Chapter - 13

Meanwhile, Arnav was busy calling universities in America. He Stayed awake whole night, calling admission staff and mailing them his documents.

    He wanted to be the best of all. He Had hated himself enough for not being able to settle earlier in life. He wanted Vibha to stand out too.

     But, only if she listened to everything he asked her to do. Knowing he loved Vibha, he was not sure about her. He wanted to trust her but, his past kept

telling him for the day you get worse than this, Vibha will leave. No matter how much loyal Vibha had been with him.

     He wanted to protect her from

all evils. He imagined that major evil as Dhruv. It had been a few days since Vibha was forced to cease talking with Dhruv.

    23rd March 2016

    Today I made her cry again. It wasn't that I am

being overly possessive but she thinks of me as a

jailer. Why does she not understand she is the only one I  like? Whe does she need more males in her life.

   Is Dhruv so important to her? Maybe she secretly likes him? And what if she goes away with him? I  have once tasted berayal...will it  happen again

Sometimes I think she does not care about me. She does not want to spend her life with me. And why won't she listen to me? I need her to follow

everything I tell her. But she thinks i m

controlling her. I keep her asking if she has  someone else in her life. Someone more important than me. Maybe I am not able to think in a better way for her? Maybe..

  And she doesn't answer to anything! 1 don't  to hit her bad, but somehow I want to put something heavy in her useless head.

   Arnav made an entry to his diary and went to bed. Had he only known the consequences of his behavior.

Few days after this, Vibha made it a point she didn't  call Arnav. She didn't want to kill her mood for any reason. She had recently written a chapter in

word file. The characters had made her feel so liberated and at peace. Arnav had barred Vibha from talking to Dhruv.

   "Where are you? I called you hundreds of times!" pissed Arnav shouted through phone. It had

some days after Vibha had cried the whole night.

    "Am sorry. I was in a lecture." Vibha replied.

   "Really? It's 5pm! Your lectures end by 3" Arnav trying to control his temper.

trying to control his temper.

  "Exams are approaching, Arnav. We do get some extra lectures."

  "Sure? Or are you with that bastard Dhruv?" he was  clearly doubting her.

Vibha had left college and was just reaching the apartment.

  "Yes. And I was about to call you. To let you know that whatever you have told me not to do....I Have started doing exactly those things. Every burden, everything you prohibited me from." Vibha couldn't control her pitch.

  "I had called Dhruv. He had been calling me but I had obviously blocked him. He tried to come talk to me at college a few times. He's my friend

and won't ignore him. Not anymore! And every day I am going to hang out with all my friends, the one You dislike. Just because you don't like it!" She

added with a hiss.

   " You  what?  ..Dhruv?  Why? One

person...just one I told you to stay away from." Arnav seemed taken aback.

  "Yes. Because am done explaining myself to you. Done taking orders from you. Done proving you my worth and done hearing your excuses. You

never take an effort to make me feel better. Ever thought of taking me on a date where you won't point out my flaws? I accepted you in spite of every

worst thing of yours. Why can't you accept me as I am? Also, done taking bullshit from you about my parents. Sure as hell my parents at least don't hiss at me always. They like my writing and respect me for that. " Vibha was screaming like mad bull.

  "Good. Let's not talk for a few days." And Arnav was cold enough.

   "No! Am not talking to you forever!" Vibha had lost control over her mind. Her wild thoughts. She just wanted to breath!

  Still Arnav had a clam voice that of a serial killer

  "Did you sleep with Dhruv ?"

  "WHAT? HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY THAT?" this was the end of her patience. Her heart raced and her eyes looked around the room looking

for something to grab and smash against the wall.

   "I don't know. Since he liked you...

Arnay was agitated.

  "Shut the fuck up!" She choked.

  "She slammed her phone to the table boiling.with rage. Natasha was standing right beside her. She didn't say a word and just hugged Vibha, who was furious and crying uncontrollably altogether.