Ivar calmed his nerves. For the first time in his life he was unable to hide the shock evidently showing on his face. He stared at the bastard before him. The latter, was smirking at him, his lips curving as if he was in a pleasant mood. Guang Wang Lei raised his brow in amusement.

The two remained in a stalemate of a staring contest.

Just then the sound of footsteps approaching was heard.

Three women entered through the door. The three of them had a radiant star mark on their foreheads. The woman on the left had really beautiful red curly hair falling upto her hips. She had charming brown eyes. And was dresses in all white from head to toe, a white flower tiara sat on her head. She gave off a Saintess vibe. On the right was a black haired eighteen year old girl. She had captivating Phoenix eyes and was dresses rather boldly, the skin on her chest and legs exposed. However the most striking one among these three pair was the one standing in the middle. Silver hair. Like webs threading in the air, shinning with a radiant aura. Grey eyes with a bulish touch. Her face so devastatingly beautiful as if it was made by the gods to cause the downfall of nations after nations. Slender figure and tall. Unlike her mesmerizing appearance she held fierce eyes, the sharpness of her character reaching into the souls of those who looked at her eye to eye.

Ivar glanced at them once. Without a doubt these three were the main harem members of the protagonist, meaning, Guang Wang Lei's harem members, his wives. The one standing on the left was called Ming Mei. The one on the right was Ming Xiao Yu. And the one in the middle was the future empress of the protagonist, Xing Chun Li. As for their family background, Ivar just tossed it aside. Whatever the details they were not important to him as they had no relation with the original host. Except for the thread called Guang Wang Lei that connected them they had no what so ever bussiness with each other.

Xing Chun Li stared at the tall man. Her fierce eyes changed immediately. Her cheeks blushed as she addressed her lover.

"Lei did not come over to visit made me feel so anxious. Are you hurt anywhere, Lei Lei?"

Guang Wang Lei frowned at her. He did not even even bother to glance towards these intruding women as he clicked his tongue in irritation.

The three froze. Their eyes widened with shock. Their lover, who would hold them and pamper them assertively whenever any of them showered him with love words, and take them to the sheets, rolling around until the next morning, actually clicked his tongue at their affectionate words? They doubted their ears. Shaking their heads they denied this unexpected reaction.

"Wang Lei....what is wrong? Are you sick anywhere?" Ming Mei spoke worriedly. Her beautiful face frowned as if she had been pricked by a needle.

"Wang! Do you have any idea how much we missed you ever since the last time we met?" Ming Xiao Yu pouted her cheeks puffing them out adorably. She looked like a porcelain white doll.

"Right. Lei Lei...why did you not visit us? We missed you terribly. Each night I kept thinking about you, unable to sleep, waiting for you to visit me....." Xing Chun Li made a pained expression, as if she was in deep sorrow yet at the same time her cheeks blushed red, her current image looked like a lovesick maiden seeking love from their lover, inviting over her lover to ravage her. In the past whenever she made this face her lover was unable to refuse her.

As the three women voiced their words of worry they surrounded Guang Wang Lei from all sides. Slender and soft arms encircled themselves around their lover's arms. The smell of powder and rouge filled his nose irritating him. A deep frown formed on his face.

Ivar who saw this coming averted his eyes from this scene. A person having more than one lover, he would never be able to understand how one could share their lover with some other person. Since this was the case he had no interest in letting his eyes linger around. He ignored the ambiguous scene before him.

Guang Wang Lei felt irritated as his pleasant mood was utterly destroyed by something like this. He stared down at the pair of hands clinging on him; the bloodlust in his eyes leaking from them. The veins on his forehead bulged out irritably as if they would explode into a fit of anger.

