holed up in his room. He didn't even attend to the court meeting." Gerald asks while I am going through my forms and organizing my breathing.

"He had a discovery and now he won't let anyone in his room, something about becoming birds... I thought he could already shape shift."

"Wait he can shape shift?"

"Well, he's half Incubus it's not like he will only sleep with humans."

"Thanks for the mental image lad." Gerald's face is green with disgust.

"No problem... Damn it, his behavior is rubbing on me."

"Well he's your teacher so it's normal try not to...." Gerald has been cut off by a manic laughter that came from the sky.

"Hahaha I can fucking fly!" Yep it's Merlin.

"Bastard can fly!"

"It was just a matter of time, if I knew he was working on this I wouldn't have got my hopes up." Seriously flight is like first thing everyone aims for.

"What were you expecting?"

"Something that will help my training." I shrugged. We can direct kinetic forces some gravity training would be nice.

Me and Morgan were called by Merlin after he finished goofing around, he first gave us the flight spell which neither of us could use nor understand it yet and stacked some books about enchantment on the table before leaving.

"Well, good luck with those Ethan I almost give up reading them." Morgan gives me a head pat full of sympathy and goes to her books she has her own pile about advanced enchantments.

This should be easy to handle I just need to read them once after all.


I find myself sucked into these books that I didn't realize how long I have been reading. I only came to myself after I finished the books.

This, this holds great potential I need more, as I was going for the bookshelf I got hit by a stay flower petal.

"You're done for today, we're going to work on spells tomorror. Enchantment lessons are monthly." Merlin states with a smile. I nod with a sad expression and go outside only to notice that I missed dinner.

"So when are you cooking your new dish?" A wild and potentially hungry Morgan appears!

"Jesus! Since when did you get all sneaky."

"Fufufu I wasn't being sneaky you were distracted."

"If you can get the kitchen opened I can cook something different."

"That's no problem come on new flavors wait for no one."

"Actually they do but whatever, lead the way lady."

(Just assume Ethan is getting better at cooking because I can't write about it sorry)


Next day I talked about mixing wind and earth elements to make bracelets for gravity training.

I also talked about storing kinetic force in enchanted gauntlets but that is more complicated than I expected.

Merlin liked my idea but it's technically Enchantment so we put that for later, process of creating spells mostly been just bouncing ideas.

I proposed knock back barriers using wind element, it stores the physical hits and reflects them at one great burst.

Merlin liked the idea and we got around making it happen while Morgan being kind of a specialist due to her unique magical energy started making her own version.

"Now you got something for physical defense, what about magical defense?"

"Apart from dodging the attack I got nothing" I state being a newbie.

"Well, then let's look into barriers a bit more, I am kinda glad that you went for protection first."

"I can just reinforce myself and get up in close while using this barrier to give me a kind of physical immunity."

"Brilliant!" We had a productive day in my opinion, Merlin didn't even enter my dreams this time around but I think that was because he was too busy.

- Couple Weeks Later -

"Hey Ethan look at this." Looking over to Morgan I see that her body is covered with black vines that has small roseso them.

"I call it Black Rose, it's based on the barrier you're working on, it attacks once the roses bloom the only problem is that if I take too much damage at one time it breaks down." I just look at the spell, I have been working on mine for a while. Scratch being it cool looking it doesn't even cover my body like this.

"Cool." Today, I have realized the difference between our talent.

"I am going to show it to my dad!" and off she goes.

"Don't get discouraged, you'll catch up eventually." Merlin is somber for once huh that's new.

"How do you know?"I know I can get some easy power ups from other worlds but I wanted to hear his reasoning.

"Well, you had quite the spike on your soul when you reincarnated and took over this body, if my thesis is right depending on the time you spend during each life will refine your soul and your talent as a byproduct. So you'll reach her eventually for now just focus on wooing her, I'll help." He winks at the end.

"I rather do it alone thank you."

"Too late ohoho."

"That didn't sound evil at all."

"Of course not I am filled with love and affection for my students and here." Merlin gives me a bracelet.

"Thanks what does it do?"

"Well, the gravity training bracelet you talked about, I figured you'd need it before the lessons but don't expect me to make something for you again."

"Thanks." I say with a genuine smile this time catching Merlin off guard.

"ahem I guess this is enough for an apology so I should be going."

"Huh what apology?"

"Ethan Grant, King Uther summons you to the throne room." A guard calls out at the moment making me realize it has something to do with Merlin.

It's not like I can make the king wait, so I followed while listening Merlin's annoying giggles.


[I know this doesn't make sense buuuuut it's a fanfiction]

(Merlin POV) - 1 Hour Ago -

Sigh, I really don't like courts it's boring, scratch that humans are boring when they so boring stuff but it's also one of my duties.

"Your highness the new castle's construction has finished, we can start moving things over." Oh now that's interesting.

"Alright begin preparations, now if there's nothing else I will conclude this court. Merlin you stay." Uther finished early but I wonder how he will react to my blatant support for Ethan.

It didn't take long before the throne room was emptied and King spoke.

"Do you have any reason for pushing your newest apprentice towards my daughter?" Wheww I was worried for a second there.

"I had an auspicious prophecy. Those two are good for each other. Well they will be if they end up together."

"They're 12."

"Age is just a number!"

"Sigh whatever this is a discussion for later, kid's father remarried last year and now that he has another heir he disowned Ethan."

"Well no problem I assure you, your highness it won't effect him."

"Well you're not the one giving the news I will. Let's see his character." Oh dear let's hope Ethan doesn't cave under pressure and do something he really doesn't like stuff like this from what I can tell.