Chapter 23: Adopting Myself

Chapter 23: Adopting Myself

(Chivalry of a Failed Knight)


I am 14 this year, I spent the last year putting finishing touches on my style and sparring with Ikki and Kuroudo. Those two joined hands and tricked me into fighting...

At least that's what they thought. My Royal Guard needed some experimenting, I am trying to mix it with thought acceleration to slow down my perception to make sure I won't miss the timing.

There's no need to lose demonic energy, also the devil trigger indeed uses a different type of energy made from demonic energy and Royal Guard can fill that.

This stuff is getting complicated, when can I reach to a point I would be able to erase worlds with a breath?

Anyway today we're throwing a party because Touka is leaving, she's going to Hagun Academy. Plot is near and so is my date of departure.

Although I am saying a party it's rather subdued because kids here really like Touka.

"Here, let's call it your graduation gift from middle school." Due to her ability Touka can't use electric appliances that also means that she doesn't have a cellphone, I made her one it's enchanted to negate electricity from outside and it has a internal solar panel enchanted for efficiency to a stupid degree.

I also made it so that it would a absorb kinetic energy and direct it to a little laser going to a another solar panel that was intended for emergency charging.

You can literally punch this phone to charge it. I am aware it's a bit too much but it was better than giving her a one that can work with magical energy instead of electricity which might jump start WW3.

"Ren... Where did you get this it has never seen before technology?"

"I bought it from some guy named Ethan Ambrosius, he's a cool guy I will have you guys meet later." I also gave her "Ethan's" phone number. I guess different personas comes handy for things like this.

"I still don't like that you got something like this from a shady individual I will find him and..."

"Yes, got it onee-san I got it." That should get her to stop.

"Eh? what did you say? Say onee-san again I'll have Misogi record it."


"You brat!"


Later in the week I got a call from Touka, as Ethan. She wanted to meet and talk about Ren.

So we met in a cafe, I also brought Morgan with me. These bodies of ours are already adults so there's no need for hiding our marital status.

There was some initial tension because Touka thought we were shady which isn't wrong considering all the human experiments we made.

Then she relaxed and thought we were going to adopt Ren which isn't a bad idea...

Yeah that's brilliant! then all three of us can simply vanish. Anyway we talked about our jobs and I talked about starting a company to make things believable.

In the end Touka was subdued and I let her in on the knowledge that I "wrote" JoJo I know she's a fan and she got teased by Morgan a little bit.

She left the cafe satisfied, I also gave her my signature as the "author" of JoJo series.

"I never thought we would be adopting another version of you as our first child."

"Man, that sounds so wrong." We adopted Ren also bought a house close to Hagun Academy for convenience. Also I started Ambrosius Tech Company I am getting ready to go public but it will probably take year to finish everything.

Then I can gift it to Ikki while leaving he deserves it for being able to stand my character for years.


Touka was apparently chosen by the former God Of War, who was the rival of Ikki's great grandfather.

She has been training with him for a while and today she finally got enough balls to challenge me.

This foolish lad thinks she can defeat me because she got some fancy techniques.

"Are you ready Ren?"

"Just start I have a appointment with Misogi."

"Fufufu you won't even see it coming." Trackless step is a move that lets you slip into the unconscious mind of your opponent and causes them to lose sight of you.

I didn't think that I couldn't see it even with my mental boosts.

"boop." So, I got booped by the nose but I think I can handle it if she uses it again.

"Alright do it again."

"Are you sure? you don't have to force yourself."

"Just do it." I make a simple spell in my head. It is basically Toph's Seismic Sensing and what would you know I can't see her but I can "see" her.

Let's just say she was surprised enough to trip and show me her panties.

I think it's something to do with this world because this type of stuff didn't happen back in Fate.


1 Year later Ambrosius Tech Company has started production, with some clever advertising and ahead of the time technology it was a instant success.

I am pretty sure this company won't last more than three years but whatever.

On Ren's side of things I am finally taking the admittance tests for Hagun Academy alongside Ikki much to annoyance of Kuroudo.

"Why the hell are you two going to that academy?"

"It's free"

"my childhood friend is there."

"Fine but you two better get to Seven Stars Sword Art Festival or I will come and beat you two myself."

"I will be there but I doubt Ikki can even attend the classes."


"Huh?" This one was Ikki, he really thinks he can just go there and be fine doesn't he?

"Ikki I think you're forgetting who your father is he won't even let you take classes."


"Wow here I thought my old man was crazy." We were a bit more solemn rest of the way, neither me nor Kuroudo tried to stop him though we both think he's strong and this time around he has one than one friend on his side.

Also I have been feeding him the product we made from the Dragon blood research. It increased his max physical capacity otherwise this guy would have already become a Desperado because of my intervention.

My calculations suggest that once he breaks his chains he will straight jump to E Rank on magical energy which is enough to scoff at bullets and probably cause his family take him back with open arms if he desires.

It wasn't my full intention to help him but if I am going to test a end product on someone it would be the protagonist, even if something goes wrong they can somehow turn it into their own benefit.

On the topic of Desperados I am getting close as well. This Ren persona has less potential than Ethan Persona but if I become Desperado as Ren and merge the two I won't be forced to do it with Ethan. It's more of a spiritual thing than physical.