"Lei Lei..." Xing Chun Li blushed as she whispered in a low voice. "Let's....." She had yet to finish when she felt her knees give out the strength in them. Her heart froze as she steered her eyes upwards. Her eyes froze, For, What met her own pair of eyes was ruthless cold and bloodlust eyes that was staring down at her as if she was an insect that had to be disposed off, as if the owner of these pair of bloodlust eyes could kill her anytime. And what was terrifying was that the owner of these murderous gaze was none other than her lover, their lover, who spoilt and pampered them with love words in the past. She felt a cold blade touch her neck. A chill ran down her spine. Her eyes were stung with something sharp so they were forced to droop down.

"This..." Guang Wang Lei spoke coldly. As he said this he drew the blade on her neck. A small cut appeared on Xing Chun Li's slender neck. Blood trickled down from the small cut that was made by her own lover's blade. "Is a warning. Make sure to never touch me or approach me again."

Xing Chun Li shuddered at his words, the pressure on her body came crushing down with a dense murderous aura. Droplets of sweat formed on her forehead. As her eyes darted on the floor she noticed the other two woman crunching down on the floor just like her.

"This....Lei Lei..." She attempted to speak but was silenced by a blade that shushed at her lips. Her body trembled heavily.

The owner of the blade stared down at her, his eyes clouded by an intent to kill.

"Be grateful. Considering our past relation I am letting you off the hook. But bear this in mind. There will be no next time." When he spoke each and every word he kept the eye contact with Xing Chu Lin still, subjugating her with his tremendous horrifying aura.


She stood up on her trembling legs. Her thoughts jumbled, as she helped the other two to stand on their feets. As she left she did not even have to courage to look upto the face of her lover. Her sixth sense was telling her that if she look back or turn something terrible will happen. A woman's instinct was never wrong. She was smart enough to listen to her instinct as she heard Ming Xiao Yu scream the moment she turned her gaze around at Guang Wang Lei. A river of Blood streamed down from Ming Xiao Yu's eyes.

" eyes...AHHHHH." She shouted in pain pressing her hands on them.

Both Xing Chu Lin and Ming Mei watched the terrifying scene before them with horror. They did not dare to look back as they helped her out.

The moment Guang Wang Lei told them to leave his eyes darted back to Ivar. He released the same overwhelming pressure then channeled them towards Ivar. The latter frowned but did not fall on his knees. In a flash Guang Wang Lei appeared before the table. He stretched his long arm towards Ivar. Ivar immediately dodged his touch.

With a frown. "You dare!"

Ivar glared at him. Just like Nulis had said, this person really was a narcissist. Who was he to be this mighty and haughty?

"Don't touch me!"

Guang Wang Lei narrowed his eyes at him. He retracted his arm and spoke. "Just because you piqued my interest doesn't mean I won't hesitate to kill you." He took a seat then continued. "You will remain here. And don't even think of running away, for, I have the absolute power to find you and drag you wherever I want."

His words meant absolute authority.

Ivar gave him no reaction. He spoke to Nulis. "Nulis...did this to the higher ups?"

"They won't tell me anything. For now let's observe until our time limit in this world is over."

"What about the mission board?" Ivar asked calmly.

Nulis sighed. "Host the mission is to complete the original host's wishes. But it's something impossible for the son of fate to be killed. For now let's stick with observing him."

Ivar pondered over it for a bit. "Hmmm...if I get the chance to sneak out from here how about clearing some small side missions? A bit is better than nothing right?"

The system ecstatically shook its head. "Host, Wuwuw....I am so happy to hear you say this." Its host really cared about the points. This was good news for Nulis, who needed to accumulate as much points as possible.

On the side Guang Wang Lei observed him with sharp eyes. He again noticed the other person talking to the invisble force he was unable to see. His lips curved in amusement.

This guy, who was before him, gave him no attention and was able to talk leisurely, even when faced with his subjugation spell he did not get on his knees, had no hint of fear or the intention of prostrating before him, gave him a new feeling. Everywhere Guang Wang Lei went he was always feared once he showed his fangs yet this person refused to give in to his authority. Moreover, his identity was also a mystery to him. All these elements alltogether caught his attention and his will to conquer him grew stronger. It had been a long time since he felt this heart racing excitement. He threw his arm over letting them spread on the rail of his seat as he kept his eyes still on Ivar.

