The title of the world itself told the story. A white lotus with a harem of men. The protagonist of this world was a pure, stupid, innocent and a kind beautiful boy of humble origin. At the young age of eight he was adopted into the influential household of the Zhan family, the imperial relatives of the emperor of the Youh kingdom. The protagonist was dubbed as the most beautiful boy in this world whose beauty exceeds even those of women, able to attract the attention of everywhere he went. The head of the Zhan family was the first victim to his ethereal beauty as the moment he laid his eyes on the boy he was enchanted by his looks, an urge of wanting to immediately take this boy under his wing shaking him up, telling him to take the boy back with him. Despite dressed in plain clothes his beauty couldn't be concealed. When the boy smiled it was akin to a blooming rose flower under the dazzling sunlight. His pure nature enthralled everyone who saw him, making them fall head over heels for him. The most enticing part of this boy was the deep red petal mark on his neck, signifying his worth to those who saw him.

A ger with a deep red mark, the supreme of all gers.

That's right. The protagonist was a ger. Ger were men who were blessed by the gods the right to have children despite their gender. They were like any normal men except that they could bear children. Their build slimmer and more slender than most man, with a petal mark on their neck as a symbol to their identities. The petal mark had colours varying from light pink to deep pink to light red to red to dark red to deep red. The darker the shade the more supreme the favourability of the ger was. Amongst all these shades the deep red was the rarest. It was a symbol of supremacy to Gers who were born once in every ten years.

The protagonist had the world's blessings upon him. Everywhere he went he was loved. His nature and his beauty compelled those around him to naturally love him. Originally an orphan. Even though he was homeless and without parents he never had to struggle for food or shelter as random people around him would give it to him for free. Sometimes it was the old lady living by the corner of the street and other times it was someone else. This cycle of his livelihood ended when he was finally adopted into the Zhans. Welcomed by warm embraces and lots and lots of pampering the boy never voiced his selfishness remaining true and kind to his character. It was natural that everybody loved him. He even became the cause of union of the entire Zhan family, earning the affection of every member and every servant.

It was like this world was biased towards Yue Ling. All he have to do was smile and say thank you to make everyone fall on their feets, showering their love and affection at him.

Yue Ling had light red hair. His eyes were a shade of pink, the colour shimmering when exposed to sunlight and when he smiled it was like his eyes were sparkling with glitters. His skin was milky white, soft and smooth, the curves on his body was beautiful, his face as if it was crafted by the gods.

It was inevitable that those who behold him fell for him.

When he entered the Yuan academy institution he became the eye candy of the academy. There he met a new world, made new friends, and of course, he met the fifteen princes of the fifteen kingdoms who fell for his charms and fought with each other for Yue Ling's hand in marriage. The princes were constantly in friction with each other. Their hostility as the future emperors of their kingdom knew no bounds yet when they were with Yue Ling they went along pretty well with each other at the same time they were constantly competing for Yue Ling's heart.

All the fifteen princes were the members of the protagonist's harem. They had their own share with Yue Ling which included kissing and fucking obviously because they all loved him. However the most striking person added to his harem was the uncle of the Zhan family. The same man who stretched out his hands to the boy when he was homeless became a memeber of Yue Ling's harem. There was a reason why he was called as the first victim to the protagonist's beauty.

Everything about this world to the protagonist was very similar to the other world of the rotten bitch.

The system was baffled by how similar Yue Ling and Fiona were.

"I...I am sorry." Yue Ling apologised in his lovely sweet voice. He was walking when he bump into another girl by accident.

"Its okay." The girl replied helping him up.

But Yue Ling kept repeating how sorry he was. His body gesture implying as if he was wronged somehow.

"Miss Xin, how dare you bully our Yue! You will pay for this..." The love interests of the protagonist glared at the girl with threatening eyes.

"But...I..." Miss Xin, the one who bumped into the protagonist tried to explain.

"Lord Xiao, Lord Jing....its not her fault. Please don't blame her. Miss Xin. I am really sorry." Yue Ling bowed to her once again. Instead of explaining the enitre thing his ambiguous words let the misunderstanding grow.

The next day Miss Xin was kicked out of the academy. Her family fell to doom. Even after she left people held a grudge against her for trying to harm their angel.

"I am really very sorry." With a bothered expression Yue Ling kept repeating these very same words.

"It...its okay. Be careful not to fall down again." He replied offering him a handkerchief.

Yue Ling took it. He smiled as he spoke, "Lord Yu is very kind. Thank you. Once again I am sorry please forgive me."

Lord Yu gave him a humble smile before leaving.

The next week Lord Yu was accused of bullying and was kicked out of the academy with his right hand disabled.

