The entire system department stared at the screen before them.


Everyone flinched, their shoulders trembling pitifully.

The division leader had smashed the table before him into pieces. His hand was still clenched into a fist, oozing with an ominous magic.

"Damn it!" He cursed underneath his breath. His phoenix eyes narrowed at the screen that had been restored to its usual condition.

Not only had they failed to trap that rebel called Ivar in that world, they had also failed to trap Nulis in that world too. These two rebels, they were really lucky to escape death for a second time. This world was created by the higher ups, setting it as a cheese trap that could get rid of both Nulis and Ivar. Specially Nulis. No matter what, the higher ups wanted Nulis death at any cost this time. But because of that unexpected force their set up was thrown into disarray and thus they had to resort to other methods only to fail all of them. Even the Daughter of fate was no threat to their targets because of that unknown variable.

The result was even more dreadful. That bastard and that rebel had escaped their system control to god knows where. Just the thought of having to track them down made his brain throb with pain.

Damn it! What was he going to report to the gods?

"Damn it!! Elm, that bastard! It seems he had actually been hiding his fangs behind his obedient pretense. Now we cannot even trace his whereabouts. His connection is gone. I cannot sense the link." He cursed making an ugly face.

"Division leader, do you think Elm knew that his name was not actually Nulis, thus, he deceived us in order to rebel once more?" One of his subordinate asked. She was a bit doubtful. Nulis, No, Elm, had been very cooperative with his missions. So, why did he run away this time?

The division leader shook his head. "We completely sealed his memories. He doesn't remember anything, including his name. But this bastard, his intuition have awalys been on spot. Although sealed, a person's nature cannot be changed. This time we attacked them so Elm decided to retaliate. Although he may sound dumb and idiotic all the times, his true nature is that of a dragon."

He will never forget the scene his eyes witnessed a few years ago. This dumb rebel had actually almost destroyed the system's core. He was also a different type of monster. But when comparing Elm to this unknown person who had disrupted all the department's plans, this monster was a walking calamity for the system department.

"He is a monster. Be careful of him." The warning from the higher ups against this unknown person hit his mind.

He frowned staring at the screen that was currently showing them a shattered world. Everyone's eyes were glued to the screen, their faces horrified with fear and terror.

"Really." The division leader uttered. "What a terrifying monster."

This person only took few seconds to destroy the temporary world they had set up as a cheese trap. Right now the essence of that world was reduced to particles.

Yet, they did not find out the identity of this monster.

he sighed. "Haaahhhhhh!!! What a pain in the ass! It will probably be hard to find them but we don't have a choice either. Find them at any cost."

"Yes, boss." All the subordinates replied in unison.


Ivar was back at his blank space. "Nulis, so how do we proceed from here? Let me hear it all."

Nulis was silent for a while. "Host, actually....Nulis is probably not my real name. I have known the moment I awoke....that...they were trying to use me. But I didn't care about it because I thought that if me being used would lead me to regaining my memories and meeting the person who awaited my return....I was willing. But....only now do I realise that their aim was actually to get rid of me."

Ivar was silent. He waited for the system to continue.

"Although I don't have my memories, or any information about myself, I can vaguely feel that the person awaiting my return is someone precious to me. When I binded with host as a system I was like a newborn bird without wings, knowing the vast sky but unable to soar the blue expanse of it. But after a year I began to discover some strange and suspicious facts..."

Ivar listened silently. Nulis was right. Even Ivar was like a flightless bird back then. It was only a year later did he discover some loopholes in this thing called system. He could sympathize with Nulis. He let out a gentle sigh.


"Pardon?" Nulis was confused. Why was the host calling its own name?

Ivar made a gentle expression saying.

"Ivar. Call me by my name. Being called Host sounds too distant. We are now partners so call me by my name."

"...." Nulis was dumbfounded. It's host was making such a gentle expression and this face was directed at itself. A warm feeling engulfed the system's mechanical body, warming up its steel body.

" mean... Ivar." Nulis smiled happily. If it had a face its cheeks would be flushing red with happiness.

"So? What do we do next?" Ivar asked again.

"About that, ho..., I mean Ivar, we will proceed with our usual route. We will continue to travel to different worlds and earn points like usual. The only difference will be that we will be opting for a different system route-The cannon fodder love interest route." Nulis replied.

"The cannon fodder love interest route? What's that?" Ivar was a bit skeptical just by listening to these words.

"To put it simply, we are not the only ones who are doing these kinds of point collecting and world hopping things. There are millions of others who are engaged in host and system relationships. Although the amount of control between host-system relation varies from one to another, I assumed that we were a bit different from the other systems of the system department. So I investigated just a bit. And discovered some interesting things. There are actually many systems that are programmed for various purposes. Cannon fodder rerouting systems, Revenge systems, Villain counterattack systems, Rebirth and Reincarnation systems and many more. Cannon fodder systems are currently the most popular ones at the moment. And just as the word suggest, it means changing the original fate of the cannon fodder characters. Not to mention, the main mission bucket is really very easy. It will be at out advantage."

Ivar thought for a while. "So meaning, if we choose this route tracking us would be hard given that there are many other systems similar to this?"

"Exactly. And, also, I have already planted a bug in the system department's data. This data has registered us as a part of the cannon fodder system. So basically we will be sponging off the system department while hiding ourselves in their data, and everytime we report back they will think that the ones doing the jobs are actually the already registered systems. Aren't I amazing?" Nulis winked it's eyes proudly.