"Heh!" He chuckled. How amusing indeed. Even though they were not here he had managed to find something to kill his boredom.

Ivar glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. He noticed the bastard smirking as if he was planning something in his mind. Although Ivar appeared calm on the outside his inner soul was in turmoil. He had never had a face off with this kind of enemy before. A variable that was as, Ivar was sure that this bastard was much more stronger than those gods monitoring him. He might even pose a danger to Ivar's soul that was residing in Chu Gui right now. He stirred his fingers around the mouth of the tea cup. His eyes sharpened as he pondered over something.

Guang Wang Lei chuckled at him. He said triumphantly. "Now that's a nice expression. You now acknowledge that you are at a disadvantage."

Ivar did not react to his words. He ignored him the whole time the other person was staring at him with a smirk.

Thankfully the man left by the evening. Though he came over the next day. Like this a few days went by with Guang Wang Lei visiting Ivar almost everyday. And everytime he came over Ivar had to deal with his selfish games of killing Guang Wang Lei's boredom. Sometimes they fought, both staking their lives on the line. Ivar knew the man was holding back when he fought with him but he was still unable to land even a single hit on him. This somehow made him feel frustrated. So with time he stopped resisting but the man was never to give him a chance of refusal.

When Guang Wang Lei said "Let's fight" there was no room for refusal as he attacked him the moment he spoke these words. Then Ivar was left with no choice but to retaliate. So like this they had already engaged in several fights with him being defeated each and every time.

This man was really strange.

Whenever Ivar refuse from tagging along with Guang Wang Lei's game script the man would become a narcissistic petty bastard. Like, once, when Ivar refused to play a game of chess with him because he kept losing, the man teleported him to the depts of Hellfire valley. There Ivar had to battle so many monsters but he barely made it using the current powers of his host because the bastard called Guang Wang Lei had sealed off half of Chu Gui's powers, thus resulting in a tattered Ivar to return.

"Good. Now you know what a crisis means." These were the words he spoke when he saw Ivar's tattered state.

Ivar glared at him as he kept silent. Thanks to this bastard's petty mind he was atleast able to earn some points. Since then he threw all his resistance away and played along with the bastard's trick as long as it was something simple like playing a game of chess, or fighting, or accompanying Guang Wang Lei to something trivial like the garden at the courtyard or the small building near the garden.

And of course Ivar did not forget to sneak out from time to time.

Currently the man wasn't here yet. So he had his time to himself. Ivar frowned at the food a servant had brought for him. The courtyard he was staying now had the interest of that man so no one was allowed to enter without Guang Wang Lei's permission. Except for his food being delivered by servants no one was allowed to enter. But the food in this world tasted horrible as it did not matched Ivar's tastebuds. When the servant left he took the food tray and went to the kitchen. Since he was free he decided to recook this horrible tasting food.

It had been a while since he last used his hands in kitchen work. His hands moved fast as he made vegetable salad as a side dish. He sprinkled some of it into the meat he was frying. The colour of the meat was changing from yellow to red. He then added some spices and stirred the meat with fast and tender movements. The wonderful aroma of the meat filled the kitchen. Looking around he found some other ingredients that he could use to cook. So he made some more. When he was finished he felt fulfilled.

"Nice smell." A voice interrupted his peaceful mind.

The man leaned on the door of the kitchen with his arms folded.

"Tsk." Ivar clicked his tongue. Now his breakfast was ruined.

Guang Wang Lei did not hesitate to pick a pleasant looking meat and push it into his mouth, chewing to taste it. His pupils fluctuated a bit as he chewed onto the soft, tender and delicious meat.

"Not bad. You sure can cook."

Ivar felt his eyes twitch with a foreboding bad feeling.

"From now one you shall cook for this mighty one. Tsk. Tsk. Don't look at me like that. Who told you to let me taste something so delicious. So take responsibility for ruining my food standards." He smirked cunningly.