Ivar had never expected to run into the girl called Fiona while he was on his way back to the academy. He had just completed a mission and was returning. And even more than that he had never expected to run into a demon god, Black Lucifer, a progenitor amongst the god class demons as well as the king of the Black demon race, as the demon's name spoke, this progenitor was a catastrophe that had the power to destroy the human race as easily as lifting it's finger. Although it was rumoured that the seven progenitors died back in the ancient battle, the Holy Grail War of the world the fact that this god demon was standing before him meant that he had survived the war.

But why did it show up so suddenly?

The answer to this was obvious. Ivar looked at the girl who was holding a white rabbit in her arms. Fiona, she had a talent for getting caught up in strange situations. This talent of hers had proved its overwhelming ability today by actually crossing paths with a demon god.

"Senior.." Fiona spoke as she ran up to him. Not waiting for the other to say anything she added.

"Senior Ivar, that person with strange horns was bullying the rabbit, the poor cute rabbit, for his pleasure. If not for me passing by the poor rabbit was bound to be trampled by him for no reason. Poor poor little rabbit. What did it do to deserve being killed?"

So? You interfered and saved it? Ivar felt that the IQ of this girl must be in the negatives. Did she not noticed that it was an extremely powerful demon? More than that, she saved the rabbit, but what next? Did she have the strength to escape death with it? If she lacked the power to defeat the demon before her and die, why even bother saving it, picking a fight she cannot win? She was gonna die ultimately despite her attempt to save it.

Ivar frowned. This girl Fiona really had a gold finger. Everytime she would be saved by another person somehow. Sometimes it were the princes of the 12 kingdoms and now it was even his turn.

What a joke!

"Hm....this is the first time in a million years that I had seen a human wield limitless mana. Human, you are definitely stronger than the mages I fought back in the ancient war."A hoarse voice spoke. It was the demon.

Ivar slanted his eyes at him. The demon had the body shape of a human. It had two horns on its head, black jet in colour. He had a single piece black robe on his body that stuck like glue on his grey skin. His eyes were dark just like the pitch black darkness.

"Senior.....please don't kill him. He just lacks warmth. Once we try to befriend him I am sure he will change for a better person. Its not his fault either but probably, he had a bad childhood..." Fiona spoke as she tried to defend the guy. Her eyes were filled with sympathy as she looked at the other person across them.

What was this? She was defending the guy she tried to condemn a few seconds ago? Her brain was nuts. Ivar frowned as he focused on the demon god.

He is a demon. One that he must kill!

"How dare a mere ant like you...." The demon king glared at Fiona as he flicked his finger at her direction.

"I am a demon god, and I was born hating humans, wanting to destroy the human world, how foolish. We demons were born to rule over you humans!"

A sharp black magic sword was sent flying at her direction, aiming for her heart.

Fiona closed her eyes shut as she stood at the same position.

Boom! Baam! Badam!

She flung her eyes open at once at the sound of magic explosion. Her eyes went wide with shock.

Two powerful magic forces were clashing aganist each other, a pure mana of red and dark energy of black filled the entire sky as the two figures attacked each other. The ground shook violently as it came undone, crumbling like fallen plates, dents appeared at the places where the two people fighting landed from time to time, both sprinting back at each other's throat, acting and reacting faster than travelling light.

Fiona couldn't even follow their movements. Her cheeks blushed as she watched the scene. She had heard rumours about senior being the strongest mage ever but now she was seeing it and to think that she had the protection of this kind of mage, made her cheeks flare up for no reason.

Her eyes widened when she saw a sword flying from Ivar's back.

"Senior, behind you!"

"You are in the way!" The demon god yelled at the ant, irritated by the sight of it. The demon sword chaged its direction and instead came flying towards Fiona.

She closed her eyes again but the impact of the attack never came. When she opened them again the sword was shattered to pieces, red magic eating it away.

"You are in the way. Get lost." Ivar squinted his eyes back at her.

Fiona blushed hearing her words.

"Senior, I believe you are stronger than him. I will wait for you back at the academy. I will bake cookies as a thank you gift for protecting me." She spoke as she smiled. her cheeks red and her eyes alluring.

