The synopsis of the book read: An illegitimate child is awalys hated by the household they were born in and by the people around them. Or are they? Fiona, a gifted green mage who was born by the union of a royalty and a commoner, grew up with love and affection by everyone around her, breaking the cliche taboo of the illegitimate child card. she was loved not only by the nature and the people around her, even the 12 princes she met at the infamous AKHART Mage Guild fell for her pure lotus like beauty, her eyes so green as if they were made to hook a person's soul just with one look and her light pink hair fluttering as if flower blossoms were constantly blooming around her. Her beauty was etheral as she was as beautiful as any goddess both inside and outside. But when the 12 princes start fighting for her affection, things take a turn for the worst? Amongst so many potential men pursuing for her love, who will be the ultimate winner to steal the heart of the oblivious, kind, naive and the dense beauty? Join Fiona's journey as she walks a chaotic journey to her she attracts a lot of unwanted attention from nature's evil forces. Will she be able to have her own happy ending?

Pure. Hm...pure.

"Elves....what are you doing??" Her voice trembled. Her breath hiked as she felt the man lean down to her face.

"You wanna no what I am doing, hmmm?" A masculine voice spoke, in a very indulging soft voice, his love obvious in the soft way he spoke.

He narrowed the distance between his face and his love's, until their lips met with each other. He felt his love's lips tremble at his touch. A sweet feeling overswept his self control as he entered his tongue into her mouth, ravaging her small lips until they were red and plump by his erotic, passionate kisses.

Parting his face from hers he added, in a bewitched state, "You are so lovely."

His love blushed as her mouth opened and close, gaping for air.

"I.....I have been making it obvious for you to realize and notice it but you seem to be too oblivious to my feelings." The injured second male lead spoke. The light in his eyes were flickering, the usual liveliness in his beautiful pair of eyes replaced by a dark cloud. He coughed out blood and the thick liquid fell from his mouth, drenching the whole cloth around his chest.

"Vaser. Nooo....please. Please don't die. please." Fiona cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. This man had been injured to this extent while protecting her. Vaser was on the verge of collapsing.

The man fell on her shoulders.

"I want to know." He spoke."Do you like me even if it's a little bit?"

Fiona cried even harder as she replied. "How can anyone not like Vaser, a prince so humble and kind like you, despite being a royal prince."

"Then...." The man whispered in her ears. "Will you atleast allow me to hold you, my love, for the first and last time, before I die?"

Fiona cried, her tears wiped by a pair of blood stained hands. She looked at him, her eyes glimmering genuinely as she answered with the look in her eyes.

Vaser, the dying prince did not hesitate to kiss her lips, pry them open and stick his own tongue exploring the insides of her mouth, her saliva sweeter than anything he had ever tasted. As he did so, he began to undress her until she was naked.

"You taste so sweet, my love." He spoke as he looked down at his love. Fiona blushed, tears forming at the end of her eyes. Vaser wiped them using his hands. "I am so glad you gave me this chance to make you mine before my death. Thank you. I will treasure this moment even in my afterlife." He smiled as he said this. He leaned forward as he entered inside the body of the woman he loved.

"Aahhh...nng...anng...." Moans left her lips as she purred with pleasure. She felt something thick penetrate her deepest part, stirring them up which made her body burn like fire.

The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the silent dark cave as two people made love as if the world was gonna end for the other. Fiona hugged Vaser's broad shoulders tightly as she felt a hot liquid fill her insides. Her cheeks blushing red and hot like fire.

"My lovely goddess. I am sorry for tainting you for this selfishness of mine." Vaser spoke, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Well, of course in the end, at the crucial moment they were found and Vaser was saved.

She was pinned to the wall of the bathroom, her curvy figure trapped in between the arms of a tall man. The man looked down upon her naked form as he spoke in a magnetic voice.

"I love you."

Fiona raised her eyes. She looked up and was startled by the face of the man who looked so sad, as if he was being tormented. He looked like he was about to cry. She raised her hand and touched his cheeks.

"Quark. Why are you making a face as if you are going to cry any moment?"

This feeling of warmth broke his rationality as he slammed the girl against the wall, his own lips ravaging her soft and supple lips. Saliva drenched down from the part where their tongues were connected. Quark looked at Fiona, his eyes looking like a hungry beast. He raised her legs, parted them and placed himself in between them. He let out a groan as he entered her, the warmth inside her wrapping him around, making his rationality melt. He grunted when he heard her moan heavily at his actions. And this moan broke the last thread of rationality in him as he thrusted faster, his manhood entering deeper into her. They hugged each other tightly, until the man released his seed into her, making the insides twitch violently.

Ivar frowned as he read these strange scenes. The female lead was making love with a man that was not the male lead. Then what was even the purpose of having a male lead in the first place? He now knew the reason why Vaser was being hated by the other princes a while back ago. This seemed to be the reason. The ambiguous personality of the female lead now made sense.

Ivar recalled there was once an incident when he started to doubt the oblivious side of Fiona. Another girl had some sort of friction with Fiona regarding a magic spell book at the library. When the princes came over to stand up for her she spoke these words as she apologised. "Its not her fault. Please don't do anything bad to her." These ambiguous words made it sound as if the other girl was at fault. And of course the people around made the other girl the bad one. Ivar, who watched the entire scene from the sidelines frowned. The other girl only asked Fiona for the magic book at her table as she was already holding another one in her hands. Magic spell books were limited to one book per person so what the girl said was reasonable. But the moment she apologised it made it sound as if the other person was bullying her.

