Chapter 46:Wrapping Things Up

Chapter 46: Wrapping Things Up



I made a satellite and send to the orbit hoping my calculations weren't wrong.

Susanoo makes life easier in some ways, still a bitch to compress, the satellite also has a chakra machine made in Land of Snow with my designs that will keep the moon in it's place just in case.

I won't be here for that movie and I rather not deal with Toneri because I might just kill him.

Satisfied with the signal strength I nod to myself and turn on the cell towers as well, now Elemental nations have wireless communications.

"We need more satellites."


Tsunade was just too happy to see Minato in the flesh she didn't even ask how he got back to living, didn't ask if we could revive her brother or her dead lover and threw the Hokage hat to him before going to drinking.

Jiraiya was going to follow as well but he stuck with his student. If he knew my plans he would have gone with Tsunade.

Getting to the Hokage Tower I looked over, Kakashi's here, Jiraiya is here and Kushina is here.

"So Kushina."I address the red head, while lamenting the fact that she's my friends mother.

"Yes dear?" She's been treating me like her own child I am really suspecting her "relationship" with mother.

Seeing that I have her attention I point Kakashi and Jiraiya.

"Kakashi used Thousand Years of Death on Naruto and Jiraiya regularly robs him off his money for his debauchery, also did I mention that he had Naruto use a female form to teach him Rasengan and threw him off a cliff to teach him draw Kurama's chakra..."

I was very amused by the massacre that happened that day, Kushina doesn't take shit when it comes to her child.

Also we Kotoamatsukamied Kabuto as well he's running the orphanage now sigh such a useful eye.


"Sasuke I am beginning to think you hate your older brother." Itachi mentions during dinner.

"What makes you say that nii-san?" I ask.

"This." He points to Mom who's cooing over both Sakura and Izumi apparently they're planning Itachi's wedding.

"I don't get it." Man he started hitting his head to the table...


Just for shits and giggles I built a republic city in the middle of the elemental nations, I kinda mind raped Daimyos to do it.

I may or may not have been influenced by Avatar as well but whatever we had some people move in from the great ninja villages to promote unity.

Also Kage are going to be living here while they will have Assistant Kage in their own villages. I don't know if it was a good idea but they approved it so meh.

I also started planning for the triple wedding, it may also involve Itachi's as well.

Sakura+ Izumi combo is not something he can handle, not especially after Morgan accelerated Izumi's aging to match Sakura now he needs to deal with two budding beauties.

Now, I need to get a special desert that's only available in Fire Temples once every three years for the venue...

How does Mei knows of this said desert is beyond me.


Two years after the war I had everything ready for the wedding.

It took me two fucking years to get everything and half of those things would have gone bad if not for my inventory.

Now I understand why no one married Mei.

Anyway we finally sent the invitations, wedding is going to happen in the republic city with all Kage attending.

Sakura&Izumi duo finally cracked Itachi's cold exterior, or they just broke him mentally I don't know.

They're getting married as well.


The weeding itself was in one word chaotic.

Tsunade and Jiraiya got drunk and got caught in the restroom, apparently Tsunade lost control of her age seal thingy she uses to look young. The poor shinobi who found them was mortified.

Somehow someone summoned a giant snake that ended up eating Naruto but I think he threw himself willingly...

Damn Jiraiya corrupted Naruto with his vore fetish.

And I was supporting a massive headache at the end but it's fine, the girls are happy that's all that matters.


We stayed one more year after the wedding. Mei and Anko are staying here and they'll join if something interesting happens. That means they will come whenever I get a new wife...

Morgan somehow became the president of the republic city I built she said she enjoyed ruling go figure, so I am leaving her here as as well.

Karin is roped into becoming her cook Kaguya doesn't get to choose, she will be staying in the ring full time.

It's actually her personal choice, she said the whole world and her children disappointed her and I am the only thing that matters...

I am so not using taming on someone who didn't deserve it that shit is nasty.

So I gave my mother a hug while ignoring Kushina's scent on her and nodded to my brother who's carrying two bundles of joy.

One of them even has pink hair! they're so cute but I need to move on, I can visit them whenever I want.

They named them Akane(black hair) and Yui(Pink Hair) Itachi loves them both to the point I am not allowed to hold them.

Done with my goodbyes I tap the world travel and leave before Naruto senses something and comes running.


I woke up bound in some kind of prison, looking into my memories made me groan.

I had to reincarnate into a random nobody villain in fucking DC universe!

I am apparently a dangerous villain that put many lives at danger with my creations(Homemade Nuclear Bombs go figure) and they need the info I have to save them. So here I am in JL Headquarters waiting on good old Batman.

I can't stay here, I am just too scared to live here but I have to do something before noping out of this place.

"Zanbino Avalanche, I say it's time we have a talk." Also I have a weird name....

"Can I have Flash instead of you?"I say to Batman.

"You're willing to talk?" he asks somewhat surprised.


"Then talk first." Sighing I gave him the info he needs while I insisted on seeing Flash.

"Well, thanks for the info." I also asked his signature but he just grunted.

Ten minutes later Flash came in to the room.

"Hey fella I heard you got something for me."

I took out my phone from my inventory, it caused some tensions but I calmly opened up the Reverse Flash video.

"Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you came just as she touched your leg? It was me Barry! I jerked you off with super speed, so it looked like you nutted at just a women's touch." Video ends and Flash falls to his knees defeated.

"God the reaction was so worth it." I nod before leaving that universe full of terror.