Two round paw like hands, legs that seemed soft and squishy. Dressed in blue jumpsuit with matching blue shoes. A white plain shirt underneath the jumpsuit. Synthetic brown hair and marble like blue eyes with a round nose and plain lips, this body looked like it would break down any moment. But when Nulis entered the body and tried to move he found that the physique of the push doll was sturdy. Its body movements was also easily manageable. He looked at his partner. Looking up at Ivar Nulis felt as if his partner have become a Giant. was actually Nulis who was short. After all the push doll body was just two feet tall.

"You look good. How is it?"

The system heard his partner speak. " feels so good to have a body like this and move around according to your wish. I love it."

Ivar smiled. Nulis was really a great person. He knew greed but wasn't obsessed with it. If he were a greedy person they would be complaining right now, demanding for something more dramatic and better. Even earlier he was about to go for the cheaper bodies. Look at him...He was growing stars on his head just with a body like this.

"In the next world I am going to run through the streets and have my own adventure." Nulis exclaimed with bright eyes. He felt so blessed to finally have a body of his own.

"Pffttt..... You are like a child who is visiting a park for the first time. Anyway. Have fun on your own but make sure to tell me if something comes up." Ivar picked up Nulis in his hands examining him. Now that he had a closer look Nulis looked very cute. The colour blue really suited his character.

With a wink. "Don't worry Ivar. I will keep our connection alive so that when something happens the system will inform you immediately." Nulis was shivering with excitement. "Anyway let's go to the next world right away!"

Ding! Ding!

"Ugh....." Ivar opened his eyes, feeling nauseous and discomfort in his body. He groaned as he rushed to the bathroom. As soon as he was there he let it out.

"Blergggg.....cough cough...."


"Fuck!" Ivar cursed. Just how much bottle did this person drink for him to be vomiting so much.....

When he was done he washed his mouth, brushed them and walked out. When he was back in the room he saw Nulis getting up on the bed. He got on it and began jumping on the thick soft matress of the bed.

"...." Ivar ignored him. His lips curled up a bit but he controlled himself from not breaking into a laughter. When he squinted his eyes around the room he frowned.

Twelve bottles? No wonder he was in so much discomfort as soon as he was here. His whole body felt sore and filthy. Ivar began to tidy up the room. He cleaned the mess which took an enitre hour for him to get the huge apartment clean. After he was done with cleaning he washed himself up. Ivar opened the closet to get himself comfortable clothes. When he opened the closet door he saw ten pair of suits hanging inside along with some other clothes. He ignored those dark coloured suits taking a white t shirt and black pants.

Once he was done he went to the kitchen only to find the freeze was empty. He sighed. This body felt extremely hungry. He could tell that this person have been barely eating, drinking on empty stomach.

Ivar was very irritated.

"Nulis pour in the data." He requested. Ivar was very irked dying to know what have caused this body to ignore his well being to this extend. He was going to have to visit the hospital too.

The cute little push doll lying on the bed did as his partner said.

CEO'S SECRET OFFICE ROMANCE. Read the name of the world.

Ivar began going through the data.

This world was a normal world set in the twenty second century. The Main character of this world was someone called William Baker. He was a hard-working, efficient office worker who was an employee of one of the most famous companies of this world, M company. William was a sincere, punctual and an upright person. With his work ethics as well as his skills he was a respected worker admired by many of his co-workers. His serene handsome looks doubled the amount of secret admirers flocking around him. Both men and women liked William for he was gentle, kind, skillful and outspoken at the times of need. When someone needed assistance or some kind of help he would always back them up as their co worker and whenever there was any case of superiors abusing other workers he was always there to pin point the faults of those people without any reserve. Even though he would get into problems because of these kinds of things he always had his way out of these problems. Afterall whenever William opened his mouth he was always ready for what was to come his way. It was as if he had a perfect life. A handsome well liked co worker, a cozy apartment as his home, a well gifted man and most of all he was a high income earning bachelor. Even though he did not come from any influential family background he had made quite a decent place in this high world. Earning respect even from the owner of the M Company.

That was when his life took a roller coaster turn.

Jack Smith. The CEO of the M company. A notorious, skillful, enchanting man known by the world as an indecent player who was also a famous genius taking the once average selling M Company to its peaking height, making it into the top five companies of the world within just two years. This was the reason why Jack, despite being a terrible player was admired by the world because of his extreme skills it felt as if the world had no right to oppose him. Jack himself believed that he would be able to win over anyone be it a company or a person, he belived that no one in this world would be able to resist his charms as a man. That belief of his only shattered to pieces when he began paying attention to one of his employees.

William Baker.

This guy was able to resist Jack. Be it his money or his charm as a man. The first time Jack saw William was when he came back to his office after three years from overseas. The moment he saw him Jack wanted get in bed with William. The sexy mole on William's lips, his lean yet sturdy waist....his cat like eyes....everything about William was tempting to a player like Jack himself. With these intentions he began to pursue William effortlessly, spending every effort he could to get this man to like him. But William was a hard one. The more Jack became assertive the more he was hated by the other person.

