The sea waves grazed against his bare feet.

The wind blew on his face, fresh cool and soothing.

The expanse of the blue ocean filled his eyes, calming his senses.

Ivar had never felt this peaceful for a very long time. Now that he was feeling it, this strange emotion squeezed his heart, firmly and tightly, making him aware of how empty his heart had become by now.

"....." The system was stupefied at this scene. Its host was calmly staring at the sea. It had long known the host's origin was dark. Dark, dark and dark. The god had created him and made him this way. So faced with this calm state of its host the system was utterly dumbfounded.

It felt pity for its host after a long time in a while.

When Ivar had directed an attack at the protagonist, the system had almost died of heart attack. It feared the host might attack the son of fate again.

Surprisingly there wasn't a second attack. Surely, Ivar remained true to his promise. So in that world Ivar spent his entire time getting rid of the trashes dumping them in the garbage bin called instant death. The system had no idea its host was actually relieving his stress which had accumulated for a very long time, thus killing the beastly creatures mercilessly.

And when doing so Ivar had excluded himself from the main characters and the world's plot.

Which inevitably resulted to Zero mission points.

However thanks to the small side missions the host was still able to earn a small amount of points. Nevertheless it did not stop the system from shedding tears of loss.

" will have to make up in the next world." It complained. But did not receive a reply. So it regarded Ivar's silence as an agreement.

But the moment they entered the next world, the system was utterly disappointed.

Ivar refused to get himself involved in the main missions and only did side tasks to rack up points.

The system tried to instigate some spirit into him but he flatly refused. So the system could only blame the world for not being amazing enough to attract the host's attention.

So when they went on to the next world, the system had high hopes.

Too bad Ivar flatly refused it this time too.

"Sorry but I don't have any intention to be a part of this main mission of matchmaking the female and male protagonist. Just the sight of a white lotus makes me wanna puke."

Was Ivar's reason for refusing.

When the system tried to persuade him once again Ivar threatened him saying,

"I might accidentally kill off the white lotus female lead, you okay with that?"


The system almost forgot he had a history with white lotus type of characters. So it could only shut its mouth and bear with it praying for better luck next time.

Currently they were still in the same world where a white lotus was the female lead.

However the important match maker key character was currently five countries away from the main country that was the centre of the plot where the fate of wheels were supposed to spin.

"Wuwuwu....uuu. The host is bullying me."

Ivar closed his eyes as he ignored the system's wailing.

"Well, I will treat this as vacation." He said with his eyes closed.

The system gritted it's teeth but did not say anything.

Silence filled the space around them as few minutes passed by.

A pair of beautiful red eyes flung open as Ivar looked up at the sky.

"I have realised something. We did not encounter another world of that rotten god, did we?"

The system's heart thumped with a loud bang! Its soul was alarmed, sweating nervously.

"That's because the gods are preventing you from encountering her worlds." The system uttered in silence in a meek voice, weak and pitiful as it swallowed the guilt inside it nervously.

If it were to speak these words out aloud to him he would kill the system, or worst torture it before killing it, making the system the first one to be killed by its host.

Ivar knew what the system was thinking.

"I know. The rules set by the gods are preventing it from happening." He spoke.

The system could feel it's heart tremble violently. "He knew?" It thought.

After a slight pause the system spoke. "Don't worry host. Once you free me I will pay you back. Whatever the cost."

Ivar simply snorted at the system's statement as he closed his eyes. His mind went back to the time when he was still in his world. He still remembered the scene so vividly when he first heard the voice of the god talking to him, telling him that he must die.

"That rotten bitch!" He cursed under his breath.

Not only did that rotten bitch told him to die, she even laid her hands on his family, killing them off one by one.

So he fought his pre destined death, rebelling against his fate. He fought the reaper and defeated him then he survived the ordeal.

And the first thing he did after surviving was to destroy the world he was born in, the world that had killed off his precious family members.

Ivar was just a step away from destroying it but before he could do so, he was binded by a thing called system.

Since then he had to travel to different worlds taking up main missions and earning points.

By now he had realised two important things.

First, this darn thing called system was just a way to trap him in a cycle of countless transmigrations.

And second. The system was a honeytrap. This certain stupid system didn't even knew it was being used to bind him. Ivar did not knew what promises the gods had made to the system but one thing was for sure that they were just making the system run around, making it stock up as many points as possible. And these points seemed to have some kind of value to the gods.

Although the gods had promised to give back the freedom of the system back to it, they had no intention to let it go so they were trapping this idiotic system to him.

This meant the origin of the system was just like his.

What was the best way to deal with a defiant, unruly individual? Send a pacifist to change that person's mindset and preach? Wrong!

The best way to deal with a defiant was putting up another unruly individual against them!

This was the case for Ivar and the system. Although it seemed like the system's memories had been altered and manipulated, what would happen once it regained its own original memories?

His lips curled into a devious smile as he contemplated the system's original identity which was bound to be similar to his own to some degree.

" why are you laughing?" The system was once again alarmed.

"Did you regain any of your memories?" Ivar asked.

The system shook its head. "Not yet. But once I accumulate enough soul force to retain a solid soul my memories will come back to me."

The system did not even remember what kind of identity it had. The only thing he knew was that he was awoken by one of the gods and was granted a chance to recover it's memories.

"Recovering your memories, that's the last thing they would want." Ivar mocked the system's IQ in his heart. It was being so oblivious to the fact that it was being used as a weapon by the gods to bind him in a repeated cycle of transmigration, forgetting the fact that it was also being trapped in that cycle alongside him.

Really, ah, what a naive system!

He let out a frustrated sigh letting this matter slide for now.

"Now that I think about it, what was the name of my original world...." Ivar muttered to himself as he tried to recollect the ridiculous name of his world.

It had a key word 'White Lotus.'

What was it? He thought and thought.

Pang! His memory hit his brain hard.

Ah! "White Lotus Of The Twelve Moons." That was the name of the world where he was created by the god and was born.

And what a joke it was that he just happened to be the thirteenth love interest cannon fodder who had to die while helping the white lotus lead escape, protecting her at the cost of his life, fighting a villain that was a threat to the male protagonist.

He was just a sacrifice to get rid of that villain so that the protagonist could have a smooth sail while he, also dies at the same time fighting that boss. Truely it was killing two birds with one stone.

Really! What a fucking joke!

Ivar let his mind slip deeper and deeper into his memories.

He closed his eyes as his mind was filled with the cry of a newborn child.


"Look, Ivar, she is your precious little sister." A sweet voice spoke. Her words came out a bit hoarse and strained as she was tired, the labour had taken a toll on her body.

A young boy with beautiful yellow hair, short and striaight, possessing red eyes like a ruby, stared at the newborn infant that was his baby sister.

Ivar stared at his little baby sister with wide eyes, as if mesmerized by this strangely adorable and cute little fairy.

The baby had round chubby cheeks that were tinted with a dark red shade. Her small little fingers were round like the shape of eggs, the tip of her fingers tinted with an adorable blush. Her pair of black orbs, innocent and lovely looked up at Ivar as she stopped crying.

"wawaaa.....uwaaa..." The baby made strange sounds.

Ivar felt his heart thump. As if he had fallen in love.

"Mo...mommm.....what shall we call her?" Ivar looked up at his mother, blushing, his baby fat enlarged his cheeks cutely.

The current Ivar and this child image of his were completely miles apart in terms of looks and temperament.

"well...why don't you name her?" His mother smiled at his silly reaction. Her smile was very gentle just like the moon, gentle enough to beam away the dark night.