In the blink of an eye another three years went by.

The system sighed. "What the hell is this?"

Ivar sighed at the same time. "I think so too." He wanted to stop what was happening but they wouldn't listen.

"Move a bit to the left."

"Mind the gifts."

"Ah! Be careful of the flowers."

Their palace was really busy at the moment. All the servants had their hands full with work, cleaning the floor, wiping the windows, moving the furniture, decorating the enitre hallway, adorning it with beautiful flowers and other items. In short this magnificent palace was getting ready to celebrate a very special occasion.

"I want everything to be perfect by Noon." An overwhelming voice of a male kept repeating himself to the servants. He was nit picking every fault he could find. His body was masculine. It had a manly built to it. The youthful Goblin was none other Harry, the eldest prince of the Goblins. He was dressed in fancy clothes as he oversaw each and every process currently taking place inside the palace.

Of course if he was this enthusiastic the twin brothers were as hyped as he was.

Joel and Jude were all grown up adults. Now they were even taller than Harry. If not for their thinner and slender built they could be mistaken for being the eldest kid of the family.

They were also partaking in the busy schedule of their palace, making sure to perfect every little thing they could.

"Bar....My darling son." Maria hugged him, wishing him. "Happy fifteenth birthday!"

"Thank you." Ivar gave his gratitude. He was taken aback when she kissed him on the cheek. she used to do this when he was a child but after he grew up Maria stopped doing this. Well of course there was a reason behind it.

Guang Wang Lei's intimacy with him was the cause. Ever since Ivar introduced him to them his family would find ways to be closer to Ivar. So Maria took a offensive stance as she began to take advantage of her motherhood towards Ivar.

Now that Ivar thought....he couldn't see him. When he woke up he wasn't in the bed either.

"Mother where is Wang Lei?"

Maria flashed a doubtful smile at him. "Hm? Oh him?" She replied wearing the same suspicious smile. "I sent him to fetch something from the mith planet."

Ivar looked at her doubtfully.

"My darling son, even if I don't like him I would never do anything to harm him. He is the person you choose." she reassured him. "He is just running an errand for me."

Of course, that doesn't mean I will be soft on him. Hmph! Taking my son away from me when he is still a child....She grumbled to herself. Maria was a vicious Goblin princess. She had a wicked mind through and through. Although she disliked the man called Guang Wang Lei....their baby have chosen him as his partner. From what they have seen these past years the two had a really good relationship. Ivar and that man....they have become the centre of gossip in the five planets. There was almost no person in the galaxy who didn't knew of their love story. The Goblins and the fairies....the two nemesis had yet another couple born out of their hatred to a legendary love. The infamous story of the enchanting Goblin prince being kidnapped by the fairy king, as they spent a day and a night together they fell deeply in love with each other. This was the famous story being retold over and over again.

That was just a rumour though.

Maria and the others knew by now that the two had a special connection between them. Bar and that man....they behaved as if they had known each other for a long time. The bond they had was similar to what she and her husband Peter had.

And most infuriating of all....That Guang Wang Lei....he had the power to make their darling baby son smile like a flower in full bloom, their eyes full of love as they would gaze at each other.

Sigh. Maria sighed to herself in silence.

Guang Wang Lei had surprisingly been a very good son-in-law to them. Like, how when they requested him to promise not to have real sex with their son until he has his first heat the guy readily agreed. Of course he provoked them by saying:

"Kissing him is my privilege. I won't give that up."

He has been keeping his words. Their Bar haven't had his first wave of heat yet. For a teenager Goblin to not have their first heat even when he was turning made Maria think of her son as a child even more.

Even the current decoration they were overseeing right now was a suggestion given by Guang Wang Lei.

Although annoying the thing he suggested was really splendid.

"Isn't his fifteenth birthday coming? If so let's celebrate his birthday in the form of a grand banquet." Was what the man suggested to them one morning.

"Birthday? What's that?" Was their first reaction.

To their reaction Gaung Wang Lei smirked as if he was looking down on them. Then he explained it to them.

Celebrating one's birth day in the form of a feast was what birthday meant. It was a term very new to them. Also it was very enticing to them. So they hurriedly decided to hold a grand feast to celebrate their baby Bar's upcoming fifteenth Birthday. For this purpose they have been devising plans after plans, revising them again and again until they got the desired outcome which led to the current situation.

The goblins even hit their biggest landmine by inviting all the races to Bar's birthday Banquet. It was something they hated to their bones yet they ended up compromising it because they wanted to make the world remember their Bar's special day.

"On xx day in xxxx year, the goblins celebrated their youngest son, Goblin prince Bar's born day, marking the tradition of the celebration called birthday to be born in the galaxy. The banquet hold was the most magnificent and the most amazing banquet ever hold in the history of the galaxy. Ever."

This was their aim. The Goblin family was kinda childish.

Ivar sighed. Well. Guang Wang Lei was a God. So he didn't have to worry about him getting in trouble with anything.

Surely his Guang Wang Lei was currently in the farthest planet away from Penten. He was in the land of Mith. He wanted to bring the perfect gift for his lover. According to Maria there was a blessed ring in the core of the planet. The ring was called "The lover's tiara", a holy object appearing in the myths of the fairies. This legendary ring was surrounded by beautiful rainbow colored flowers. Legend said that the ring came into existence as a proof of the lovestory between an abandoned fairy Princess and a weed creature.