For the first time in his life Jack was facing this kind of problem. He found the situation amusing and was even more determined to get this person at any cost. One evening when he was looking for William he saw him being caught up in a street fight. When one of the men was about to hit William with an iron rod Jack jumped in to save him getting hit instead. His head was dyed with blood that instant. Then he saw William's shocked eyes, his face laden with concern over Jack's wound. It was that instant that Jack realised his way of doing things was wrong. For him to have William he must be sincere, kind and true to his words, being very genuine and sacrificial. After that incident because of guilt William ended up nursing Jack back to health. During this time Jack effortlessly changed his impression on William until the latter began to view him as a kind person who was easily misunderstood by his lack of words. Attraction sparked its seeds between them during this time. Finally once Jack's injury fully recovered they went out for a drink together. William was drunk badly. Amidst his struggling feelings for Jack they ended up sleeping together that night. The night was too sweet for Jack to end it up with just a one night stand. So he became greedy and began to continuously hook up with William.

This was how their secret office romance began. William gave his every consent to Jack, letting him take liberties with his body as they made love like rabbits in heat. Because he perceived Jack's actions as love he thought they were in a secretive relationship. But his eyes opened when he saw Jack with another guy on the same bed where they slept together.

"Don't get me wrong. I never said that I loved you. You are just a fuck buddy."

William heard Jack say to him with cold eyes. This was when William realised that he had been played. He realised that he was just a sex toy to this man. What he was imagining things like how Jack had become sweeter to him in the past few months after their first time...was just his momentary delusion. With cold eyes William talked back to Jack. "Once I walk away I will never turn back." Saying these words he walked away without looking back.

Jack did not stop him. But he came onto William again after a month.

"Let's get back together. Liam." He whispered into his ear.

William tried to push him away. His heart was still beating feverishly because of Jack's touch telling him that he wasn't still over this man yet. Jack kissed him, caressing him and coaxing him at the same time until his wavering heart finally gave in. They rolled onto the sheets the entire night making love intensely. Jack was particularly sweet to William after that. So he thought that Jack was finally loving him properly.

However soon the second cheating incident happened. Then third. Fourth. Until It became normal for William to find Jack with some other guy in bed.

For the first time in his life William found it hard to let go. He was never the type to hesitate when it came to breaking bonds with people upon receiving betrayal but with Jack...he couldn't do it. He could see it in Jack's eyes that he loved him but....then why was he doing all these.....cheating and breaking him over and over.....

"Do you love me?"

Jack did not reply to that question.

"Your eyes are screaming that you love me!" William yelled at him. "Why are you not accepting your true feelings by yourself? Why?"

Jack never replied to William before leaving for abroad again without ever telling him his answer.

Ivar frowned. The story line of this world was so predictable. He could tell what was coming next.

Five years passed. William had yet to get over his first love..... He still couldn't forget Jack. Nor could he get over his heartbreak. One day when he was early in the company he saw a familiar back standing a few steps from him. William widened his eyes. His body froze when he saw the back of that person turn around with a smile on his face.

"Yo Liam. Its been a long time." His husky voice spoke.

William was in tears. He was crying as he ran over to hug his first love...the man who stole his heart and made him this way...making him yearn for him over and over...every night making him miss his embrace.

"You came back?" He mumbled through broken sobs.

"Yes. Because I missed you so much that I couldn't bear to be apart from you anymore." Jack whispered back to him hugging him. "I came back with a reply to your question from five years ago. William I love you."

When he heard him say so he began to cry harder. "I love you too. I have always...."

Ivar frowned. Their story ended just like that.....with them having their own happy ending. What a joke! People like Jack was the type of character that Ivar hated the most. On top of being an indecent player he was the type of person to cheat on their lover over and over again. What's more worse was that he played around with people as if they were sex toys viewing others as something that he should have if he fancies them. Look at how he manipulated William into dancing to his fingers left and right. From the data of the world it was evident to Ivar that Jack was indeed falling in love with William during the time they spent together. But because Jack grew up with conflicting parents who argued every day his belief in love broke. His parents fell in love as teenagers then they had him. But when the couple grew older and older the more distant and irritable they became towards each other. For him love was something that he didn't need in his life, love was something that could turn into hatred for him, making him turn out like his parents so he kept his heart locked away from feeling any form of deep love. This was the reason why when he felt himself falling for William he ended up sleeping around with others...fucking them on the same bed where he did William to kill his developing love for him. Yet when William would leave his heart would waver. In the end because of his fear of love Jack ended up hurting William too much before he eventually ran away. Jack left overseas to make himself forget about William without caring for the other person. He remained overseas for five years and when he was unable to get over his love for him he ran back to William. All he had to do was say I love You to get his happy ending.

Really what an ungrateful person! How convenient for him to run away when he couldn't accept himself falling in love and come back when he couldn't forget. Just because of his family issues. Jack didn't have the right to play around with so many people, taking them in when he wanted to do it and throw them away when he was done with fucking them. He was the worst type of man that Ivar hated.

Even William's first time was in his drunken state. Without a doubt Jack took advantage of him jumping at the opportunity of doing him when he got the chance to do so. It was disgusting. Some of their sex scenes were even nonconsensual.

There was even one scene where Jack forced himself on a delivery guy once or how he forced himself a few times on william.

This guy was a total rapist!

And this was the reason for this body being in shambles....