{ Previously on 'THE DEFECTIVES' }

As Dham and Avee came home after visiting the killers association, they have been surrounded by some people. They soon found that the people were no ordinary people as they were killers and hiding their badges in their pockets. As Jokin, the leader of the group said that this was their first task. Avee read aloud the first the task written in the killer association letter '1 . SURVIVE TONIGHT' .

Will Dham and Avee survive tonight as the killer association first task began everywhere in the city?

{ Currently }


{JUN 16, 2042}

[ sighs ]

{ Inside one of the rooms of the topmost floor in the Killers Association }

"It's around 10 PM already, and I hope that the count should be reduced to half by now, turn on the feed Xipin, let's watch the feed."

said a man, his face is slightly embedded in the dark. But when he slowly rise his head, he was clearly visible.

And he is Mr. Mohro.

"Yes sir, it should be." , his assistant, Xipin, said and turned on the Television screens before them to watch the feed.

There are over 30 screens hanging in the wall of his huge room and Ashi sat in front of the television on the cushion.

"Haha..., did you see it, Xipin? on the 12th screen?"

He pointed at the screen and began to laugh.

"Those weaklings, who didn't have the guts to face their fellow humans are willing to register their names in these war against the Mutated! How Pitiful!"

He once again laughed at them, watching at the live feed broadcasting to the entire killers association by the assault clan.

And you need to know that the killer association contains various clans for the safety of the human beings from those mutated creatures.

It includes Assault clan, the clan who were the first to attack in the war.

Defense clan, the clan who were standing as a barrier for the safety of the nation.

Destroyer clan, the clan who enters the battlefield last, but the ones who determines the victory of the nation, Tamiad.

And Maddur is the capital of the Tamiad.

And Ashi Mohro is the one who is holding the powers and the controls the nation, which even the Lord Susha, the king of the Tamiad, doesn't.

And to him the people who were brutally getting injured in this task is just some random numbers.

"Sir! Did you notice the numbers 530 on the 2nd screen, she is the one that master Ridhar pointed at back on the registration day."

"Yes, Can you tell me her name?"

"Her name is Sui, and the ones fighting with her is Muan, Xin and their group name is registered as 'Holy Dragons', Sir"

"Holy Dragons, ah!, Let's see what they have got!"

He changed his curiosity towards the Holy Dragons group.


{ Wallen Building Basement, Middle of Maddur }

"Xin, On your right!"

Muan shouted at Xin.

Xin suddenly turned right.

He suddenly took a knife he kept in his leg and threw it on the snake as fast as he can.

The blade caught the snake by its throat and nailed it to wall.

It was pitch dark as the basement has no lights on.

They were keenly listening to the sound around them to sense what's happening around them.

"Vipers everywhere", Muan said silently.

"Yes and I am sure that they are very poisonous than any normal ones"

"Sui, Can you check the system? I have no fu**ing idea about what's happening!"

"I am damn sure that someone who was standing in the dark behind us is more dangerous than we expected"

Xin said, that his voice was more terrifying than the situation they are in.

"I got a viper , Xin"

"I got a viper too, Muan"

"Got it Brother!"

"A viper?"

"NO. Not Vipers. I can clearly say that someone is already broadcasting our actions for more than 10 minutes. Someone is very close to us."

"But no way, We have already hid in this basement without being noticed by anyone after seeing the first task", Muan said.

"But it's true. And based from the camera location. It must be..."

"It's from there!"

Sui, the younger sister of the two brothers, Muan and Xin said and pointed a direction in front of them.

"But How?", Xin asked.

"I too don't know how surely. But there is a possibility that some of the snakes here must be holding the camera which is broadcasting our actions right now!"

"Probably, The one behind us maybe tamer type"

"And particularly, He is snake tamer"

Sui answered to her brother's question and both Xin and Muan were busy killing the vipers that charged at them.

"They have found me at last!",

The man hidden in the dark slowly revealed his face.