The ambiguous words of the protagonist knew no bounds. Everytime he spoke it mislead people into thinking, making them biased towards Yue Ling.

"How dare he tried to taint our angel's purity!"

"Miss Yin bullied him."

"How can they have the atitude to bully him when he is so kind and humble?"

"Our poor angel. Jealousy is a scary thing."

"Good that he was kicked out with his one leg broken. He deserves it."

"Lord Mu was trying to seduce him to bed."

"They are jealous of his beauty so they are bullying him."

The words circulating amongst people was always biased towards Yue Ling, everytime an incident happened the fault was always laid on the other person.


There was one who did not yield to the protagonist's halo.

Sheng Yan.

The antagonist of the world.

Sheng Yan was the Fiance of Lord Xiao, one of the male leads of this world. They were childhood best friends engaged to each other even before birth. Because they were on good terms with each other they continued with the engagement. That was until Lord Xiao met Yue Ling and fell in love with him.

"I want to annual my engagement with you." Lord Xiao gave his fiance a murderous look.

Sheng Yan stared at him. "Do you really think you have the power to do that? Don't forget that this engagement was the will of the previous empress, my grandmother. Her legacy is my will."

Lord Xiao glared at him. His eyes reflected the disgust in them as he shouted. "Sheng Yan, you disgusting jealous man! I have never seen someone so shameless like you! Not only did you bully my Yue Ling, you even tried to harm him! Remember that as long as I live I will not tolerate those who try to harm the person I love."

With a snort Sheng Yan refuted. "I am also disgusted by you! You slept with him didn't you? Despite having a fiance you cheated on me without any guilt and now you have the audacity to scream at me? Do not forget Xiao Ming!" He got up from his seat, his eyes intimidating as he spat at him. "I. Do. Not. Love. You. The moment you slept with him you shattered all the good affection I had towards you! If it was not for you who promised me a lifetime company twelve years ago, I wouldn't have ever proceeded with our pre arranged engagement. It was you who took my hand."

Xiao Ming got up from his seat. He slammed down onto the table yelling. "You can be angry at me but you cannot bully Yue Ling because of this! Sheng Yan, do not test my patience."

Sheng Yan gave him a wierd look. He couldn't believe it! He let out a long laugh. With a snort at the end he shouted back at him. "You! How blind have you become because of one single person? When did I bully him? Confronting him as your fiance was my right! I didn't even touch a strand of his hair! On what grounds are you accusing me of things that I never committed! You bastard!"

"Liar! If you didn't do anything to him then why was he in tears when I came to fetch him, and why did he kept saying he was sorry if nothing happened between you two."

The more Sheng Yan heard him yelling the more shocked he was. He laughed at him. "Xiao Ming. You poor little thing! You don't even know what that boy said to me. Hahaha! You poor little thing! That boy will never have you in his heart!"

Xiao Ming raised his hand.


Sheng Yan stumbled down. The momentum of that slap came crashing down on his making him fall onto the floor. He touched his face. It was hot. His hand touched something sticky. Upon inspection he found that it was his blood. His mouth was bleeding because of the harsh slap.

"Xiao Ming!" he screamed at him getting up on his feet.

The man being screamed at looked down at him with ruthless eyes. "You bitch! You deserve it for insulting my love. I will annual my engagement with you very soon and will make you pay for it! For everything!" He flicked his sleeves before turning around and walking away.

Sheng Yan kept screaming at him. He was in utter disbelief. His good friend, his kind natured fiance just slapped him for no apparent reason. It baffled him to think that all these happened without him having a chance to clear the misunderstanding between them. He really did not touch Yue Ling at all. All he asked was if he loved Xiao Ming and upon receiving the answer to his question he did not do anything other than let him go. The boy called Yue Ling started crying and apologising as he answered his question. He left in tears when Sheng Yan hadn't even scolded him or touched him. It was wierd. Everything related to this person called Yue Ling was bizzare. He had heard the rumours of how many people were expelled because of that person. To think that the cause of all those incident was something so barren....

"Very well!" Sheng Yan exclaimed. "I shall see how you will annual the engagement! Lets see if you have the power to do so." He did not love this man think that he regarded him as his best friend yet it took only a moment for Xiao Ming to actually destroy what they had between them... Sheng Yan was a bit hurt. He walked over to the mirror, staring back at himself, his eyes burning with resolve.

"Xiao Ming you can give your heart to anyone you want. I don't even want it. But the is something that I need to fulfill my duties to my late grandmother!"

The next part of the data was being poured into his head.

Ivar felt his disgust rise when he read the next part.

This Yue Ling! He was like the male version of the female lead of that world. A male version of Fiona.