Ivar raised his brow in amusement. This dumb Nulis actually had the guts to do that? Turns out he had underestimated this system. "How did you do that?"

Sticking out its tongue, "Te-hee! It wasn't hard. I hacked into their data, stole some samples and made an improvised version of it. Also I made some other programmes and installed them inside me so don't worry Ivar. Now we have more than plenty of ways to escape their clutches. This will be the first step to our counterattack."

Ivar chuckled hearing his words. "Is that so? Then let's hop into the next world. I am curious as to how easy earning points will be now." He was curious.

"Yes Ivar. And better don't be surprised. The mission board will be a golden bank from here on."

World transfer processing...process completed....soul transferring.

Ding. Completed.

The sound of people talking. Eyebrows frowning slightly a pair of brown eyes opened slowly. He examined the surrounding around him and saw a group of people staring at him with fierce, angry eyes. Suddenly he felt a tug on his hand. When he looked to his left, another person was holding his arm, the posture of the hold was obviously trying to contain his movements in an attempt to prevent him from moving forward. The owner of the person holding him back was shorter than him and had beautiful blue eyes. His hair was a colour of Ivar's original hair. Currently this person was staring up at him, his begging eyes him to stop.

"Makato, that's enough. Don't fight with them anymore. Please. I don't want to see you get hurt again." The owner of the hands on his arm spoke.

"Shinjiro you slut, why are you acting all innocent now. I am sure you are into all this shit with this bastard." A man from across them shouted angrily at the shorter person holding Makato's arms.

"Shinjiro, I never thought you were the kind of person to hide behind others while using them to plot against other people just because of mere jealousy." Another man spoke. The disgust in his eyes apparently strong.

"Makato Mori." Ivar mumbled in his mind. This was the current host holding his soul. Meaning, his identity in this world was Makato, the man who was the centre of these people's anger, along with the person called Shinjiro.

"A slut and a bastard. What a perfect pair of couple. Haha!" The first person screaming at them scoffed at them.

"Mister Oda, you can insult me as much as you want but do not sully my best friend. You have no right to do that." Shinjiro glared at him angrily. Then he tugged the person by his side.

"Makato, let's go."

"By leaving you think you can escape the aftermath that awaits you? Just wait until Kazuhiko is back. You are gonna pay for trying to harm our Akira." The same man screamed at them again.

Makato frowned deeply. He did not like this barking dog. So he slanted his chilling eyes towards the barking dog. This dog had light brown hair. He was tall and had a masculine body. The expression on this man's face, with his glowing black eyes and his angry face, he looked just like a mad dog.

The other person by this barking dog was also glaring at him. This person had glossy black hair and had a pair of mesmerizing honey brown eyes.

"....." Oda, the barking mad dog was startled by the pair of chilling eyes squinting at him with killing intent.

Makato pulled away from Shinjiro's hand as they turned around to leave. The moment they did Makato looked at the terrible mess on the ground. A group of people who were beaten blue and black were lying all around. This explained why his body was aching a bit. While Shinjiro avoided stepping onto the injured people lying on the ground the other person did the opposite, stepping onto the people's bodies as he walked away.

It was out of habit by the way, a habit from the previous world.

"..." Everybody stared at the terrifying scene of Makato stepping onto the bodies of the boys lying on the ground.

Oda felt even more disgusted with him. "The hell!" He kicked his leg hard against the pole near him. "Acting all cocky. He is just a weak, scheming Beta."

Yamada, the person next to him, had a black expression. "When Kazuhiko returns they are done for all. Anyway, let's go back to Akira. He needs us the most right now."

Hearing the name "Akira" soften Oda's angry face. He made a worried expression. "Okay. Let's head to his house. The medicine must have kicked in by now."

That said they both left.

Meanwhile on the other side Makato was escorted to a room. Currently he was seated on a chair and was being scolded by the other person.

"Seriously, why are you so keen on fighting them? Didn't i tell you that I don't love Kazuhiko anymore? Who he dates or who he fucks is not my concern anymore." Shinjiro said sternly. He took Makato's hand into his then added. "Please don't clash with them anymore. I don't want you to get hurt because of them. You are more important as a friend than that cheating bastard is to me. Okay?"

Ivar had yet to go through the story setting of this world. He needed to get this person called Shinjiro to leave as soon as possible. So he agreed with a word. "Okay."

The other person felt as if he had misheard it all. He was a bit doubtful. Did Makato just said Okay? The lingering doubt in his eyes was seen by Ivar. So he repeated his answer again.

"Okay. I get it. I won't anymore. But I am tired. I want to bath and take a rest."

"Ah..?" Shinjiro was dumbfounded. "Oh....oh...okay." He stuttered. Then left for the door in a state of confusion. Before stepping out of the door he turned around.

"Remember to dress your wounds. And also, call me if you need any help." With this he finally left.

Ivar sighed. He checked his body and found that he had no broken bones. Just some minor injuries. He took off his bloodied clothes and walked naked into the bathroom.

"Nulis, pour in the data." He said relaxing in the bath tub.

"Okay." Came a mechanical reply.

The name of this world was "The Elite Alpha's Fated White Lotus Omega." It was an Omegaverse world.

Tsk. Another White Lotus.


Nulis felt like it had stepped onto Ivar's black spot. Oh fuck! The system had forgotten to check the world's story setting thoroughly that was listed first on the list when Nulis had registered into the cannon fodder system back then. Of fuck me god! Don't tell me our golden bank is doomed just because of my momentary laziness?