7 : I want to know more


"Sam come to your sense "

Something flashed through in my mind. I realized that it wasn't dad who besides me but my boss William.

His muscular hands were on head and caressing it with at most care. The unrealistic position that we had on that particular moment surprised me. When my eyes locked with his eyes my navel filled with butterflies. The color of his eyes pupil instantly turned from blue to Red . That was tempting at the same time petrifying.

He instantaneously grabbed me and leaned his face towards my body. My heart is beating like it's about to end the whole world.

" Sir ..... Uhmmmmm..." I tried to distract him with my shivering voice.

When I finally got a glimpse of his ejecting fangs I know that today is going to be my damnation.

I tried to push his face that coming closer and closer. My panicked body unknowingly called out his name

" William!!!..."

I don't know whether it's because of my screams or because I called him by his name the hand he grasped on me slowly released. I sighed in relief and leaned back to give some rest for my trembling body. My all energy was drained out in those few seconds while tried to push him away.

On a count of my third peaceful breath he came back with full force and grabbed me again. Before I could get a chance to cope up with the situation he leaned towards my neck and ....

The pain of his fangs piercing through the skin filled shivers all over my body. Even though I tried to push him with my whole energy it became a worthless redemption attempt. He was more stronger than I could imagine.

The pain of his grasp is slowly changing into a sensation of pleasure and serenity. As he sucked out my blood, I melt In his arms that pressing on the back of my shaking body. Without realizing I immersed in to the unknown feelings that flowed through his soft touch.

William POV

When I finally opened my eyes, I was so absorbed in sucking her blood. I instantaneously pulled back my body. Her trembling body gave out some heavy breaths.

I ... I totally lost it.

Was it because my tiredness or was it because of her....

My mind was both conflicted and troubled.


I felt so embarrassed and confused. No matter what it's true that I enjoyed this. How could I?. He is the one who I hate the most in this world. Still, was it because of the power of vampire. Something like magic to lure the prey.

Without realizing we reached near my apartment. As soon as the car stopped I opened the door and got out of the car. He instantly pulled the accelerator and left me their without saying anything. I felt the feeling of thankfulness towards him for the first time.

When I finally made a direct contact with my bed I immediately flopped in to it with a moan. Such a long day and I feel so tired. Was it because he sucked out my blood. The scenes flashed through my mind. The pain I felt.....wait.....I ran towards the mirror to check the region where he bit.

"Hmmm There is no mark ... wow it's amazing. How can it be healed that quickly"

I changed in to my pjs and again flopped in to the bed with a wish to sleep early.

" Ahh.... I'm so tired " I turned to other side and hugged my pillow.

" I want to know more ..... about him ..."

The next morning I overslept and now I'm going to be late . I grabbed a cab to the office then ran until I reached the main lobby and stopped in front of the huge beautifully carved door of the office room. Without enjoying it's art work as I always did I quickly adjusted the cloths that was crumpled while running. I took a deep breath before knocking the door.

With a plastered smile I knocked the door and opened it. I got stunned by the view that I get see in the early morning.

He was very passionately sharing a kiss with a woman. I instantly left the room without further interaction. Well it wasn't necessary since he didn't even realized my presence and was so immersed and focused in the act. The uncomfortable feeling on my chest is back again.

??? POV

" So Mr. Blake how was your meeting with William"


He hesitated at the beginning then continued.

" He was ... A bit immature. But.....

.... I liked her . His secretary" he replied with a smirk.

When he spouted something stupid like that my blood pressure uncontrollably elevated and I grabbed his neck without a second thought.

" Watch what you say dumbass" The grip on his neck tightened gradually.

"Sir I didn't mean it that way" he trembled in my hands and said. Stupid humans.

" No one is allowed to touch her or not even look at her".


I walked lifelessly towards my cabin with a lowered head. Was I disappointed but why those kinds of things are always happens.


I unexpectedly bumped into someone and almost dropped in to the floor. But the other person grabbed me instinctively. The person was a women in her middle ages. She looked elegant, beautiful and wearing a sky blue one shoulder dress with convenient accessories.

"Oh dear. I'm sorry, are you ok" she asked with a voice filled with worries.

" Yes mam I'm ok . The one who should be sorry is me. I didn't see that you were there".

" It's ok. By the way are you Ms. Samantha" Wut!!! I rolled my eyes. What in the world is going on. Every unfamiliar faces that I encountered these day's know my name. Did I unknowingly turned in to a celebrity or something.


"Yes mam your right. How can I help you"

" Ohhh so it's really you. I'm glad that I bumped in to you. I came here to specifically meet you and I need some help from ". What me not my boss. Very unusual.

" What can I help you with"

" I have a small request dear"

"What is it mam I will do my best to help you out" just tell me already. I smiled brightly and replied. Whatever the reason she looks so harmless and gentle and I just want to help her. I wonder what she wants. If it's something within my capabilities I should help her right.

She smiled very warmly and grabbed my hands.

"Ohhhh honey that's so sweet of you. If you could help me with this I'll be very delighted".

Oooo I really want to do it for. Just tell me already.( I'm a diamond and you know I glow up with curiosity XD).

"Please look after my will"

"Yes ofcou..... Wait What.!!!!!!!!!!"

A/N : who will be she . Let me know your answers.