Sui suddenly checks her system and found the one who was in the charge of handling their group tonight.

The man hit his face with a torch he was holding at.

"Hey Guys. It's Boring. Lets stop these shi*ty hide and seek games and can we start the real game?", he said.

"Xin, get ready", Muan said silently.

"Hey, I know you three are behind the pillar in front of me, am I right?", He asked.

"I found him"

"His name is ..."

"Viven", Sui said.

"Oh! You have figured that much."

"But a little correction, It's Viven, the Viper king"

As Muan slowly turned towards the right Viven was standing near him.

"Muan, Run!", Xin shouted.

Muan and Sui suddenly jumped over from the position in a instant.

Viven took viper from his sleeves and threw it over Muan catching the tail of the viper.

The Viper just bit Sui and Viven pulled Sui towards him.

Sui fell down and Viven just dragged her.

Xin suddenly took his bow and arrow on his back and took the aim the second he landed.

"Xin, a little above", Muan shouted.

Xin lifted the bow slightly and shot the arrow even if it was too dark for him to set his aim.

He always kept great faith in his brother, and that's how the Holy Dragon group works.

One Depending on Another.

Sui ran towards Muan's voice.

"Are you alright?", Muan asked.

"Yes, I have healed my wounds", she said.

Suddenly Viven starts to laugh sarcastically at the situation.

"So, I got it. Based on your power levels and skill sets you are also killers, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am a Snake Tamer and I can do all the things that a normal viper can"


"I can locate you easily as I can smell each and everyone of you."

Sui's face changed as she was getting more and more frightened for each and every second.

"So, You are a group of three, One who uses his eyes, One who uses his ears and the One who heals making you unbreakable."

"Then I will go on the healer first."


{ Back in the Killer Association Office }

"Well, these three are quite entertaining, Let us let Viven handle them"

"And I'm hoping master Ridhar won't defy us"

"Observe her carefully, Xipin"

"Yes sir", Xipin replied.

"But, Xipin"

"Did you see the ones on the top right screen?", Mr.Mohro said.

"Yes sir!"

"It's Jokin, right?"

"Yes sir!"

"I am sure Jokin is a great warrior in the battles, and he likes torturing the newbies, but why the hell is he hanging upside down in front of a little runt like him?"

"And the boy is furiously shouting at him without giving him a break in his words!"

"What's happening there?"

Mr. Mohro asked Xipin with a shock, as Jokin belongs to one of the A-class group of assaults clan.

Xipin took a closer look towards the screen.

"Sir, I think you have mistaken!"

"It's not Jokin the one who hanging upside down. It's the boy and I think they have holding the camera upside down."

The Xipin made a call to the association communication service.

"Connect me to the broadcaster 121", he said and waited for some of the beeps.

"Broadcaster 121, You are holding the camera upside down", he said

Suddenly the feed from the television changes correctly.

"I suddenly thought too highly about the boy in a just few seconds,"

Both Xipin and Mohro laughed.

"And By the way, what's his name?"

"Its Dham sir!, and he was registered under the group name The Defectives with a group member Avee, But he is not even captured in a single broadcast, Sir.", Xipin replied with a confused tone.

"The Defectives?"

"Are you saying these boys are defectives"

"What in the world made them so proud as their life as a defective?"

Mohro said and he saw the face of the Xipin slightly changing into a shocking reaction.

"Sir, the boy..."

"He is the one master Ridhar called the 'SAVIOR'.",

Xipin said and suddenly Mohro's face also changed as his smile turned upside down.

Mohro turned his sight towards Dham furiously,


Mohro once again started laughing by watching the Dham as he was hanged upside down by Jokin and his eyes were spilling out more and more tears.

"He ... the saviour?", He is struggling to make words as his mouth is filled with laughter.

"I am damn sure Xipin,"

"He won't survive tonight"

Actually what is happening to Dham?

and where is Avee?

And To answer that million dollar question,


The next chapter of,