Then she left, sprinting away with the rabbit her in her arms.

Ivar paid no attention to her words as his focus was on the demon before him.

He was strong! He thought. Probably so strong that it was going to be a difficult battle.

"I applaud you for breaking my sword." The demon spoke. His lips curved as he added.

"But I have millions of swords like that. What will you do if I attack you with it all at once?" As these words left his lips the entire sky was filled with million swords that held potent dark energy emitting a very pure demon aura.

Ivar did not reply. He simple raised his hand then made a squashing gesture. At the action of his hands, the swords gathered at one place above the sky and it was swallowed by a red ball of magic.

Boom! Boom!

The red energy ball exploded under the circle as it destroyed the million swords within a second. The demon god widened his eyes as he witnessed his blades fall down like crumbling sands, all million of them.

"You.." He narrowed his eyes at Ivar. "You are dangerous. I cannot let you live. You must die by my hands today."

Ivar's eyes filled with hatred. He recalled a fragment of that tragedy from back when Bella died. His blood boiled with rage and this rage made his mana change to a darker crimson colur. His eyes became bloodshot, red with an overwhelming killing intent.

"You. Are. The. One. Who. Will Die!"

The demon god's vertical pupils fluctuated. He had never felt this kind of strong destruction magic energy, the kind that made him wanted to flee, even if it was just for a moment, he felt it. He sneered at himself. He was the strongest amongst the progenitors and that was the reason why he had survived the war.

"I have no reason to fear." He laughed.

Ivar had already made his move as he reappeared before the demon's face.

"Diiieeeeeeeee!!!" The one attacking shouted. A dense energy of crimson mana flooded his body.

"You are the one who will die!" The one retaliating shouted back at him. His demon aura unleashed at full power.

At this moment all the people around the world saw a strange phenomena up in the sky.

The clouds up above the sky parted into two, creating a path of a wide gap in between them. Not only that, some places even felt a strong gale of wind passing by, strong enough to knock down the buildings just by passing the places, they could not imagine what would have happened if it were to blow for even more than ten minutes. But the impact was stronger at some places. The Akhart empire felt a ground shaking tremor, an earthquake that sent the ground on frenzy. The buildings of the empire collapsed as they came crashing down, forests were destroyed in a flash, as if their leaves had been shaved, seas rose above the horizon creating strong ocean waves. And the sky above them had been wiped clean, the clouds from its space gone in a flash. No one knew what was happening except for the strong mages that had felt the faint scent of two colliding forces, one red and the other, black.

It was a black progenitor! They realised and the one fighting the demon was equally as strong as him!

In an instant magic guilds from the nearby empires dispatched their strongest mages and wizards. The troupes arrived at the fighting arena and what greeted them shocked them speechless.

The ground that was once a land was now hollow with a huge pit. The surrounding land nearby were in a tattered condition as if hell had broken loose. Their eyes went wide as they saw two shadows flashing for a moment at the sky. The movement was so fast that it disappeared in an instant. But as their eyes kept track on the area before them they saw the same two figures flashing at different spaces within seconds at different places. One of the figures was a mage, a wielder of destruction magic of the crimson god while the other was a demon, the god progenitor of the Black demon race. The two forces collided against each other, and each time they attacked a strong wave force came crashing down the entire place, creating overwhelming pressure that sent the ground sinking deeper with huge dents.

The mages watched the scene with shocked eyes, and a cruel reality hit them. They were going to be of no help to the youth fighting the demon god. If anything, they were going to be a nuisance to him by staying. But they had to be on stand by so they retreated to a safe distance and watched history unfold.

The battle went on for straight five days. Finally on the sixth day the sound of explosions stopped. The air around the arena was back to calm. The clouds on the sky settled on it without being pushed out. Most important of all, the dark energy of the progenitor was fading away at a fast pace.

The mages concluded safely that the battle that had created a history had ended. The demon god had been defeated.

"You....were strong. I must admit it." The demon whispered, his voice fading. He laid on the ground his whole body destroyed. Only his face remained. He looked at the person who had defeated him. This person held a strong grudge against him in his eyes. Or perhaps it was his race.

