Chapter 21: Life Goes On

Chapter 21:Life Goes On

(Chivalry of a Failed Knight)


It's been half a year since I came to Wakaba House, things are going fine. Touka finally got Misogi to open up to people.

Touka is still annoying as ever, she still doesn't trust me enough to let me get out of her sight, which is hard since she goes to school and I don't since I don't need it.

Morgan quit collage and decided to study on her own as I expected and I started building a solid foundation for my sword style. It's not that I am lacking strength but Dante's moves are too "relaxed" when you compared to what I built up.

Life is goo...

"Ren! what did I tell you about getting to the roof!?" Touka yells from the ground.

"Do a backflip while getting down?" Ohh I can see a tick mark on her head I thought those were just special effects. ultimately she just slumps.

"Get down we're having dinner."

"Should I do a backflip?"

"No! use the stairs."

"Boring!" I do a backflip and land, I am kinda getting used to teasing her.


"Ren! You will pay for this!" I am running from a angry Touka I guess she didn't like her new hair color.

Too bad, I think hot pink suits her.

Well it's actually not that bad it's a special dye I made with Morgan it self destructs(Safely) when magical energy applied but Touka was too enraged to stop and listen my explanation.

As I was running a bird pooped in order to avoid that I made a hasty dodge which made me land on a round rock that ended up slipping and I found myself on the ground with Touka breathing down my neck.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself prankster?"

"Misogi is a traitor?" Event manipulation is bullshit and I don't have any defense against it until I break the chains of fate.

"He wouldn't have used his power if you didn't figure out teleportation." Touka grumbles while dragging me in to the bath where she uses the same shampoo to give me a matching color.

I have just become 10 this week, Touka is 11 to be honest I did this to get her to relax because she was too anxious for her fight in Little League.

"Now we match!" Touka puffs her chest proudly there's not a bit nervousness left in her form, I guess sometimes one has to make some sacrifices for their friends.

Nah, screw that. I just pump magical energy into my hair erasing the dye and teleport to my room. I'll tell her how in the morning.

Also my memory partitions got good enough to control Ethan and Ren at the same time. Ethan keeps Morgan company and does Magecraft research as evidenced by the Prank Dye #2, #1 was a permanent one and Kurogane Itsuki has to keep shaving his head now.


"Ren you're twelve, you won't have any other choice to participate in Little League are you sure you don't want to go. It's a big opportunity." Hanako-san informs me. I was actually going to join but after watching Touka decimate the poor sobs there I decided that it wasn't for me.

Well, it's for innocent children so of course it's not for someone like me who already has a death count but you get the idea.

"No my noble art isn't finished yet."

"Well, I tried." Hanako-san just goes to my balcony and lights a cigarette.

Touka, Misogi and I all give her deadpanned looks. They didn't try to talk me into it since they know it won't work.

In the morning I played with the children under x80 gravity, I normally stay under x60 and stay at x40 whenever I am sparring with people, of course I have to keep up reinforcement to not get crushed.

My body has gotten absurdly durable and my muscle strength is ridiculous with magic(Since it's getting stronger I can pump more magical energy into my body) but without magic it can barely stand x5.

Since this is not my main body I started training while keeping up reinforcement which also trains my control.

My main body didn't use reinforcement and reached C rank by Nasuverse standards which is quite good for the current regime I am under.

Hmm I actually finished my first Noble Art which is obviously the Devil Trigger.

(Dante's moveset doesn't count as Noble Arts)

It was hard to get right since the demon blood I have is low tier but it has been finished. I am officially battle ready.(In DMC high difficulty settings even the mobs have Devil Triggers)

So it's dojo crushing time!

Wait I can't use my blazer abilities during Dojo crushing...

"Ren what's up with that look?" Misogi asks seeing my sad look.

"I came to conclusion that I am an idiot."

"Wow it took you four years!?"

"I'll mess you up..."

"Not if I ran away." And he runs away slowly...


With the realization I started visiting Dojos and officially challenging them when my friends where in school.

Dojo crushing proved to be troublesome, since most of my moves like Trickster and Royal Guard relies on using demonic energy but it was better this way.

Every fight let me hone the style and make it my own instead of being a copy of the original maybe it will lose some power in the end maybe it will be even more powerful but it will at least be a style I can embrace, until I decide to steal another...

Half a year later I was mostly finished with most dojos around the town.

It's not like there was much anyway because most normal martial arts lost their spotlight with the emergence of Blazers.

While I was fighting my way through I somehow ended up fighting with Kurogane Ikki himself.

How it happened? He came after I was finished with this random dojo. Seeing that I was the only one standing inside he challenged me.

Not gonna lie he's better than me and for the first time I got here I was bested. he also stole my style as well. I am not even angry, too bad it won't shine without demonic energy.

I mean neither of us used Blazer abilities or magical energy but being bested at technique is much worse. After the match I invited him to get some drinks.

"Well, that was my first loss congratulations." I say to him while giving him a bottle of sports drink.

"Thank you, It was a close battle, also thank you for teaching me new things."

"Well, that style won't shine without suitable blazer ability."

"So as I thought you're a blazer too."

"Yeah, I was actually trying to acquire a ability like your observations but turns out I didn't have it in me so I am just honing myself."

"It's unusual for a blazer to challenge Dojos." He didn't say anything about Blade Steal...

"It's better than Little League." Man that got him uncomfortable, I guess he wanted to join.

"Well, you defeated me so I guess I should give you something for it. Here." I gave him two gravity bracelets one black and one pink the pink one is for Shizuku.

After explaining what they do he wanted to reject but I am not shameless for nothing and argued until he accepted it.

"But what about the pink one?"

"That's for your sister Kurogane Ikki, I met her about four years ago." I tell him, I think it sounded creepy but he doesn't have enough social experience to notice that.

"Wait you're Ren Akami!" By the time he pieced things together I was already gone. Gotta love short range teleportation.