Chapter 16: First Time?

Chapter 16: First Time?

(Food Wars & Assassin's Creed 2)


The initial reaction over me raiding a magical community last month passed real quick, also Merlin told us that we can actually stay long enough to see baby Artoria.

I was waiting alongside my father in law during the birth, Morgan actually helped out saying she needs to learn this for future reference.

I don't know how to feel about that like it hasn't been a year since we married...

Anyway baby Artoria was cute as expected, we took some photos with the artifact Merlin made, there were some complications during the birth, well not really.

It's just that Merlin wanted to dunk Artoria in Fafnir's blood right after she was born but other than that things went smoothly.

Seeing Morgan holding Artoria brought some emotions in both me and Merlin who knew what she could have become.

After Morgan nursed her mother for the next month we decided to leave lest we tempt fate.

I was honestly expecting Morgan's magical energy to explode without her being able to do anything but thankfully it was fine though her eyes went yellow from time to time but she held out.


"Look after her alright! I don't care where you are, if you make her sad I will find you and make you pay." Wow! this is the most I ever heard from father in law.

I just gave him a solemn nod, he doesn't need to know my harem plan.

Ingraine gave me a hug and I got a giggle out of Artoria before eventually coming to Merlin.

He had been rather subdued today, to be honest hanging out with him was cool.

He was like a father figure most of the time when you take out the ridiculous stuff or a annoying elder brother you just cannot hate, for someone who didn't know his father that means a lot, maybe he did all of this deliberately maybe that's just who he is, honestly it doesn't matter which one.

"Thanks Merlin." I say while giving him a hug.

"Ah no problem just visit little old me sometimes and don't get into too much trouble without me."

Than I finally turned to Cath Palug watching us with tears in her beady eyes, at my nod he jumped on my shoulder and gave me some licks for good luck.

Once Morgan finished her goodbyes and returned to the ring I selected random reincarnation and disappeared from the world.


I woke up in a Japanese style house, from my memories I can say that this world doesn't have any apparent super powers.

Well, it might just be hidden from society but I don't think so because I know where I am. There is a restaurant called "Yukihira's" Across the street.

Talk about timing I could use a foodgasm after a sad experience.


After I called out Morgan she explained that inside the ring was awesome and filled with everything she would ever need including food.

So she can basically live in the ring if she wants, she also got a basic understanding of the world we are in automatically.

"So this guy across the street cooks food that can strip people's clothes?"

"Basically " thankfully I don't always start at 12 in this life I already have my own house but it seems he just quit his job for no apparent reason.

"I am in but do you have enough money to feed me?" Looking over to my balance in this life I see that I should be able to buy like a hundred servings, that should be enough... right.


Getting inside we were greeted by a jovial atmosphere, letting the natural flow of the shop take us in we got to our tables before shocking the poor Soichiro with our orders.

Thankfully it's nothing paying in cash cannot solve, this of course drew attention soon it became a bet about how many servings Morgan could eat.

When we left the shop five hours later Morgan didn't even look fazed. I promised to bring her back here at a time when Soma surpasses his father.


Unfortunately next reincarnation wasn't pleasant as the first one, I woke up with a rope around my neck and before I could make sense of what's happening they pulled the lever.

So here's a fun fact, even though I am technically changing bodies, the physical improvements I make follow me. So I still have the same physical power/durability I had in Fate world.

Which isn't much even after bathing in dragons blood my strength was at D rank for some reason but a simple rope won't hurt me.

In summary this rope is doing jack shit but I have a feeling it would be troublesome if I didn't "die" here so I shut down my body with self hypnotism.

I can survive long enough that they will get rid of my body in someway where I can make an escape.

So while I was waiting on getting dumped, I looked into the memories of this body.

Petruccio Auditore...

Well ain't this shocking. I organized the memories and yes the body I am in right now belongs to younger brother of Ezio Auditore.

So I probably have Eagle Vision right? Can I link up with Claudia like Bayek did? I brought her with me after all.

By the way I am not "coming back to life" and surprising my family for three reason.

First of all they're assassin's that deal with somewhat supernatural shit so it would be hard to make them believe me.

Second even if they did believe me, I am not in a mood to deal with first civilization and bullshit conspiracy theories.

Three, there's no way I am living under a name like Petruccio.


At last after couple hours later they took us down from the gallows and dumped us into a pile where I jolted my body back to life. I wasn't really dead but still.

From there I just killed a poor guard and used illusions to make him look like Petruccio and dumped him alongside Giovanni and Federico.

I also took some tissue samples from them, I mean they probably have high amounts of Isu DNA and Ezio is going to burn the bodies I rather not waste valuable samples.

Also I changed my clothes, damn even the tunics back in Camelot was better than this stuff I am wearing.

Once I was somewhat situated Morgan came out of the ring looked over the city before snorting, I guess she doesn't like "old" cities anymore after seeing Japan.

"Any recommended people to meet?"

"Well, there's Da Vinci. He was recognized as omnipotent genius in your universe. He isn't half bad here. Also he's really good at painting if I remember"

"Well, we'll visit him. What's your plan?"

"Not much, this body already contains Isu DNA which I will explain later and I got samples from other who that had it. We don't really have anything to do here, unless you want to get involved with a possible artifact that can mind control people."

"Not interested but Ethan you seem more detached than your time in my world should I be worried dear?"

"In your world I wasn't master at Occlumency and didn't have other mental spells that can protect me from memory influence, I will let the memories affect me if I decide to stay somewhere. There's no point keeping them if I am not staying."

"So what next?"

"Well, I have some gold. Da Vinci could always use more money and we could use a portrait. Although I have to use illusions since I am 13 at the moment."

At this moment I got a system notification informing me that I can switch bodies if I want or even use my Ethan identity as a separate body if my mental prowess allows.

All bodies will share the same physical stats but they won't share traits, it's like I am changing identities like it's clothing which is a fitting example.

Petruccio identity might have Ethan's strength but doesn't have access to Dragon Attributes like my narcotic attacks.

It's weird, like I won't be able to use Eagle vision as Ethan and Petruccio won't have Dragon Core, I need something to somehow merge these bodies.

In the end I was surprised by my Rudimentary System this thing surprisingly has too many functions.

So after switching to Ethan Ambrosius identity which I came to embrace we left to locate our painter.

"Sounds lovely. Also let me pinch those cheeks before you switch so cute!" So we gone ahead and hired Da Vinci to draw us a portrait.

He was rather motivated to draw such "beautiful people" apparently. He took his time while painting and we roamed the city.

Afterwards he tried denying the gold I gave him but I knocked him out before he could make a fuss. It was satisfying to hit him for some reason.

After I gave the samples I took to Morgan and explained what they're we left this world. I am not staying in a world long dead assholes can change futures.

At least it was something like that I don't remember much from the story.

[Separate bodies thing is also a plot point, since it would be awkward if Morgan kept aging but Ethan kept resetting but don't worry he will have means to merge his bodies together once he has his Device from Chivalry of a failed knight.]