Chapter 31: Becoming Friendlier

Chapter 31: Becoming Friendlier.



In the morning I prepared breakfast from the ring, now that Root is under our control I don't have to worry about being watched while at home.

Hiruzen is already using Kakashi to keep an eye on me so he won't use Anbu.

I sigh to myself thinking about Naruto's antics, which is worst than mine in my opinion.

Before getting out I thought about the enhancer that me and Morgan made and send her a message to start optimizing it for Shinobi.

The product I made with Morgan doesn't use Dragon Blood to make and it's already been field tested on numerous humans, so I won't be shy of using it on my bodies.

Although it won't work on Ethan I am fine with using it on other ones that I will sure to get.

Checking my gear one last time I leave the house, we'll be waiting on Kakashi till noon but Sasuke already got used to him being late with ridiculous excuses.


Getting to the bridge I took out a book on medicine that I got from the clan archives, at least whatever left from it. Uchiha are not a clan that's interested in medical jutsu but they still had the knowledge in their libraries just to be safe.

I am hoping that this would spark Sakura's interest and jump start her career as a medic, after all helping them wouldn't cost me anything.

I honestly don't know what to do with her, OG Sasuke brought nothing but pain to her but she still loved him, if I were to get friendly with her she will definitely misunderstand.

Sighing to myself I pretend to not notice Sakura peering over to the book. She didn't even greet me so I guess it's an improvement.

"HEY SAKURA-CHAN, Sasuke reading a book?" Cue the noodle rat.

"Teams are required to have at least one medic during war times, although there's no war, I figured it wouldn't harm to learn somethings." Naruto nods, at least he gets quiet when he knows the topic is serious.

"Sasuke-kun I'll handle your injuries!" As if I heard a divine call I give the book to Sakura and give her several scrolls containing Uchiha's medicinal books.

"We'll count on you Sakura!" Was that too friendly...

Sakura faints.

"Huh, I thought that only happened to Hinata, do you think she's okay?"

"She's fine just got over exited. She'll wake up before Kakashi comes."

"Did something good happened Sasuke?"

"Something like that." He grins and attempts a fist bump which was ignored.

I pull out Fifty Shades of Grey that Morgan asked me to read and start reading.

"Sakura is down, Sasuke is reading what am I supposed to do?" Hearing Naturo I throw give him some leaves and explain the chakra control training but I made it fun by having the leaves spin and do tricks.

Some Ichiraku Coupons helped Naruto to commit to training, it's not like Sasuke lacked money.


- Ethan -

As an impatient guy I started staking out dango shops in Konoha, Morgan already handled our IDs last night via Danzo.

His sealing specialists also quickly made a seal for me so I would actually be seen on sensors when needed.

Now my only problem is Hyuga and their eyes but they should be easy to avoid.

I am going to buy the shop Anko visits and use that angle to chat with her.

After all it would draw attention if a random "civilian" suddenly starts talking with a ninja, especially if that ninja is former student of Orochimaru.

At last I found the dango shop, Anko is already eating. She's the only clue I had actually since there's s lot of dango shops in Konoha and she just comes to this one.

I don't go in, I just needed the location, luckily it looks like owner is hiring it would be much better than trying to buy the place.


- Sasuke -

"I have eyes on target." I say over the radio.

"I am in position." Sakura confirms.

"Why are we so serious about this cat?" Naruto asks the real questions that no one will answer.

"Alright Sasuke keep your eyes on it, Sakura look out for escape routes, Naruto go for it." Kakashi orders.

Naruto jumps down from the tree with five shadow clones following him while I look over to Tora dodging them like a pro thankfully Naruto was able to catch it sparing us the torture.

"Mission Lost Pet Tora is complete." Kakashi announces making us sigh in relief.

I made sure to tie up Tora until we reached it's owners house to make sure it won't run away on the road.

I kinda remember this mission from anime, I guess we're close to Wave Mission and Zabuza...

Hmm how to proceed, I honestly want to save those two since their death made me cry when I was a child but how should I go around to doing it.

After the mission we left the hokage tower and we were supposed to go home.

"Sasuke-kun want to eat something?"

"I promised Ichiraku to Naruto."

"You can join Sakura-chan!" Well, they're not that bad, I think I can tolerate this, at the end of the day I gave accessories to my teammates.

Sakura got a pink cutesy bracelet and Naruto got something frog themed.

I enchanted them with the now annoyingly familiar Gravity Enchantment, an enchantment to make them not realize the difference in gravity, a enchantment to make sure Kakashi won't notice and a danger sense enchantment that will turn the bracelets off if the user thinks they're in danger and finally they will only work inside Konoha borders to make sure they won't die in an ambush.

This will make them get stronger without them realizing it. Also I will be giving them the enhancer optimized for Shinobi later to increase their physique.

Naruto probably won't benefit from it but it will do wonders for Sakura.

[I mean it won't cost him anything so why not]


I went back to the dango shop after I made sure Anko left and talked with the owner, it appears that he runs the place with his wife but because they're getting old they need extra help.

Their children have their own business and can't come here to help, hearing me want to get hired they asked me some questions on how long have I been cooking and all.

After I made a passable(In their opinion) dango I was hired, the pay isn't really important to me so I didn't even argue with them.

Satisfied with how things are going I went to our new house that was extremely cheap because it's close to Uchiha district.

Getting inside I look over the boxes that's inside, the stuff inside is the current tech base of Konoha.

Radios, monitors, cameras, TV(I think) etc. I decided to improve upon them in my free time, not by much but just enough to make a small difference.

I was actually going to throw a satellite to the orbit but I don't know where the orbit is for this world and I don't know how Toneri would react to it.

Also I don't think I have enough arm strength to throw it and I am too lazy to build something that can.

I worked on communication devices until Morgan came back from Root base.

She's been evaluating the operatives determining the mental damage done by Danzo.

Just because we have him under our control doesn't mean he gets to live, once he outlives his use be will die and we will probably get those guys back under Hokage.