"It was a worthy fight dying for. But you...are in no better shape than me."

Ivar knelt on the ground as he breathed heavily. He had exhausted his mana. And so his physical body. His head was also bleeding heavily. He leant on his knee for support.

"Your existence is a danger to my race....." He heard the demon whisper as his face fadded like crumbling sands, blown away by the wind.

" the least that I can do now....."

A black screen enveloped the small area. It crept towards Ivar and sucked him in without giving him a chance to act.

Ivar breathed heavily. Cough. Cough! When he removed his hands from his mouth it was covered with blood. He panted as he closed his eyes to rest.

He must not die here! He had not wiped the entire demon race yet! He cannot die here!

These words repeated in his heart.

That was when he heard a sigh in the pitch black darkness. It was clear and profound.

Ivar froze.

Then he heard the sigh again.

Then he heard a voice speak to him in this blank space.

"Sigh! You must die here....sigh. You have become a threat to my characters."

He heard a voice speak. Very clear as it echoed in his mind. It was the voice of a female.

"Who?" Ivar muttered. "Who are you?"

"The person who created you." Replied the voice. " can actually hear me? How is that possible???!!!"

The voice of the female sighed.

"I just followed the trend and created you, gave you a tragic background of having you loose all your loved ones, I gave you the illegitimate child card, gave you astounding looks and overwhelming strength. Sigh. By the time I came to my senses I had made you way too overpowered."

Ivar's eyes froze cold at her sentence.

Having you loose all your loved ones.....

"You are supposed to die here. But why are you kicking so alive? Its time for you to rest and join your family."

Ivar felt his heart thumping, but it was thumping against his chest with rage. Rage that filled up his empty sould at once.

"Why are you so determined on killing me?"

The voice answered without hesitating. "Of course because you have become a threat to my favourite characters, specially my darling Male lead son. So I had to have you removed and for that purpose I added the demon god you fought. It was killing two birds with one stone."

Ivar let out a creepy chuckle. His body trembled with anger. But it did not show on his emotionless face.

"Then why did you make me so powerful?"

"I followed the trend. Also, I wanted to add one more male love interest for the female lead, one that would come from the same background as hers that would contrast well with her naive, pure, and innocent character personality at the same time, so I made you. A dark oped love interest. BTW, you are the thirteenth one." The voice of the god paused before she continued.

"But then I realised that I gave you too much power. So I decided to demote you to a cannon fodder as the thirteenth love interest who had saved the world by sacrificing his life for the love of the heroine, Fiona. Also, the readers were beginning to like you more and more, hoping you would end up with my female lead daughter. Do you know how much they are cursing me right now as I am making you die? They are even threatening to drop my story. Sobs. Sobs."

Ivar flinched when he heard the word "Story." He was confused as he went silent thinking. Then a thought suddenly struck him at the most crucial moment.

"Were you the one behind my family's death?" He asked through gritting teeth.

"Yes. I was following the trend so yeah I created that tragedy for you as a tragic love interest. Like i said, a tragic love interest must have a tragic story."

"Why?" Ivar asked back. He kept his head down, his face going darker and darker every moment.

"Why did you do that? You could have given me a normal life, or worst make me an unloved child but why did you do that?"

The voice paused before replying. "Actually, I wanted to attract more readers. So I googled it up and things happened so I ended up following the trend then I had you. And thanks to that my reading audience shoot up. There were many new readers looking forward to your character introduction. But killing you is not a big deal. Over powered side characters always end up dead anyway. Look at Itachi from Naruto! Look at Jin Tae Jin from God of high school! Loom at them!!! They all died because they were too overpowered."

"How da....ou...." Ivar uttered in a low voice.

"Did you say something?" The voice asked him.

"HOW DARE YOUUUU!!!" Ivar raised his voice loudly.

"!!" It startled the owner of the voice.


The god shivered as she heard her character yell at her.

His eyes were dark with killing intent, his mana going berserk. Although the god could not see it she had felt it. The shrill voice of anger, rage and pain that shouted at her made a chill run down her spine.

"Shut up! I...I...I am the creator. The one who m...made you!" She stuttered in an attempt to defend herself.