There was even a time when he accidentally sense two people having sex in strange places more than once. And it seemed that each time, the person she was having sex with was different. Ivar thought it was the first prince of AKHART empire as he did not paid any attention to it.

The female lead had no character. She was plainer than water. And did not knew rejection. She also had a talent for twisting her words with her obliviousness, making it sound as if others were bullying her.

He flipped the pages. There were even more scenes likes this with the other princes as well. The heroine compromising with the love interests as she let them touch her, her heart melted by their fierce and strong love. Sometimes she had ten minutes kissing scenes with them, sometimes she went to an extreme and had sex with them like lovers do. Heck. There was even a scene where she was ravaged by the Male lead in a hot spring, her legs unable to walk at the pleasure and friction the male lead's body gave her.

Ivar was not interested in these things so he skipped these erotic scenes. As the pages he flipped became thinner and thinner, the romance between the male and female lead finally took a new turn, with Fiona realising that the feelings she had for Elves were stronger than the feelings she had for the other love interest. At the end when Elves was on the verge of dead while protecting the world from a calamity they finally found mutual love. Elves survived thanks to Fiona. And after he recovered, he was awarded the title of strongest mage in the entire world for defeating a calamity level demi god. At the last page of the novel, the story ended with the male and female lead getting married while the other love interests respected her choice. Then the novel ended with a last erotic consummation.

To sum it up, it was an erotic R rated harem novel where the female protagonist had connected with all the love interest that had pursued her.

Ivar frowned. So the god wanted to protect this kind of world? She created a world that was so partial towards the Female lead.

Even when caught while having her virginity taken by the second male lead, who was not the final love interest to end up with the heroine, no one blamed Fiona for it. Instead all the blame went to Vaser, even the man was adamant on him being the one who forced himself on her.

"Its okay. Its not your fault. So don't blame youself. Its okay. My love." These were the first words from Elves when he found her naked with Vaser.

By the second time this happened, everyone acted as if it was a normal occurence.

Ivar destroyed the book in his hand.

Such a worthless thing worth protecting. It was so filthy.

For Ivar, who grew up watching Ibelina and Josh's love, he found this nauseating. He was often told always by his foster father- "Ivar, my boy, a man can only have one woman in his life. And she has to be his one and only." Ibelina also said the same words to him- "A woman can give her heart to only one man and he has to be her everything." It was a good thing he was not a part of those dirty deeds. In the book, his introduction was nothing much as he did not have that many parts except for some mighty appearances and his interactions with the female lead. And he died just as he came in, like a passing wind. Even the deaths of his family members were not written elaborately. This meant that the world was self constructing itself at the words written down by the god. Thinking about god his mana went berserk, to the point of exploding any moment.

He rubbed the bridge between his forehead. His eyes were closed so the malice and hatred in his red eyes were hidden.

This world had taken away so much from him. It was not worth living here.


Yes. Why not destroy the world that dared to treat his family's life like stepping stones. Destroy the world that damn bitch had created!


Destroy it!

Destroy this world!

"Its so dark here. so dark that I am suffocating while breathing every moment."

So lets end this for once.

A group of people mages appeared before him, looking at him in awe. But before they could speak a word Ivar's body glowed an intense light. Blinding and forceful as if the world was burning.


People from afar widened at the scene that was happening before them.

The space was collapsing, the world was crumbling. It was collapsing from a distance and was spreading from that place, taking in the entire earth, destroying it like crumbling sands.

Tap. Tap. Tap. People saw this scene from a computer screen. The location was a terrifying existence - it was the office of the First System Unit of the Divine realm.

"First division leader, what should we do? We are waiting for your command."

The person being addressed tapped his fingers on the table. His face was stoic and cold. Black glasses adorned his eyes. He leant back on his seat.

"It seems like more and more characters are revolting like him. Tsk. Tsk. Why can't they just simply live by the rules of their original fate? Damn the legacy of those readers, they are becoming more and more troublesome."

"However, he is a rare case. The god created him way too overpowered." One of his subordinates spoke.

The divison leader frowned. "But his fate was already decided by god yet he changed it. He should have just reunited with his family members in the afterlife." He clicked his tongue, irritated. He feel into a deep thought.

An idea flashed in his mind.

"Has that person awoken yet?" He asked.

"No. He had sealed himself before we could extract his entire soul." One of his subordinate replied.

The divine leader let out a smirk. And this smirk sent shivers down the people dressed in full black around him.

"We will bring him in and use him to deal with this troublesome rebel." He spoke smiling creepily. "You pit fire against fire. They will be a perfect match and the result will be like killing two birds with one stone."

"But leader, what about his memories....?"

He let out a menacing smile. "Don't worry. The higher ups recently developed a very advanced curse crystal. We will seal his memories first and move his soul into one of our systems."

With a creepy smile, "Then we will send him over to bond with this rebel, and trap them in an endless cycle of transmigration."

This was the only option they had at the moment but the way he said it made his subordinates grieve for the rebel at the screen in silence.

Misfortune awaits you!!!