Warm. It was so warm.

Ivar had never felt this kind of melting warmth for a long long time. Now that he was feeling it his body was drowning in the joy of coming in contact with such pleasing warmth. It was melting away all the hidden stress in his mind and soul, making him feel lighter than ever.

And the result?

His eyes lost to the peace he was feeling. His eyelashes drooped down, the tired eyelids closed themselves, falling into a peaceful slumber.

Breathe. Breathe.

The sound of his breathing became more low and relaxed as he fell asleep.

Guang Wang Lei chuckled ogling at his Kitty's resting face. Bar was currently leaning his head onto his arms, their hips attached to each other's side by side. The current situation meant that this cute person was placing his trust on him to the point of being so careless as to fall asleep in his presence. In short, he has gained his Kitty's trust.

He caressed Ivar's cheek with his fingers, stroking it lightly.

"Hng..." Guang Wang Lei heard him whimper lightly. The taller demon kept staring at the resting face of the other, a smile gracing his devilish face as he kept staring and staring. His eyes wandered around his Kitty's closed eyes, to his lashes to his nose and then finally to his lips. The plump lips were parting a bit revealing a pair of his teeth. Guang Wang Lei could feel his body heat rising as he stared at those delicious looking lips. He smirked to himself. Stretching his arms he snuggled his person closer to himself then he lifted him up without making any unnecessary movements. Princess carrying his kitty, he disappeared from the spot.

"Sleep well. Bar." He kissed his sleeping beauty on his forehead before laying him down on a giant bed.

Ivar was deep asleep so he didn't knew that this bastard was taking advantage of him. Well, of course Nulis saw the scene but the system would never tell Ivar about it because it was busy ogling at the beautiful scene before it. "Being in love looks so good. Wuwuwu."

Guang Wang Lei walked away from the bed. As soon as he turned around the look in his eyes changed. His eyes became dangerously sharp as if he was ready to chop off someone's head.

Cerberus could feel his master's overwhelming aura mixed with the smell of an intent to slaughter.

"Cerberus, about what you were speaking earlier." The momentum of his voice made the loyal dog shiver, except that he was awed by his master's demonic aura.

"Yes master." Cerberus responded immediately. "Apparantly it seems like Hell is looking for somone. A person. seems the person he is looking for is the human beside master."

Guang Wang Lei frowned.

"As for the seems like he wants the water spirit Elvis to assimilate with....."

"Whatever the reason is not important." Guang Wang Lei interrupted him. His eyebrows arched upwards, the cold aura radiating from his eyes became more threatening than before. "He who dares to covet what is mine....."

"Ma...ster!" Cerberus could feel the rage of his king even from this distance.This rage, even the smell and colour of it was something he had never seen in Hades ever before. The intensity of it could burn even thousands of demons from this distance. Such overwhelming power....

"Will pay the price for it." Guang Wang Lei let out an evil smirk. He stared at his loyal dog. "Stay with him while I go give them my greetings."

"As you wish master." The loyal dog bowed to him with utmost respect and adoration.

Guang Wang Lei disappeared from the room.

A bright light was flickering in a dark cave. The light illuminated the darkness in the cave, its rays travelling at the distance, lighting it up. There were a group of people staring at the source of this blinding light.

"Th.....This....this is...." One of them muttered, his eyes wide with astonishment. He stared at the Crystal of Hope which was beaming with a very strong holy light.

The other people standing behind were as shock as him.


"The hope....its...."

"High priest...the angels has finally answered our question. The long awaited day has finally come." A man exclaimed happily.

"The day has finally come!"

"Hail to the gods. Glory to the gods!"

The people began shouting words of praise.

The one called the high priest stared at the holy light. "This...." He muttered to himself. "This is no ordinary light. Something....a being equal to the existence of God himself has descended upon our world. But...."

Was it a blessing or a curse for them....he has no way of knowing.

Well currently this world was in its place as it should have been.

"" Whimpers of a seductive voice filled the bed room. The sound of creaking and his moaning were in rhythm with each other. Skin hitting against skin resonated the room as two bodies rolled on the sheets, both of them glued to each other with one of them prostrating obscenely as he was being forcefully penetrated.

So Min Suk had teary eyes, his eye bags were red and swollen built up from the resistance he was putting up against this domineering demon king.

Hell licked his lips tasting the delicious essence of his concubine. "You....taste so sweet." He stimulated the body pressed underneath him by releasing his desire into him.

"NNOOOOOO!" So Min Suk screamed angrily, he trashes around the bed, smacking his hands against Hell, trying to punch him on the face. Ignete who was inside him was agitated to the point that he was drown into the rage his host was feeling.

Bizz. Bizz. Flicker.

The bed was engulfed in red flames, burning ferociously with a raging intensity.

"Tsk." Hell clicked his tongue at the current situation. "You never learn do you?" He yelled at the human.

So Min Suk glared back at him. "Shitty bastard!" He shouted back at him. Ignete was under his control. The roaring flames surrounding him flared up, covering his entire body making Hell withdraw away from him.

