Long Distance

(At the Earth kingdom)

Lucy informed the general that she'd be going back to the wind kingdom soon. Josh then asked her if she'd still be coming back.

"I have no choice. I probably won't."

"Can't you just stay here? Can't you just bring me with you?"

Lucy replied, "I can't. I don't belong here."

"Hire me as your servant," the general said.

"Josh, you know I can't do—"

Before she was able to finish, Josh suddenly held her arm and interrupted, "I can't live a day without you."

"Josh, do you think that this is only hard for you? I'm also having a difficult time coping up with things, but I have no choice."

Josh then told her that he couldn't bear being away from her, so he decided to end the relationship. The princess's eyes then widened. She asked him why he wanted to end the relationship just because of a simple problem.

"The Earth kingdom is really far from the Wind kingdom. It'll take around four to five days to get there," Josh replied.

The princess put her hands on her waist. "If you don't want to be the one to go there, then I'll come here every week."

"It's not that easy. Do you really think that you'll be able to do that?"

"Why are we even making this a big deal? Are you just saying that you love me because you get to be with me everyday?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what? Didn't you say you wanna end this relationship? Then go!"

"I think we should take a break from each other and ponder about it," Josh suggested.

"Fine!" Lucy said as tears started falling from her eyes.

A few hours later...

(At the royal garden)

"I heard that Lucy and Josh had a fight, your majesties," Charlotte informed.

"We know, but there's nothing we can do about it. They have to fix their relationship by themselves," Valentina sighed.

"Is there any other way to let Princess Lucy stay?" Mark asked.

"There isn't. Our mother wants her back in the Wind kingdom as soon as possible." Antonio sat down.

"Then can't she just bring Josh as her fiancé?"

"Our mother doesn't even know that she's in a relationship," Antonio replied.

"Why don't you inform her?" Mark asked.

The king then explained that his mother might get in the way. His sister has liked a lot of men in the past, but the only man their mother agreed her to marry was Mateo. The other men that were once loved by the princess were all punished even though they were innocent.

Mark asked, "What happened to them?"

"I think it's better not to talk about it," Antonio sighed.

"Antonio, then how did your mother come to accept me as your wife then?" the queen asked.

"It's because you were a princess that time," Antonio replied.

"Wasn't the boys that Lucy liked were also royalties?"

"Yes, but my their status was lower than my sister's."

"What do we do now?" Mark asked.

Antonio suggested, "I think we should—"

"I'll make a way," Valentina interrupted.

Antonio looked at his wife. "How? No one will be able to change my mother's decision."

"Your majesty, I think he's right," Charlotte agreed.

"Do you not trust me?" Valentina asked.

"Your majesty, you're being frivolous. Why can't you just tell us what you plan to do?"

The king said, "Valentina, you should tell us your plan, so that we'll be able to know if you'll succeed."

"That's superfluous," Valentina said.

"Your majesty, why not?" Charlotte asked.

The queen sighed, "Don't order me around, I know what to do."

The king responded, "Valentina, what makes you think that she'll accede to your request? She rarely changes her mind and she isn't easy to negotiate with."

Valentina smiled. "It's because I'm her one and only daughter-in-law."