Chapter 67: Birth of a Universe Death of a Religion

Chapter 67: Birth of a Universe Death of a Religion

(Throne of Magical Arcana)


It took me some months to set everything up, I built up my base in a devil worship temple near the city.

I had to get rid of them but it was handled peacefully, they're happy where they are in hell.

Anyway, I demolished the entire temple and used Earth Style to built up the initial building, the rest was handled by clones while I barked orders.

Natasha have gone into seclusion to strengthen her belief so I don't have much to do in the city other than bully Rhine poor guy is one inch away from summoning Altera but thinks I am going to seduce her.

I honestly don't want her, I decided that after some thinking(I am totally not being forced), actually the only reason I am even bothering with Natasha and Silvia is because I put them on my list and Morgan is keep teasing me about it.

It's amusing my wives endlessly that Morgan can play me like a drum while I let myself get played.

"We're finishing up in five minutes sir!" One of my more eccentric clones report and dispells itself after seeing me nod. Like seriously your memories are coming back to me you didn't need to come and report.

After everything was set up I took up a marker and made more clones that will start up experiments, there was some that needed time to get results but I have circles that will speed things up.

As if sensing my intention the whole world went silent as I started my calculations. I already know the answer, I made them in the ring but to get the world's feedback I need to do it again.


[Following is how Ethan perceives the humanity and creation also just me bullshitting to make things sound "cool"]

As Ethan started he didn't notice the commotion he started. As he started his show the world didn't go silent. It stopped!

Intelligent beings of the world could only watch as they froze in spot and their vision gone dark. What followed the dark was a giant explosion creating a giant fireball that anyone on Earth would say a star.

Following the explosion was the creation of the universe how matter cooled down and started rotating. How planets formed and cooled as well.

How some planets had the right conditions that allowed life blossom and they saw how first living beings came to be how they evolved. How first humans came to be and started questioning their way of living and their eventual rise over the food chain.

They saw them kill the very planet they lived on and move on to another one until they killed the entire universe before making a giant explosion that reseted everything.

While most was awed by the show, some had questions. If we really saw the entire universe from start to finish why didn't we see God?

Where is God? Why wasn't God there when humanity sucked the whole creation dry?

As they were thinking all of this they got distracted by the pair of eyes they saw. Purple eyes with ripple patterns and tomoes looking them with scorn...

"Sinful creatures unworthy of my time."


At halfway point I realized what's up, to my luck this universes will was more than happy to agree to my whims.

Opening my eyes I was greeted by the sight of my own Realm, I can see that my host star of destiny entirely collapsing becoming the black hole that is center of my universe. This also signifies that I am unbound by fate and its machinations.

Turning my attention to the ball in my hand I see that it has a note with coordinates written on it.

This ball is my Rudimentary System, since I became a True God I don't need this thing so I crushed it after saving the coordinates.

Turning to my other hand I take out my ring and throw it to the empty space, the ring starts twisting and turning, expanding until it becomes a planet with 10 moons.

I am not sure why I went with this design but whatever, the planet is my zone with the places in the ring while the moons are living compartments of the girls. They didn't even feel it while I made all of these.

I left them a message before turning to my universe once more and snapped my finger allowing the time to start. I won't create anything at this point of time and let it happen naturally.

I am Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent in this universe of mine I am not in a hurry.

Although it's nice to know that Kaguya has my photos in her room. I honestly forgot about her again. Now I will always have her in my sight.


Opening my eyes outside of my soul I noticed that all of my equipments are trashed and I can sense people from all over the world are approaching here.

Well, birth of a True God is not something they see everyday and the power balance is important in worlds like this. Not wanting to deal with them I teleport out of there.

I teleported into the World of Souls. Huh now I don't need the Sun's Corona...

Shrugging I went ahead and collected evidence on creation of Church of Truth and how it was founded by a Sorcerer.

I also killed the other half of Vikar alongside the Mountain Paradise while I am here Sigh there's nothing better than dropping a black hole on top of your enemies.

Vikar is the main antagonist of the book and Mountain Paradise is the after life of the Church of Truth, World of Souls creates every type of after life people believe in.

So if I made a religion and described an afterlife it will be created by World of Souls but it will also be twisted unless you leave someone to protect it...

Anyway now that I have proof whether if people would believe it or not, I teleported to the holy city, I turned my hair orange and wore my Akatsuki costume my eyes are already turned to Rinnegan.

This time I used my powers to make the whole world watch, as I duplicate the evidence and teleport it all over the world.

"False Religion shall fall, Almighty Push!"