The weed creature was rooted in the core of the planet. It was a lonely being craving for company from some other being. It kept yearning for it but sadly thousands of years went by yet the weed creature had never seen or heard any other voice taking to it. The first time it heard the voice of another being was when a girl covered in blood fell down before it, vicious wounds inflicted on her fragile body. This was the abandoned fairy Princess. This was how two souls craving for love and attention met and fell in love with each other. Because the weed creature could never leave the core of the planet the fairy Princess kept it company until it withered away and when the weed was finally gone the fairy Princess took her own life at the very same spot where the weed creature remained rooted. The gods then took pity on their love story. The love they had for each other was never witnessed by another third party so to keep their story alive in this world the god blessed them with a boon of holy teardrop. The teardrop fell from the sky down onto the spot where the two souls remained and from it sprouted a ring signifying their union after their death. The rainbow teardrops fell down onto the core of the planet, and from it sprouted beautiful multi coloured flowers with the seven shades of the rainbow decorating their petals.

It was a very touching story. Guang Wang Lei immediately wanted that ring when he heard of this story. So here he was.

He smirked. "I also have another bussiness to do here." He had some debt to collect. A very personal debt at that.

Queen Sill was bedridden. She still hasn't fully recovered from her injuries yet. Her power level have dropped down to a horrible level. Now, it was hard for her to even manipulate her mana. She hissed in pain as she laid on her king sized bed. It was then she noticed someone elese shadow near the edge of her bed.

"Who is there?" She yelled fiercely.

The intruder showed himself.

Her eyes widened. Her shoulders flinched at the person before her. She sprang up from her lying position.

"Hello. Did I make you wait for long?" Gaung Wang Lei spoke, his voice radiating with a dangerous murderous intent.

Queen Sill began to hyperventilate. She knew she had this coming on her. Just like he have said she has indeed been waiting for this man to find her. She was fearful even by thinking about it. Because the day when this man came to see would be the day when she dies.....


Guang Wang Lei haven't even done anything yet and she was already in a pathetic state. From what he knew, the goblins had made her fall to this condition. A smirk adorned his face. "They are strong compared to you guys." Narrowing his eyes at her he added by clicking his tongue. "Tsk. Tsk. So weak!" He turned around ready to leave since his bussiness was done here. Behind him the figure of a women could be seen. The woman was choking on her own mouth, her face turned blue and black, her eyes were drenched in her blood, the remaining youthful energy was drained out from her body, the skin became a very dark shade as if it had been burnt from the inside.

Just like this the once haughty princess, the woman who was the genius queen of the fairy kingdom, was dead. Queen Sill was dead for good.

"I have to hurry up. Bar must be waiting for me." With a pleasant smile while thinking of his kitty he left for his quest.

The advent of the banquet was drawing nearer and nearer. The invited guests were arriving one by one. The receiving of the guests was done by the attendants since the Goblin family found it rather hard to take the reception in their hands.

"Never thought the goblins would do something so dramatic and magnificent like this." king Rhiem chuckled. Seeing the effort they have put in holding and decorating the palace, they must really adore their youngest prince.

"Indeed." Jes agreed with him. "Moreover they even sent an invitation to all the races. When I first saw it I thought i was dreaming." The angles never associated themselves with the other three races but they knew all there was to know. For the Goblin race to do something like was indeed a major shock to the world.

Well...he was here because of his personal interest. He wanted to see the infamous couple shaking the world right now.

There he was.

The star of today's event.

Dressed in red clothes, his beautiful hair swaying as he walked down the stairs. He grew a bit. His stature was taller than when Jes saw him. The pale green skin was glowing with a healthy glow. The baby fat in his cheeks has flattened. His eyes were still the same mesmerizing colour. The look in his eyes was aloof, calm and mysterious. His brothers and his parents smiled at him, saying something to him. The Goblin prince reacted to their words, his lips curving up, revealing a beautiful smile to sit on his face, the smile complimenting his ethereal beauty.

Jes could feel his interest growing in this little beauty. He swept his gaze to find the other star of the day.

"Hm..." He stroke his chin. It seems like he wasn't around right now.

"A good day blessed with happiness to Maria and your family." King Rhiem walked over greeting them.

The couple smiled at him. They were somehow on good terms with this dwarf king. So they gave him the respect he deserve.

"King Rhiem. We are glad to have your presence."

King Rhiem smiled at them. After a bit of an idle talk he gave his present to their son.

Ivar received it with courtesy. He didn't wanted to but for now....he had to play along with his family or else.....

Jes stared at Prince Bar. From this distance his beauty was even more enchanting. Long eyelashes curling up fanning his beautiful eyes, a perfect nose, plump lips.... He really is beautiful. He thought to himself.

The twins were irked by his stare falling on their brother. "What ya looking at you ugly angel?"

Jes forced a smile. "Wish the prince a very blessed day. Here is my gift for you."

"Thanks." Ivar received it. He was aware of this angel's gaze falling on him from time to time. When he took the gift from him the hand of the stranger slide past his intentionally. Ivar slanted his eyes at him before walking away with his family.

Now it was time for the most embarrassing event.


A big cake awaited the table.

Ivar couldn't believe it. He was celebrating his birthday like a five year old kid would do.

"They are rolling up today." Nulis commented. The Goblin family was on full roll. It was kinda refreshing though.

Wang Lei....why are you so late....

Ivar lamented.

This was when....


He felt an electrifying shockwave hitting his entire body. His body temperature rose in an instant heating him up.


Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Ivar sprinted out of the palace. He was huffing, his cheeks tinted with a heavy blush....the electrifying sensation coursing through his body.... A steamy, sweet scent draped his entire body...from head to toe...down to the tip of his hair strand.

So hot.... My body is burning if it is about to burst....