"Give up human." The demon king smirked at the powerless prey before him. "Tsk. You never learn." He was familiar with the look in this frail human's eyes, the look of persistence that was very troublesome to deal with. Just as he was about to attack So Min Suk he felt a dreadful presence behind him. His instinct were screaming out to him not to look back.

"So true. You never learn, do you?" A voice spoke to him. The way he said these words sounded very playful.

But the underlying threat behind his words were clear to the demon king who was sweating profoundly, feeling the raging aura of his father squeezing against his back.

"Did I not tell you to not meddle in my bussiness, hm?"

Hell heard Hades throw a confusing question at him.

What? But...he really didn't do anything... Before he could get an inkling to what his father was saying Hell felt something hit his cheek. An earth crushing punch hit his face and before he could think about what just happened he felt his entire body flying at a horrifying speed, the momentum of it was so terrifying that Hell could feel his body bend aganist gravity.

People all around the world saw the clouds on the sky disappear at once as if they dissolved into the blue expanse of it. Although they couldn't exactly make out but they saw that something.... was flying the length of the sky high above them.

"!!!" So Min Suk was shocked when witnessing the ordeal with his own eyes. He stared at the intruder before him. The intruder however didn't pay any attention to him. In a spilt Second the demon that punched the demon king away was gone from the room.

"Wh..who was that?" He murmured to himself.

Guang Wang Lei was currently out in the sky, planning to continue his greeting to the weak son of this body. He flashed upfront before Hell. Not giving the other person any chance to react Guang Wang Lei kicked down his foot onto Hell's face, crushing it down.

Thuweck! BOOM!

Hell felt his body trample under the overwhelming force as he was sent down to the bottom of the earth.

"So..he intended to fight me no matter what. All he needed was some groundless excuse." Hell felt anger against this kind of humiliating defeat.

If so...if this was the case...then he will fight back with all he has got. Dying without putting up a fight was going to tarnish his pride as the demon king.

"Ahhhhhhh....." His eyes glowed darkly. The human skin on his body cracked falling to shambles revealing his true demonic form. His pair of horns grew longer, his eyes became pure black. Black angel wings were attached on his back. Even the stature of his body became taller and more rigid.

"!!!" The demonic army in the castle and around the world trembled when they fell their king call for their aid.

"What in the world happened to him!" Asmodeus exclaimed, surprise by the call of their king.

Infact he was not the only one. Even the other five generals were as shocked as them. They all dashed towards the same direction, answering the call of their king.

Hell emerged from the hole that was caused by his demise. He growled when he saw that the culprit who made he go mad.

Guang Wang Lei chuckled at his appearance. "You look hideous." He remarked. "Compared to your human skin I like this one better."

He could feel it. Thousands of life forms radiating an evil aura was closing towards the place he was standing. Guang Wang Lei slanted his eyes around the area. "Hm....there's a million of them huh."

Like small ants, the army of demons enclosed the surrounding area.

But numbers was a naught aganist absolute power.

Guang Wang Lei raised his hand. He flicked his fingers towards the demons.


With a single slash of his power thousands of the demon army was reduced to pile of dead bodies. The gruesome scene of red and green blood flooding the area was the prime example of absolute mercilessness.

"!!" Hell was overwhelmed by the bridge between them. The was unfathomable. However, if he were to get killed by his father he was not going to back down without a fight.

"Demon king!"

Hell heard his six generals call for him. The generals stared at him and then at the horrifying massacre taking place before them. They gaped when they saw Hades getting rid of the demon army one by one just by flicking his fingers towards the army.

"We must stop him or else he will annihilate the enitre demon race." Lucifer urged. Although he was the one who suggested it he was also sweating heavily. This overwhelming pressure, even from this short distance he could feel the god defying power of the previous king. Hades...he has become even more powerful than before.

Belphegor and Mammon were the first one to act. Both of them sprinted towards Hades.

Guang Wang Lei let out an evil smirk as he turned his attention onto them. He narrowed his eyes onto them. Raising both of his hands he kept them at a similar height.


The two generals felt their bodies being pulled forward against their will. Before they could comprehend what just happened they felt cold, merciless fingers strangling their necks.

"!!" Hell and the other generals reacted fast. They sprinted forward at the same time.

However....Guang Wang Lei needed just a second to get rid of the two insignificant ants in his hands.

He moved his lips to say something. "Die."

Mammon's body withered at his words, as if the absolute command of Guang Wang Lei's words held absolute power. The body of the demon crumbled to ashes. At the same time Guang Wang Lei gave out another command.

"Kneel before me."

Thud. Thud.

Bang. Bang.

"!!!" Everyone froze. They couldn't understand what just happened as all of them fell down on their knees.

Hell stared at his father, who was looking down at them from atop, with Belphegor in his one hand who was being strangled at the moment.

"!!!" The generals were as astonished as Hell.

For, the aura leaking out from the Hades before them, who was smirking at their current situation, with his eyes curving with amusement, his lips forming an smirk as if he was toying with them, looking down at them as if they were some significant ant, the mercilesess self reflected in his godly image...

Their instincts were shouting at them that this wasn't the previous king! This wasn't the Hades that they knew!